A Whole New World


“Whoa dude, wake up, you’re sweating!” Jay James said to his band mate Matt Tuck as they were flying over the Gulf of Mexico to the island of Costa Rica. He kicked Matt hard in the leg, causing him to jolt up.

“Whoa, what?” he murmured. “Where are we?”

“About 60 miles away from our next show,” Michael Paget answered from his seat across from Matt, going over some press photos with his long-time girlfriend and band photographer, Deirdre Moers.

Matt sighed and pushed the hair out of his face. He was tall; 6’3 to be exact, and sported long, straight hair and a multitude of piercings. “I fucking hate flying. And this bloody storm isn’t helping.”

The weather had been rough since the journey began: harsh winds, dark clouds, and the occasional lightening bolt. It had also started to pour rain about an hour before this moment.

“Oh, my God!” Deirdre shrieked. “Look at Moose!”

They all directed their attention to Michael Thomas, who was laying asleep on the floor of the plane, cuddling up with the stuffed animal he bought in the United States for his daughter. Deirdre moved down next to him and snapped a photo. “This is so going on all of your websites!”

A round of “Hell yeah!” went around the group. She tried to stand up, but was thrown back down to the ground as the plane lurched to the left. “What the Hell?”

“We’re all going to die!” Matt exclaimed, and grabbed a hold of Jay. The two men sat hugging each other and screaming.

The pilot of the jet they were on, a young Costa Rican native by the name of Rodriguez, came on the intercom and said, “Everybody fasten your seatbelts! We’re going to make an emergency landing, hold on tight!”

Padge pulled Deirdre off of the ground and strapped her in, then did the same to Moose, seeing as how the other two men were still holding onto each other for dear life. The plane continued to sway and rock in an unsteady fashion until finally, it landed roughly in the middle of some grassy field. The lights flickered on, and Rodriguez came into the cabin.

“Sorry guys, we had to land, or we would have been blown straight into the ocean. As soon as this storm passes, I should be able to get some signal on my radio, and then we can call for a helicopter or something. Until then, we’re stuck here.”

“Um, where exactly is ‘here’?” Moose asked, shakily undoing his seatbelt and standing up.

Rodriguez sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “One of the islands of Las Cinco Muertes.”

“Las cinco muertes? What the Hell does that mean, exactly?” Matt asked, clearly exasperated.

“The Five Deaths,” Rodriguez said. “Nothing to worry about, it is just a name.”

Padge stood, and helped his girlfriend to do the same. “What exactly are on these islands?”

“Well,” Rodriguez sighed. “There’s typical wildlife, mostly lizards and monkeys. These islands are known to have been volcanic; while they are dormant, no one chooses to live here. It’s relatively deserted.”

Everyone sighed in relief. As they went to open the door of the plane, they heard a startling noise; something that sounded like a lion’s roar, but louder, and with more of a cry to it. They all looked back and forth between each other, looking for a possible explanation. There was another cry, but it sounded more like a honking noise, followed by the same cry they heard before.

“What… the fuck…” Jay stuttered. “I’ve never seen monkeys in person before, but I’m pretty sure they don’t make those kinds of sounds.”

They all turned to Rodriguez for an explanation. He started to get nervous. “We must have landed on Isla Sorna.”

“Isla Sorna?” Deirdre shrieked. “What the fuck is Isla Sorna?”

“It translates to Sarcasm Island. There have been many reports by government officials of strange, new species turning up here. Nobody ever got a permit to investigate, it could hurt Costa Rica’s tourism.”

“What kind of strange new spec-“ Matt started, but was cut off when he looked out of the window. “-Are lizards supposed to be that big?”