A Whole New World


“Think we lost them?” Moose panted to his group when they finally stopped running.

“It’s quite possible,” Arby said, “We’d be able to feel the impact tremor throughout the ground if they were chasing us.”

The two men stared at him quizzically, and Sarah nodded. “He’s right. The ground would be shaking.”

“Oh, right,” Padge said. “I knew that. That big fucker better not fuck with my guitar.”

Moose smacked him on the back of the head. “Ow! What the fuck was that for?” Padge exclaimed.

“We have no shelter, no food, we’re separated from the rest of the group, and you’re worried about your fucking guitar?!”

“Yeah, I am,” he said in defense. “Have you got a problem with that?”

“Obviously!” Moose spat.

“Guys, calm down,” Sarah soothed. “We can find them, I’m sure we can. Besides, we should have a helicopter coming in a few days, we can survive until then.”

“I hope so,” Moose muttered, kicking a nearby tree.

Padge rolled his eyes. “Dude, what the fuck is your problem?”

“My problem, dude, is I’m 27 years old, I’m way too fucking young to die! We’re on a fucking island with fucking dinosaurs that will fucking kill us! Do you know what the last thing I said to my kids was? I fucking promised them that I’d be back. You don’t have kids, so you might not understand, but I need to fucking survive for them, and right now that’s not looking too possible.”

“Michael, get your panties out of whatever hurricane they’re in. You’re going to survive, chill the fuck out.” Padge said.

“Don’t call me Michael, Michael. I will not ‘chill the fuck out’ until I’m home in one piece.” Moose shouted, turning around and stalking off.


Kelly yawned, trying to stay awake in their tree-top safety zone. The area they had been sitting in was seemingly comfortable for them to sit in; it was like a flat table-top, about six feet by eight. They had been up there for a few hours, and could see where the trailers used to be. Used to be. They had watched the two giant dinosaurs completely destroy them, and were waiting for their group to come back to where they were to be re-united. No such luck, though.

“Where the fuck did they go?” Jay wondered out loud for the nineteenth time in the hour.

Matt sighed. “Obviously far away from here, otherwise we’d be able to see them.”

There was silence for another couple of minutes, before Jay broke it again. “Are you scared, Kelly?”

She shook her head. “No, not yet. As long as I can stay up here, I’m fine.”

“That’s good,” he nodded. “I’m not, either. If my daughter was here, she’d be scared senseless.”

“You have a daughter? How old is she?” Kelly asked.

He smiled timidly to himself. “She’s three. Her name is Abigail. Cutest little girl on the face of the planet.”

“You miss her, don’t you man?” Matt said.

He nodded. “More than you know. We’d better be going back to Wales after this, Japan can wait.”

Kelly yawned again. “What time do you think it is?”

Matt shrugged. “I don’t know, probably around nine or ten. My phone was in my bag, which was on the trailer.”

She nodded and stared at the landscape. There were no dinosaurs out that they could see; there was only the sound of a source of water flowing near by. That of course also meant that they couldn’t hear the others.

Kelly felt herself get poked on the head. “Hm?” She said, snapping out of a blank trance.

“Are you tired?” Matt asked her.

She nodded. “Only a little, I’m fine.”

“You can go to sleep,” Jay said. “It’s okay, we won’t draw on your or shave your eyebrows off.”

She laughed. “I’ll fall out of the tree if I fall asleep.”

Matt scoffed. “Do you really think we’d let you fall out of a tree?”

She shrugged. “I guess not. Are you going to sleep? What if Tyrannosaurs or Velociraptors come?”

“Well, me and Matt will take turns sleeping,” Jay offered. “Sleep tight.”

“You too,” she said, yawning one last time before giving in to sleep.


“Fucking talk to me like that,” Moose muttered under his breath. “They just don’t fucking understand.”

He was all alone now, walking aimlessly in the direction of where the trailers used to be. He guessed it was about nine o’clock, and was surprised that the stars and moon were shining brightly. Wales never got night illumination like this. He heard light footsteps from behind him, causing him to jolt around and search the area frantically.

“Hello?” he called out. “Matt? Jay? Dr. Levine?”

When there was no answer, he turned back around and kept walking. Again, the light footsteps haunted him from behind. His next instinct was that it was a dinosaur, potentially dangerous, and started to run. He got about five feet before whatever was behind him tackled him to the ground. He didn’t dare turn to look; he just laid there, begging it wasn’t going to kill him.


“So Deirdre, you and Padge have been together for two years?” Malcolm asked.

She nodded. “Yep. Two whole years. What about you?”

“Well, I haven’t met Padge until today, so we’ve been together for what, eight hours?” he smirked.

She laughed and hit him lightly on the arm. “You know what I meant. Are you with anyone?”

He chuckled. “No, I can’t say I am. Always looking, though, for a future ex-Mrs. Malcolm.”

“Oh you’re making me sick,” Levine spat. “Malcolm, do you have any idea where we are?”

“No idea,” Malcolm said. “And chaos theory tells me that we have both a 1/1,000,000,000 chance in running into one of them, and a 1/17.87 chance. So I’d stop worrying and just enjoy the company.”

Levine shook his head. “You’re something else, Ian. I’m going to look for refuge or… something. Stay here.”

Malcolm and Deirdre looked at each other and smirked. “Don’t worry,” Deirdre said, “We’ll find ways to, entertain ourselves.”


“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,|” Moose thought.

He felt the animal get off of his back and make its’ way to his face, sniffing it. He finally managed to open his eyes, and saw a small pair staring back. The animal was no bigger than three feet long and two feet in height. He pushed himself up with his arms a bit and got a better look. It had three horns on its’ head, and stubby legs. He guessed it was just baby, and sighed massively in relief. The animal pawed at the ground a bit and licked Moose’s face. He giggled and propped himself up into a kneel, petting it behind the ring crowning its’ head.

“Hey, you’re not so bad, are you?” He said when the animal propped its’ two front feet on his leg. “Are you a veggiesaurus?”

It sniffed his left cheek and licked him again. “Wow, you’re cute,” Moose said. “Can I keep you? Where are your parents?”

He stood and looked around, seeing no sign of bigger animals of its’ kind. He took a few steps, and the animal gladly followed. He smiled down at the creature and said, “That settles it, then, you’re my new friend. I think I’ll call you… Pablo.”


“So tell me, what sort of career do you have?” Malcolm asked Deirdre. They made themselves comfy inside a massive tree-trunk.

“Well, I’m the photographer for Bullet For My Valentine,” she started. “I used to photograph other things, wildlife and such. After I met Padge, though, they really liked my work and hired me full-time.”

“How very nice of them,” he said. “It makes you happy?”

She shrugged. “Doesn’t make me sad. It gets old after a while, but it’s still a fun life.”

He nodded. “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“Not at all,” she said, shaking her head. “Ask away.”

“You’ve been with Padge for two years; that’s a long time to be with one person. Does he really mean that much to you?”

She stared away for a few minutes before turning to him and answering. “Well, yeah. He means a lot to me. He’s a great guy, he really is. Well…” she paused. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d never want to hurt him, but sometimes I do wonder if I’m just wasting my time. With him it’s all work and very little play. Very little. Very/. He used to be so much fun, but now he’s just… not. And it wasn’t always that way.”

“Ah,” Malcolm sighed. “What I’m hearing is that once the band got serious, he got serious. Am I correct?”

She shrugged, then nodded. “As much as I don’t want to admit it, it’s true. The spark is gone, only routine is left.”

“Maybe it’s not meant to be,” Malcolm said, almost to himself.

“Maybe,” Deirdre said, locking eyes with him. “Maybe it’s time for… someone else…”

Without another word, she was pulled into a kiss that made both of their heads spin.