The Secrets We Keep Inside

The First of Many

As I was driven back onto that road all of the haunting memories of my past came flooding back. It was the same house at the end of that block. The paint was now chipping and it looked even more dirty then before. It didn't seem as big now though, since the last time I saw it. It was so long ago. I was only ten then, but even though I am older, the house made me feel nauseous.

Him. He was there. He was waiting in that house, probably drinking as I had always remembered him doing. I doubt he even cares she's dead. My mother is dead. He was the only one left. My father was the only place that I could be. "Faith, what is your fathers name again?" asked the older women driving me. Her name was Silvia. She looked old but she was only in her 40's. She smelled like she had walked through a fountain of strong perfume all the time. I had been holding my nose for a while now. "Drake..." I said slowly. She nodded and pulled into the driveway. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. Silvia smiled at me as she to got out of the car and walked to the door.

She knocked on the door three times then took a slight step back. I was behind her. He answered the door only a few seconds after she knocked. He didn't look to drunk. "Hi, I'm Silvia, I left a message earlier.." Ah..she left a message. He must has washed up. "...and a you know I'm here to bring Faith to you." she smiled. I looked at his face and saw that he was smiling.

"Of course" He said still smiling.
"I'll go get the bags" said Silvia. "She will need more, we could only fit to suitcases full of her things from her house." Drake grunted, "Not a problem" he said and Silvia went to go get the bags. "Your getting so big" he said putting my hair behind my ear making me flinch. He chuckled.

They got the bags and Drake suggested I go up to my old room while Silvia and him talked. I nodded and took the bags and went up to my room quickly. I put my stuff down on my old bed and in cracked. Then I sat down on the bed and put my head on in between my legs. It still didn't stop the world from spinning.

He came into my room. Mother was gone. It was only the first time. I was nine. He came into my room and got onto my bed. He said that we were going to have some fun. He was wasted from the liquor that laid in the cupboards downstairs. He said that I had to keep it a secret or he would do worse things to me and my mother. He started feeling me everywhere. Under my shirt and then under my pants. He took his zipper down. My pants were off. He was on top. Inside of me.
I am bigger now, but so is he.

"It seems she hangs"
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Chapter one. Comment <<3
Quotes are Romeo and Juliet at the end of each chapter.