The Secrets We Keep Inside

Madison Lake High

Breathe breathe breathe I told myself over and over again as I was getting ready in the morning. I was sore, and bruise. I felt the tears drip down my eyes and was happy that I hadn't put my mascara and eyeliner on yet. I wiped my yes and mumbled "Stop it, don't be weak" to myself softly.

I went in my closet and slipped a pair old jeans on. I threw on the first shirt in my hands, my black tee I had gotten about a week ago with my old friends. In a safe neighborhood. A town far away from this hell. I put on a layer of eyeliner, and decided it wasn't safe to wear mascara today. I took my hair and brushed it quickly getting through the knots at the end of it. I wanted to get to school as quick as possible. Correction, I wanted to get out of this house as soon as possible. I quickly grabbed my old backpack and flung it over my shoulders. I hit a box that blocked the doorway on the way out.

I didn't want to ride the bus, and even if I did, I didn't know where the stop was. I'd rather not see any new faces. Not now. I new where the school was because Silvia had shown me it and told me where to get my schedule, help, whatever. I sighed and started walk down the driveway, down the street. I walked along and three cars zoomed by me, then a bus filled with people that probably went to Madison High School. I looked down at my feet, watching the lines of the sidewalk come and go. I took a left and went around the corner. I kept on walking straight, till there it was. MLHS.

"Excuse me" I said my head more down then up. "I..I'm Faith Johnson, I'm new here? Um.." she thought about saying step-father. "a social worker called? Silvia?" I said. The lady looked up with a warm smile. "Of course" she said. She put a stack of papers in front of me. "Here is your schedule, and some papers that your father has to sign." She said. I nodded quickly and gave her a a quick "thank you".

I walked out the office looking at her papers. The schedule said I had English first, I kept on walking and WHAM. I hit a guy walking with his head down as well.

"Watch where your fucki-" said the guy until he saw my face. "Oh...umm" he said.
"Uh..I'm...I'm sorry" I said quickly bending down to pick up his books that were scattered across the floor"
"No I'm sorry I should have looked where I was going, here let me help." he bent down and scooped up my papers. I could tell he was glancing at them.
"Are you new? I mean I haven't seen you around" he said handing my stuff back to me. "Yes" I said giving him his things.
"Oh.." he said. "Sorry again." he said.
"Yes, me too" I said and nodded to him. I then started walking down the hall again. I looked back and he was still looking at me. When he saw me, he quickly turned away.
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