The Secrets We Keep Inside

Something like that.

Mr. Becker was a short man. He was almost completely bald, and the florescent lights made his bald head gleam even more. I hated being late. No, I hated the feeling of walking into a classroom full of eyes, silently judging every step you took.

"May I help you?" Mr. Becker asked his eyebrows raised. A couple people in the far back started to whisper. "My name is Faith Johnson. I'm new here, my schedule said this is my first hour," I spit out quickly. I handed him my schedule. He scanned it over and nodded. "Mmmhm." He said. "Well it seems we have a new student." he said smiling at me. No shit Sherlock.

"Why don't you go over and sit by Devin." he said pointing to a boy in the back of the class with long hair and bloodshot eyes. Devin picked up his hand lazily in a greeting.
I nodded and walked to the back of the class, eyes burning holes in every part of me. I sat down, taking a very deep sigh. Devin turned around, "Welcome newbie, to the home of the Trojans" he gave me a grin. I smiled slightly back.

"Romeo and Juliet, is the new book we will be reading. I'm sure many of you have read it and I'm sure all of you have at least heard of it before, but we are going to dive in deep. We will unravel the pages word by word. Letter by letter. After that, I am going to ask you to write a story on a modern day Romeo and Juliet!" he said. I think he expected us to be more excited then we were because he paused for a second after talking, as if waiting for a burst of applause.

"Yes..well, alright then. I will pass out the books and you can look over them and such."

As the books were dispersed around the room Devin turned around again. "So what brings you here, Johnson?" he said doing that one sided grin again. I opened my mouth a bit and closed it again. The less known the better. "I just came to move in with my...Dad" I said as I swallowed to bulge in my throat.

He nodded. "Cool. Mother problems or something like that?"
I bit the inside of my lip before saying, "Something like that."

He that is strucken blind cannot forget
The precious treasure of his eyesight lost.
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Hope you enjoy it. I'll try to update more now that I have time.