The Secrets We Keep Inside

The Ocean

Lunch is an unholy place. You take hundreds of hormonal, hungry teenagers and lock them all in a cage for 45 minutes. Then of course everybody divides into there comfort zones. The places where if they stay, no harm will come to them. Then there is me. The bland fish that the piranhas devourer.

I grab my lunch from the ala-cart line. It is full with junk food and calories. Chips, cookies, pizza, hamburgers, ect. I spot a small section where the fruit is placed, behind the chips of course, and grab an apple from it. Next to the apples, there is a silver bin full of caramel. I grab two packets. Over indulgence. Then I realize that it is not my mother’s money I am spending. Not anymore. Now it’s His. I take two pieces of pizza, a bag of chips, two red Gatorades, and a bag of cookies. I set them down on the check out counter, and smile.

“Got enough food there?”

I whipped around knocking over a rack on the counter full of fruit roll ups. I hear laughing from some girls in the line behind me.

“I’m so sorry!” I say as I scramble to the floor.
The boy behind me kneels down as well. “We have to stop meeting these ways” he said.
I realize it was the boy from earlier in the hall. I feel my cheeks get hot. He laughs.

After I am done cleaning up my mess and paying for all my food I pick up my things and start walking.
“Wait!” said the mystery boy. He jogs up to me.
“Sorry, my name is David, David Smith.” he said smiling. “And you are?”
“Faith” I said quietly trying not to look in his eyes.
“Are you sitting with anybody?” David asked.

I looked around. “I guess not,”

“Good, then you, my dear are sitting with me.” he started walking to a table filled with only a few open seats left.
My feet seemed to just move for me. I thought of how weird I looked carrying a shit load of food.
The ugly crab surrounded by a school of fish. No pun intended.

“My fellow students, Faith Johnson.” he said, introducing me. I did a quick nod. I set down all my food on the table, regretting buying it. I immediately noticed Devin sat there, along with a bunch of other guys, and only two other girls.

“Hey there Fresh!” said Devin. “How was you first half?” He smiled and bit the end off a fry. I sat down awkwardly.

“Fine, I guess. I just hate not knowing where to be and stuff like that. I’m sure I’ll get it down.”

I picked up my apple. It was browning at the top. I didn’t care. I covered it with a bit of caramel and took a huge bite out of it.

“Jesus, like to eat of something?” said a blond haired girl across from me. From that moment I could tell I didn’t like her. She’s one of those people that you can tell if they are a bitch from the sound of their voice. Her voice screamed bitch.

“Hungry…” I mumbled.

“Shut the hell up Rebbecca. I like a girl with an appetite” said David.

I gave a chuckle.

After endless questions including, “Where are you from?”, “Why did you move here” and, “Where do you live”, the bell finally rung. I had just finished my apple.

I scooped up everything else, walked over to the trash, and threw it.

It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden.
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Two updates. One day. Enjoy and comment.