The Secrets We Keep Inside

Peril In Thine Eye

The school day was over. There was a pit in the bottom of my stomach. I did not want to go home. Maybe I could stay here, I would live in the school. I would lay under a desk every night and cradle myself until I fell into a dream. I would take the food from the cafeteria and eat it for dinner every night. I would eat it till I am to big to fit under the desk. I would be stuck under the teachers desk, surrounded in my own body...

"Hey!" someone shouted behind me, making me jump out of my daydream. It was David.

I took a quick breath in. "Umm..hey" I said grabbing my books and shoving them into my book bag.

He grinned his cocky smile.

“Have a nice first?” he asked as I hoisted my book bag over my shoulders. I winced as I felt a bruise on my shoulder, invisible until now.

I looked at him and gave him a half smile. “It was alright, just kind of tiring” I said.

His eyes went down for a second. “Oh, yeah. I’m sure….say, I was kind of wondering, I mean I know you must be tired and all..” he said scratching the back of his head. It was funny how much he resembled and acted like an actor in some teen flick. The one where everything was perfect besides who the girl was going to the prom with, or how her hair looked. “..but I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to this party at my house tonight. It’s more like a get together really, Devin and his girl Becca will be there.” he said then looked into my eyes waiting for a reply.

Damn those eyes. They were so full, yet somehow hollow. They were a deep emerald. They were wide, as if trying to take something in about me, trying to trace my every detail. I almost wondered if her could see the secrets in my eyes. That is why I tore my eyes from him. “I..I couldn’t get a ride, my father has to work late” I said, keeping my eyes from him so they wouldn’t give anything away.

“I could give you a ride right now if you want. Everybody is going to be there in a couple hours, Devin probably sooner..I mean if your dad wouldn’t mind” David said, hope in his voice. Really, what did he see in me?

I bit my lip. Would he be mad? “Yeah, sure that would be fine with him” I gave him a half smile and closed my locker.

His face lit up. I swear his eyes got brighter as well. “Great! Come on my car is out this way”
He led me out the main door.

Well, better then my first plan. Right?

Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of their swords.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment, I'll add more soon.