Blood Stained

One Mortal Left

“What was that thing that butchered Lorna?” John asked one of the robed figures, he shuddered at the recollection of the unwanted memory.
“A rouge. Taking our practices for his own uses” He replied in a voice that confirmed that it wasn’t the one known as Alex.
“There are something’s, believe it or not, that the world does not know. Our own thoughts. Our own creations. Everything we know is our own. No where learned. No where heard of.”
“You can’t be just talking about you and the other one are you?”
“My, my you all of a sudden got your courage back. Faster than most I admit. Enough. Something’s must remain unknown.”
“But there’s six of us. And one of you…” John said musing an idea as a thought illuminated his brain. The robed figure snapped a dusty book shut, and looked to them. His thoughts, and intentions unreadable by Marcus. “Attack!” John ordered and alpha team sprung into action and charged at the robed figure.
Marcus slid along the floor, creating a trail of dust as a cold fist collided with his face. Nathaniel flew upwards as something collided with his stomach, he was then slammed to the ground. Kiera’s head hit the floor as her legs where pushed out from underneath her. Damon’s and Mitchell’s bodies struck each other in mid flight. Kayla collided with a wall after a foot was planted into her stomach.

It was all over in a matter of seconds. Those who still had a fragment of consciousness, could not move. Dazed by an attack unseen. Confused by an invisible ferocity and dizzy from an assault unheard. John was held by one cold hand. Ten inches off the floor. His features turning red as the blood flow became partially blocked as he gasped for air. He clung onto the arm trying to push himself away. His legs kicked pathetically, needing the embrace of the ground they were so familiar with. The robed figure growled, still clutching the dusty book in his right hand.
“Do it scumbag.” John spat, at the figure. The smell of blood enticed the robed figure. The scent of fear brought hungry desires and thoughts into his mind. It titled it’s head to the left as if curious, and brought John close.
“Ok” It said. John’s eyes widened in disbelief, believing that he had some ulterior purpose granting him immunity until his worth was over, he did not comprehend the fact that he meant nothing to them.
He yelped as at a speed beyond comprehension, the figure drove it’s unseen fangs into his neck. It pierced his external jugular vein, sending blood spraying back into the robed figures mouth.
“No!” Kayla moaned, gripping her sides. Unable to move. John convulsed violently, hastily losing blood. The figure grunted and relished the sweet taste of the crimson liquid.
Every second that went by, John’s convulsion’s became weaker. His skin became paler, and his eyes slowly started to roll backwards.

The figure crouched down as it continued to drain John. It followed his throat as he laid John on the ground. His head rose up, and he closed John’s eye lids.
“Anyone else want to try?” His voice a dual version of its former self.
“Give him back.” Kayla whispered, clutching a tiny golden cross that dangled around her neck. “Please. Give him back.”
“He can’t” Alex appeared once more. “But I can.” Kayla looked up, staring into the pitch blackness of his hood, searching for a glimmer of hope that he wasn’t messing with her mind.
“Fine. But know this. If I do this, you remain loyal to me, and never raise your arm or weapon against another one of us.”
Kayla nodded, and the figure crouched next to John’s body. “Wait.” And he paused. “Will he be a Vampire?”
“Perhaps. It varies on the person’s genetic coding. You, on the other hand, have no say in the matter. You will become a Vampire.” Kayla’s eyes widened slightly in shock, but knowing that there was no other way she resigned herself to silent tears, and gestured for him to continue.

The figure hovered his hand a few inches above the corpse’s head. The room appeared to breathe as a loud inhaling sound could be heard. Green mist snaked it’s way out of his hand, and wriggled it’s way into John’s body. Causing his head to glow slightly. He moved his hand down the body, the ghostly mist fully enveloping John. The figure brought his hand back up to John’s head and his eyes snapped open and he gasped, taking in as much air as his lungs would allow. Alex pulled his hand away slowly, causing John to sit up in an attempt to follow the enticing energy. When the green mist stopped, John’s head slumped forward. Steam rolled off his back as he breathed heavily.
The figure lifted his chin up and turned his head from side to side as if examining him. A vacant look remained in John’s half opened eyes.
“John…” He said, and his eyes opened wide in recognition. Then, the loud crunching of reforming bone structure erupted as John collapsed and contorted on the floor. Kayla whimpered while the others watched in fascination. Neither have seen a turning before. It was rare in this century. “He’s turning…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Tada! soon the humans of the team will be humans no longer.
What did you think of Kayla's choice? do you think that she should have left him dead rather than give herself? TELL ME
Any improvements? (Other than to make it longer) TELL ME
Please and thank You ^-^