Blood Stained


Kayla stood on the edge of the stone balcony. Her hair had dulled from a shining blond, to a peaceful ash colour. Her eyes from sea blue to red, and her skin now as pale as the moon was in the times of lore. She looked down, over the edge, and stared at the ground blanketed by fog, making it appear bottom less.
“You know. Six months ago. I would have been afraid to even walk to this balcony. And now here I am. Standing at its edge as if it were nothing.” She said in a harsh tone.
“We’ve all changed Kayla. Me? I kinda like being able to survive a six hundred foot drop.” John said. His appearance had changed as well. His eyes the same blood red colour as Kayla’s, but his hair was short. Black. He shares the Vampiric trade mark of pale skin. Blood less skin.

He walked over, hopping on the edge to stand next to her.
“Was it worth it though John? Immortality for lack of heat? Water and food for the blood of others? We are monsters damn it!” Kayla exclaimed, crossing her arms in an ill tempered way.
“Hey” John said softly. Putting his forefinger beneath her chin, and lifting her head up so that he looked deep into her eyes. “No matter if you were as hideous as the very creatures we’re fighting against. You will never be a monster.”
They remained silent for a while. Kayla looking in Johns eyes, searching for any glint of a lie. After finding none, she threw herself into his arms, where he embraced her as she sobbed dry tears.
“I just… I just don’t know what to do John. I’m so cold. So alone.” Kayla whimpered, finding slight comfort in John’s muscular arms.
“You’re not alone.” He whispered.
“I’ll never leave you.” John said, his voice cracking slightly. Kayla looked up. Into the rouge abyss of his eyes. She closed hers, and pushed up on her toes, making her velvet lips meet his chapped ones.
They held their lips together in an embrace sweeter than blood, but just as warm. His hands found their way to her gently curved hips, as her arms gripped his. Slowly, his tongue entered and explored the regions of her mouth. After a short while, they parted. Resting on each others foreheads, and exhaling loudly.

They soon found their way to a private room. Candlelight enveloped them, as they fell onto the soft, patterned pillows and quilts of a make-shift bed. Their lips continued to crash together, as John’s fingers threaded their way through Kayla’s ashen hair.

Kayla slowly undid the buttons of his silk shirt, and slid it off of his arms, revealing chiseled abs, that were a healthy brown glow from the candles.
John groped his hands around and slowly undid the zip to her jump-suit. His hands snaked their way inside and parted the two pieces of material, before gently pushing it down to her waist.
Their lips parted, and John kissed her collar bone. He kissed down the front of her body. Her skin like silk underneath his lips. He pulled down on the jump suit, sliding it off of her slender legs.

Kayla’s breath caught in her throat, as she gasped at the sudden touch of John’s hand gripping her breasts. He continued to kiss her on her lips, while slowly grinding his waist into hers.
His fingers fumbled as he removed the lace bra, fully exposing her chest. There was a slight pop, as he undid the buttons on his trousers and slid them off, without taking his lips off hers.
Gentle fingers slid Kayla’s underwear off, making her shiver as it stroked her legs on the way down.
He folded back the waist band of his boxers, and pulled them down. Revealing his throbbing length. His hooked beneath her back and gripped her shoulders.

John slowly, slipped inside her. Making Kayla give a slight cry. He pulled back, then gently pushed forward again. Biting his lip at the feeling of the moist enclosure he had longed for.
Once again he thrust forward a little harder this time. Earning another moan from Kayla. Her nails scraping gently down his back, as her legs intertwined with his.
John’s pace quickened. Slight, rhythmic grunts came with each thrust. His tongue licked her shoulder, as her fingers knotted themselves in his hair. She grabbed a fistful and tugged a little.
John’s eyes flashed a pitch black, and his lips slowly caressed Kayla’s neck. He gave a moan of pleasure as his thrusts became faster, and more vigorous.
Once again, John’s eyes flashed black and a hungry scent traveled up his nose. Kayla moaned in pleasure as John continued his thrusts.

John’s lips peeled back, revealing his sharpened canine teeth. He took in one last gulp of air through his nose, before puncturing Kayla’s neck with his teeth.
She squealed, John’s eyes were fully black. Kayla, rocking back and forth slightly from the force of his thrusts. Soon her eyes too turned a pitch black, and she brought her mouth down on Johns shoulder. John gave a noise that sounded more like a growl than a moan.
They both continued this way. Making a grunting/ moaning sound with each re-penetration.
John’s pace increased faster still. Before he gave a few last, hard thrusts into Kayla, and he felt the release and relaxation as he came. He continued to thrust, decreasing rapidly in speed, before he finally, pulled out and away.

They turned to face each other. John caressing the side of Kayla’s face, gently with his fingertips. Brushing her hair behind her ear. They shared after glow kisses. Cuddling closer together, and holding each other. Smelling the satisfaction of their own scent now embedded in the other.
“I love you” John whispered quietly.
“I love you t--” An ear splitting screech cut Kayla off, and they snapped up in bed. The warning alarm rang painfully in their ears as they gripped each other tight.
“Dojeks! Dojeks!” Someone screamed. “We’re under attack!”

They stood up and dashed to the window, seeing the winged fury of the Dojeks, flying towards them. They clumsily pulled their clothes on and ran to the roof.

Soldiers waiting with guns clicking, and high explosive weapons aiming directly ahead. John ran to Nathaniel who was crouched on the edge of the fortress.
“Where are they?” He demanded. Nathaniel, gave them a blank look, before he caught a scent of past deeds.
“Have you too just--” Another screech, and the loud bang of a missile launcher being fired whistled in the air.
“Where are they!?” John shouted again.
“I don’t know! Ever since HE left, no one has seen any of them.” John looked around frantically. Then came the familiar sound of rushed wind. Fifty or so robed figures landed on the edge of the fortress.
“You need to get everybody down stairs” One growled.
“Hang on a minute!” John exclaimed.
“Do it!” Another demanded.

One with broad shoulders looked down at one of the soldiers holding a rocket launcher, and nodded. The soldier took aim, and sparks flew as a rocket was propelled by flame out of the weapon. When they looked up, they saw one of the robed figures surfing on the rocket. His left arm in front of his face, shielding him from the vicious wind. He leant to the left and the rocket curved to the left.
He gripped the end and pulled the nose up, sending the rocket propelling into the sky. Finally he pushed down, the rocket spun out of control as he free fell out of the sky.
The rocket slammed into the side of The Dojek. And it screamed in pain, as the intense heat of the explosion blasted away skin and scale. It roared but continued to fly, as the wound grew back, and pieced it’s self together.

The next thing that happened was the middle Dojek was flying and rolling out of control as the free falling Vampire landed on it and started to swipe at the foul beasts head. It roared and scraped his back, leaving red lines down his spine. They closed up and healed immediately. Still the two figures tumbled in a rampant struggle.

The other two carried on flapping their leathery wings at high speeds towards the fortress. The other robed figures tensed themselves. Their muscles charging all the strength they had. Ready to pounce on the slightly draconic vampires.

Still they wrestled, the hooded figure crawled his way behind the Dojek and on to his neck. One last swipe on his face from The Dojek, which seemingly did nothing, and the Vampire plunged his hand into the back of The Dojeks head.
He forced his way past the thin layer of muscle, and the rock hardness of the bone. His hand found it’s way to the cerebral cortex of The Dojek’s mind. His iron grip, wrapped around the tangle of nerves. And he yanked. Pulling the rope-like innards out.
There was aloud huff, and The Dojek’s eyes rolled back into its head. It’s tongue flopped limply out of it’s gaping jaws.

The only sound was that of the far off battle, and the slamming and crunching of leaves as it’s limp body crashed into the forest. The robed figure landed softly next to it. A gust of wind slammed against his body, and his robes fell apart in shreds. Revealing the gentle features of his face and a mess of brown hair. He stared hatefully at the giant corpse, venom in his eyes, and snarled.
Then with wave of his hand over the corpse, it immediately began to combust in white flame. It’s skin peeled away and it’s muscled bubbled into nothingness. It’s veins and organs exploded and finally, it’s bones turned to nothing but ash. Still the fire burned, throwing a putrid smell of a rotting carcass into the air.
The Vampire grimaced before speeding away back to the fortress, in the hope that there may still be assistance needed.
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Just so you know this wasn't supposed to be raunchy. It was supposed to be an act of love between to Vampires.
If you didn't catch the soft & gentle tone of the sexual part of this chapte. please tell me how i can make it so to your liking.
So comment and tell me what you think.