Blood Stained

They Don't Need An Explanation

Blood sorcery. One of the very few practices that happen to actually work. A blood sorcerer is able to command, create and manipulate natural events by shedding blood. But only the sorcerer him/herself must be the one to shed the blood, whether it be from themselves or from another, or else it doesn’t work. Blood sorcery is extremely hard to master, and many humans never accomplish this as their life span is not nearly as enduring as required to even learn the basics, so this art is usually specialized among Vampires and Lycanthropes.
But blood sorcery was outlawed and banned in the year 2200, due to humanities jealousy for having yet another lack of power. They said it was because it was inhumane and unreasonable. But humanity never like a power greater than its own, and never will.

A great chill was sent, slithering down every spine, of every being in the stronghold. Daniel, had awakened. The blood that was floating effortlessly in the air was suddenly dragged down by gravity, but instead of hitting the ground. It stopped, and it too shivered and shook. The robed Vampire turned slowly, ready to face whatever resided behind her. But all she saw was the still lying body of Daniel. His face wreathed in darkness.
She felt something wet, and slimy in texture sliver past her ankles and she hopped onto a chair in response. The blood had begun to crawl it’s way towards the statue-like body. It snaked and marched like serpentine soldiers. It crept slowly in to the darkness of his hood, decreasing in number as every second passed.
Many had hurried to the room, to watch what was happening. They stared with shocked eyes, and they whispered with disbelief.
The blood had begun to twirl above the hood, and sink in. Like water swirling down a plug hole.

Not a single drop of free blood was left behind, as it was pulled past the hungry lips of Daniel. Everyone remained silent as a single, minuscule drop of the crimson liquid dropped flawlessly into the shade.

He slowly sat up. No one dared to even breathe. His head hung limp, looking down to the floor. He slowly started to clench pale hands, and the furniture in the room began to shake violently. They rattled and shook, many ornaments smashed on the rock floor, and people gave barely audible gasps.
And when all went still, and quiet. No single creature within a hundred meters moved, as if captivated by some mirage of promise and beauty.
Daniel’s head slowly lifted up, facing everyone. His shoulders drew back as if taking a deep breath, and a loud, stone crushing screech erupted from him. Everyone gripped their ears in pain. Yielding to their knees, attempting to block out the horrible noise. It was similar to that of the Dojeks, and yet some how different. More high pitched. Every few seconds they shivered as if they could feel the waves of sound collide with everything that has form.

When finally, the bloodcurdling shriek had gone, and the repercussions stopped bouncing off of the cold, rock walls. The people that were closest looked up. Only to find that he was gone.
“What the fuck was all that about?” John, said panting heavily. No one replied. He ran over and gripped one of the robed figures by the arm, but quickly recoiled after a hand caught his wrist. “Answer me.” He demanded.
“He is searching for the master.” The figure replied. His voice was smooth. Monotone. Not a single change in pitch could be identified.
“And the screaming?”
“You’ve heard of echo-location yes?”
“Well, yes but its never that loud. Isn’t it usually tiny squeaks and clicks?”
“Yes. But how many things are the size of man and use echo-location? If you find one of these, that is also Vampiric, tell me. I would find it most intriguing to study it.” He replied politely. He had a manner of royalty in his stance, that beamed with pride and confidence.
He slowly turned to leave, when John placed his hand gently on his shoulder.
“And what about you? Are you all going to leave now as well?”
“No. Our duty remains here and it was the masters last wish. We were told to protect this stronghold of man. And protect it we shall. But once we are no longer needed. We shall no longer be found.” And as always, all The Vir left within a blink of an eye.
“How do they do that?” A teenage boy asked aloud. His blue eyes glittering in wonder beneath a scruffy, un-brushed fringe. “I mean, how do they know exactly when to leave?”
“Well they are Vampires” Another voice answered.
“Yeah, but not even the telepathic ones are that good”
“They are The Vir Bill. They don’t need an explanation.”
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Hope ya liked it. Tips would be handy. But any comment at all would be better ^_^