Blood Stained

Brothers In Arms And Blood

Faster than the wind he ran. Not stopping or diverting from the straight line he was headed. Ruins, trees, even rivers were pushed aside on his conquest to find his beloved friend.
Daniel breathed heavily, his mind focused on one thing. Usually he would stop once and a while to muse at the scenery. But not tonight. Instead, the background blurred by and retreated into nothingness behind him.

A tiny spec was slowly revealed to him. The figure of a man, and as he drew closer he saw that it was hooded and familiar. Taking his time to scale the jagged rocks, like teeth from the earth. An overwhelming sense of accomplishment welled inside him as he drew nearer to his target. But he didn’t slow down. The figure turned around just in time to watch Daniel collide, full speed, with him. Dust, dirt and rocks erupted everywhere as they tumbled into the rock face.

As the dust settled, not a thing stirred. Their hoods had fallen down during the collision, revealing pale faces. Daniel, with dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes, stared deep into the emerald green ones of Alex. Anger in each breath.
“I. I would have, and have gone to the very depths of the burning abyss with you, and you leave me behind?” Daniel said, hurt in his voice. Alex appeared lost for words, unable to force them out. “Answer me” Daniel said. “Answer me!” He demanded, shaking Alex into reality.
“I didn’t want you to get hurt.” Alex said quietly.
“So you leave me to face whatever onslaught comes my way. What about you Alex, do you think I want you to get hurt? Two hundred years. Two hundred years, I have watched you tackle problems by yourself. Watched from the sidelines as you tortured yourself, into an emotionless cocoon. But no more. No more, will I bare the pain from the side.” There was a silence that invaded the area, and suffocated all thoughts, apart from the one on this moment.

The tension subsided as Daniel stepped back and held up his hand. Alex smiled proudly and gripped it round the thumb, where they held on tightly.
“We live together. Or we die together. We both take the pain.” Daniel said. Alex pulled his arm in strongly and wrapped his arm around Daniels shoulder in an embrace.
“Brothers?” Alex asked.
“In blood and arms, my friend.” Daniel replied. They stepped away, smiling and experiencing the feeling of closeness that they had forgotten so many years before. Alex gripped the edges of his hood and pulled it over his face, and Daniel did the same. Once more their expressions became invisible, but the smile still held its place between them.
“Let’s go and finish this.” Alex said, as he went to turn around, but was forced to turn back at the sight of a bright stream of flame engulf Daniel. “Noooooooooo!” He cried.
His eyes opened wide in shock, almost to the point of tears, as the stream of fire was relentless and unforgiving. It burned white hot, boring into the rock and through all that was in it path. Occasionally lashing out and whipping at Alex.

Eventually it stopped, leaving nothing but a crater of molten rock and hissing cinders. Alex collapsed to his knees. Renewed tears flowing down his cheeks. His fingers dug into the dirt as his hands clenched into fists. He looked up to the perilous moon. Searching for a shard of mercy in its rays.

Alex gave a cry, that echoed through out the world. Every thing felt its weight. How leaden it was with pain, and mournfulness.
“Did we kill your friend?” A proud deep voice patronized. “The almighty, prodigal son has a weakness does he?” But still Alex remained unresponsive, to the ramblings of the grotesque, winged beings that hovered above him. “Everything has weakness indeed. With your spirit broken, the world has no hope any longer.” Curios as to why the lack of reaction, the Dojek nudged him with the side of his wing. The hooded figure knelt still. For it was the first time in his undead life. That his heart truly felt… Dead.
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What did you guys think? Anything really powerful there? Any improvements. Your comments would be totally apreciated. and they still are. Thank you ^_^