Blood Stained

Basic principles


I lost him… The one creature in the world that had meaning to me, and I let him fall through my fingers. Never had I felt such pain, such longing for death. I felt empty. A hollow shell of nothingness.
The blade-like talons of The Dojek were slowing slicing through my skin as it carried me to a location unknown to me. I couldn’t help but think that this was their fault. By their I mean humanity. Vain, greedy and corrupt. This world would hold far more wonders if they never grew into the foul beings they are today, and I am ashamed to hold even a remote physical likeness to them. If it weren’t for that small group of humans, lycanthropes and Vampire that searched me not that many months ago, he would still be alive. I should have slaughtered them while I had the chance. When did I grow weak?

We passed over fire, and rock. I felt a certain pleasantness as a cool breeze drift over my face. It carried new thoughts and ideas into my head. The elements always did have a certain hold over me.
After I break free, which I will, that particular group will perish. Their lives mean nothing compared to his, but it shall be a small contribution to the pain that is mine.

I made them wait, to weed out the weak and the strong. Those who are worthy of life. The survival of the fittest. The most basic of principles, and yet the most necessary. The strong shall now grow, and increase. Making a stronger better species.

The Dojek started to slow down, casting me aside onto a rock. Words of magic whisper around the area and the thick chains that lay lifeless around me, spring into motion, gripping my wrists and pulling me to my knees. A small, ghostly light floats five meters in front of me. It increases in size and a crack appears down the middle.
Two bloodied fingers slip out and push the crack open. The chorus of shrieks and screams can be heard behind the silhouette that now stands in the glowing doorway. The snap of fire and a wave of heat washes over me, emanating from the window into a seemingly hellish dimension.
“Hello… Prodigal son…” A deep voice boomed, making the ground beneath me shake. But even the horrifying mixture of screams and scents of corpses, gave me a feeling of fear miniscule compared to which what I was about to face.
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Ok, it's not that good and kinda fillerish. but i thought it was about time to get a glimpse inside the mind of the prodigal son.
comment. tell me what you think. ENJOY