Blood Stained

It Makes Sense...


The small army passed jagged rocks and baron fields. Some where growing less and less confident about the imminent battle the was sure to ensue, even John himself was beginning to have second thoughts on his decision to go to war.

They all came to a halt, as a group of The Vir where huddled in a circle around something.
John jogged over, signaling the rest to stay. He peered over shoulders and pushed through a few of them, and set his eyes on a massive dip in the ground. The rock was unusually smooth, like it had been melted down and re-solidified.
“What is it?” John asked, noticing deep scorch marks on the side of the hole.
“Bad news” one said, stooping low and caressing the rock with two fingers, leaving clear, grey trails behind as soot collected on his fingers. He sniffed it, confirming that fire did this. A scrap of brown material floated in to view. One caught it and sniffed it. Gasping once he recognized the familiar scent.
“Daniel” he whispered.

There was something different about the silent that followed. The Vir were silent most of the time, but on this occasion. The air became thick and heavy with suspense and dread.
“What does that mean?” John asked.
“It means that Daniel has perished.”
“That’s impossible. He was the second oldest, the second most powerful out of you all.” John said, surprise in his voice.

The crowd in the background had begun to mutter, conjuring theories on what might be happening.

“He wasn’t strong enough it seems. No matter.” His voice croaked when he said the last two words. “He wasn’t meant to survive.”
“What do you mean… Superstes of aptus... What is Superstes of aptus?” John asked hungrily. Longing for an answer to what had invaded his mind over the last couple of days.
“Its Latin.”
“Latin for what?” The tension grew. The Vir constantly questioning their own thoughts. Fear was in them. Should they reveal too much? Is it time? What if something changes? This is the least organized their thoughts had been in over one hundred years.
“It means… It means survival of the fittest” yet again, a silence forcefully invaded the air about them. Thickening it, and choking them of all warmth, and comfort.

“You made us wait.” John whispered. Realization forming into his head. Answers were his too behold. He began to become angry. Unable to see the sense of The Vir. “You made us wait! Thousands died! Just so you could live by your self-righteous code!”
“Look around you…” One whispered. John turned sharply, looking upon the army. His army.
“What!? What am I looking at?”
“What do you see?”
“I see scared, lonely, people who are far too few in number.”
“No. You see the strongest of each intelligent species on earth.”
“W-what?” John questioned, admittedly confused by what The Vir where trying to say.
“Does anyone of those people have any disease?”
“Are any disabled?”
“Are any unable to wield a weapon or think without guidance?”
“No…” John answered. His voice growing quieter with each answer. It was true. All that stood before him, where remarkably healthy. Fit. Strong, and intelligent. Not a single person was obese, anorexic, or had a single deformation. They were scared. But still they continued on, proving their strength and bravery. One of The Vir stepped forward placing a hand on John’s shoulder.
“Not one of these people are incapable of survival, of war.”
“But so few… So few are here, and there are so many of them! Each the size of a small building.”
“Numbers do not win a battle. Neither does size. Humanity’s intelligence is what saved you before. It is what picked you up from the mud and molded you into the dominant species on the planet. It is what allowed you to conquer every environment, and succeed in every challenge. And it is what will help you win now.”

His words were wise, and held such meaning that John looked on the future with new found confidence, pride and strength. It grew inside him. Filling him up to the point where the corners of his mouth upturned into a grin, showing his teeth. And with his back straight, and his head held high, John gestured. And began to walk to the mountains. Suddenly the sky didn’t seem so grey anymore…
♠ ♠ ♠
"Superstes of aptus" actually means "Survivor of another's death of fitted" But it was the closet thing to survival of the fittest :P
Hope you liked this chapter, i tried to make it seem a bit more cheerful in this one. Shedding a ray of hope on the story.
Come on guys! comment! only three people out of twelve comment! why do you choose to lurk in the shadows? I need you to please? See? I'm begging now! I'm actually begging! i hope youre happy ¬.¬