Blood Stained

The Lord of Pain and return of a friend

The clouds had begun to swirl above the area. Occasionally hurling bolts of lightening at each other. The Dojeks had begun to land heavily in the colossal arena like area. Perching themselves on various protrusions and dips in the rock. Howling and roaring with intent, as their obvious master came forward out of the mysterious gateway.

Drapes of tangled, bloody hair hung down the creature’s back, weaving between the various protrusion’s of bone sticking out like spikes towards the sky. Elongated, fingers stuck out from disproportionately small palms, melding into the clawed point at each fingertip. Bright, purple eyes that appeared to scream pain, stared almost lovingly at the still chained prodigal son, and all three mouths smiled hungrily, with rotted splinters for teeth. The legs were skinny, barely able to hold up the weight, of the upper body. And blood seemed to ooze from every pore of rotted skin that hugged his body so tightly.

The prodigal son growled, obviously familiar with the grotesque figure that stood before him. He seemed pleased with the response he had earned from the chained Vampire, and started to pace his naked body around him. Leaving bloodied footprints with every step.
He leant forward
“How long has it been? One? Two hundred years?” He whispered, his voice dueled by a scream that wanted to erupt, but instead mirrored his words.
“Not long enough as far as I am concerned.” The son spat.
“Aww… still holding a grudge I see? Don’t be so sentimental Alex… They were only human…” in response, the prodigal son tugged violently at his chains, they creaked forward, tempting him with vengeance is so close that he could taste it. But they would let him go no further, holding him in a place where he was so close to what he wanted. Yet so far. The foul creature laughed menacingly. “I can still taste their sweet flesh on my lips. Did you know that? Aw she was good wasn’t she? So young, so pu-”
“Silence you fowl cretin! They were human! I loved them, and your pathetic, useless hi-” Alex but in, but was silenced by a strong slap across the face, that sounded like metal colliding with stone.
“Don’t interrupt.” The creature said. “It was your own fault. You shouldn’t have got them involved. You know the rules about you and your relationships. They always end in tears. Oh and how I long for your tears once more Alex. You will cry for me again won’t you?”
“Never.” He growled.
“Aw but with your best friend dead, and the absence of your coven there’s no one to help you now. You’re all mine.”

The prodigal son put his feet onto the floor in anger. He could go no further than a crouching position, but the anger had sparked with in him. Creating a raging inferno of strength and emotion. He pushed up. The ground began to crack. The chains began to rattle and squeak. The demon looked amused. Alex roared and the chains burst from the ground.
He spun them around and they collided with the demon, shattering and freeing the weight off of his arms, but causing the demon to fly backwards into the stone wall.
Alex leapt forwards landing in front of the limp creature, who lazily sat up, popping his limbs back into place while cackling manically.
“Now. Let’s continue this on somewhat, better footing” Alex said gripping the demon and throwing him back on the pedestal where they previously were.

The Dojeks seemed, worried for their master. Roaring in anger. Some flapped their wings restlessly, itching to get a piece of the fight, but knew that their master would not wish for an interruption.
“Do you really think I can be defeated with mere force prodigal son? I am Gansik. Lord of pain and master of the Noxch realm. I am a god.”
“Even god’s meet their end. And your’s is now.” But Gansik just laughed in response, catching Alex’s fist and forcefully throwing him into the opposite rock wall. He was upon him within a flash, and threw him again. Gansik then curled his bloodied fingers around the throat of the prodigal son, and lifted him up.
“Scream for me…” He cooed, slowly increasing the pressure around his throat. Alex weakly lifted his arm up and gripped Gansik’s wrist. He twisted it around as hard as possible. Causing Gansik to release his grip and flip onto his back. Alex slammed his foot down, meaning to obliterate his chest, but it crashed into the ground instead.

Gansik recovered quickly, and roared taking haste steps forward but then gave a scream of pain and stopped in his tracks. All was incredibly silent. Gansik’s fingers twitched around the silver blade sticking through his chest. He stumbled round and Alex followed his gaze.
There, standing on top of a mountain of rubble. Was silhouetted figure. Gripping another sword in his right hand. His tattered robes, charred and torn, flapped violently in the increasing wind, as lightening forked behind him. Smoke curled off his shoulders, and a presence of malice and great strength was undeniably, forcing its way into all that looked upon him.
Hope fluctuated in the prodigal son, recognizing the figure straight away. He couldn’t mistake that Vampire for the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK! so what do you think of this style of writing. it is slightly different, from the other chapters.
comments please? they are always good