Blood Stained

A painful memory

It was raining outside. Patting in a symphonious rhythm against the window. The silken bed sheets provided a warm embrace, coupled with that of the young Vampire and his wife as they stared lovingly into each others eyes. Smiling sweetly at each other, and giggling like rebellious teenagers. The young Vampire, threaded his fingers through his lovers hair, resting his hand on her face and planting a slow kiss on her rose-bud lips.
“I love you.” He whispered, her delicate hand landed on his chest,
“I love you too.” She smiled sweetly. Her lips yearning for another kiss. The young Vampire leaned in once more, but paused half-way, as if mesmerized by some in-audible sound.
The golden-haired woman stared at him confused. “Alex? Are you alright? What’s the matter?” She asked, but was silent with a motion from her husband, who sat up, staring at the open door way.

A creak of floor boards lurched its way through the house. He was about to get out of bed to investigate the disturbance, when the answer revealed itself.

The young Vampire growled at the grotesque figure in the door way, which was smiling intently with three mouths. Each with shard-like teeth. Some, stained with blood. Fresh blood. With tiny snags of young flesh caught between. It was then, his eyes ventured down to his elongated fingers.
The woman erupted in an ear piercing scream
“My baby! No! My baby!” She said, reaching out for it, crawling and struggling to get closer, but to no avail as Alex held her back.
The flesh in it’s full, rosy cheeks now had shivered to a rotted, grey colour, and the big, beautiful, blue eyes no longer sparkled with wonder. They instead where glazed over a hazy, pale blue. The tiny fingers and toes that were just this morning, curling and gripping to much amusement, now hung limp and lifeless.

The Vampire couldn’t move. Tears stabbed at his eyes, forcing themselves free, and his wife struggled free of his protection and clambered her way over to her baby.
He could do nothing, as blood splattered the walls and rained down on him.
“No!” He screamed reaching out to her, as a dull thud sounded at her headless body dropping to the floor.

And in an explosion of manic laughing, the demon was gone. Dropping the body of his child to the floor. Alex crawled over to the torn corpses of his family. Pulling them together, as if trying to piece it back together. He feverishly tried placing his wife’s serene face back onto her neck, hugging her body close. Not daring to let go. Finally discovering his acts were futile, he let out a painful wail to the ceiling of his room, which had also not escaped the blood shed as flecks of the crimson liquid dotted it‘s smooth surface.

The window smashed inwards and in flew a figure.
“Alex, what happ--” He paused staring wide-eyed at his best friend on the floor. Bloodied and clutching his family. Dread weighed heavily on his chest as he leant on the bed post for support. his ears twitched at the sounds of police sirens. He ran over to his friend. “Come on Alex. We have to go.”
“No” He mumbled in a defeated response.
“You know they won’t believe you, come on” He tugged again.
“No. I can’t. I won’t leave them.” he trembled. And the blonde man bent down, placing a hand on his friends shoulder. Alex looked up. His eyes blurry from tears, and he wrapped his arms around his friend. “I’m sorry. Alex. I’m so sorry. But we really have to go.”

He pulled away and stood up, knowing what had to be done. The world is not ready for the world Vampires just yet.
He bent down and closed his wife’s eyelids, planting a kiss on her bloodied forehead.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you” his voice cracked. “But you will be avenged.” He said, his voice becoming heavier and angrier. “That… I promise you my love… that much I can promise…”
♠ ♠ ♠
There. Some back story on the prodigal son. SOoooooooooo tell me what ya think. Sorry its so short and that it took so long for me to update...