Blood Stained

The Beginning Of A War To End All Wars

These harsh memories of a bloodied past, possessed the prodigal son. Re-fueling his tired body, with an anger not before encountered.
His false-breath became erratic, and uncontrollable, and his body shook violently. He keeled over, clutching his ribs and crying out in pain. His eyes flashed a bright red, and his skin began to bubble up. Increasing in size as if the very muscle beneath the skin was trying to force its way out.
A loud crack sounded, and the vampire once again howled in pain. His voice deeper, and shaking the very earth beneath his feet. All was silent, and Gansik painfully ripped the sword out from his chest and dropped it to the floor. Daniel had dropped beside his friend, still brandishing the silver sword and placed one hand on his friends back. But he soon pulled his hand away as the skin appeared to lung at the feel of the touch of his finger tips.
“Alex, what’s happening?” He said panicking. The prodigal looked up. His face, contorted in anguish as his teeth had grown to a size that barely fit his mouth anymore. He appeared to be smiling menacingly towards Gansik who had now adopted a look of fear, and in a deep, stone shattering voice he replied
“I’m thinking…”


*The last army*

They had reached the base of the great ring of teeth. To their surprise they had yet to encounter a single Dojek.
“It’s too easy.” John muttered to himself as they started to scale the side of the mountain. It was fairly simple. Old pathways once used to deliver goods still provided a safe passage up.

The tiny army was no longer scared. No longer afraid. Many had pondered why this could be. Perhaps the witch cast a spell on them? They thought. But they all carried one single thing in their hearts. Hope. The hope that they will be victorious, and many of them knew that they would. That it was not possible for them not to lose. They had an army of The Vir on their side. The most powerful clan of vampires. How could they not lose?

They all stopped. Not because they were tired. Nor because they were paralyzed with fear. An unusual wave of heat had crawled its way into their party. Many shivered at the change in temperature. But all pricked their ears. Listening for what they would later swear was a cry of agony.

The wail erupted once more. This time louder, and appeared to vibrate through the very earth itself. It bounced off anything with a strong foundation, and forced many to lose their footing slightly. The crowd began to mumble and talk amongst themselves in curiosity. This was silenced with a wave of John’s hand. Who, with a few other Vampires, hopped up the side of the relatively small mountain, and peered over it’s edge. A few rocks fell from under their weight and John winced, glaring daggers at a Vampire renowned for his clumsiness in the sanctuary.

They looked over the edge, and their eyes widened in shock as they looked upon the very center of what seemed a giant, nature made arena. Keeled over in what appeared to be in pain, was leviathan mass off muscle and skin. It continued to bulge getting increasingly bigger each second.

A hooded figure in the southern area of the arena, was carving his way through Dojeks. Silver glinted in a darkness of bodies, as in his hand he gripped a sword with such malice and strength that even John feared the dark figure as he swatted down the beasts.

They noticed another small, and obviously deformed, figure was slowly backing away from the giant mass of muscle, claw and now armored skin, who’s growth had started to slow down.

John’s head instinctively snapped down, locking eyes with a Dojek. The Dojek roared painfully, and all attention was drawn away from the hooded figure. The great winged beasts started beating their wings, hurtling themselves towards them at phenomenal speeds. John just managed to scream
“ATTACK!!” before the rock they clung too, exploded as hundreds of Dojek’s pushed their way through, throwing them backwards. They flew up, forming a giant black cloud over hungry predators, that silhouetted the waning light from the silver moon.

And so it begun. The guns of humanity fired into the sky. Tiny lights zipped into the air, embedding themselves in a diverse range of flesh and muscle.
“Focus all fire on the nearest target! Only together can we bring these beasts down!” someone shouted. And in compliance, all projectiles flew towards a single target. And it dropped to the ground roaring in agony as it fell.

The legions of Vampires, all brandishing blades, and in a battalion all of their own launched themselves at the flying mass. Gripping onto the nearest creature they could grab, and immediately began plunging their blades into it’s pink, scaled flesh that no longer seemed so armored. But the thing that set them apart from all of the warriors down below. The thing that put them above human comprehension, and a level of intellect all on their own. They laughed. They found amusement in the splattering of blood, and how for a brief moments, they flew as they soared through the air riding on the back of a dieing Dojek. Even The Vir, who were dropping the creatures by themselves appeared to enjoy it, as maniacal laughter emanated from those who could not contain there joy and keep their focus.
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So what do ya think? too fillerish? Not fillerish enough? too short? too long? TELL ME!!! in a comment ofcourse ^,..,^