Blood Stained


“Should they live?” A deep voice asked. None of the team dare open their eyes for fear of what they might see. This kept them oblivious to the fact that they were reunited with the rest of their team.
“How much have they seen?” A different voice, that was only familiar to John, replied. The team lay, but inches apart from each other. Unaware where they are, who is talking, or how close their partners are.
“No one ever see’s anything. But it appears that they are growing more persistent Alex. You are quite the idol.”
“What’s next? A fan club?”
“I would like to see that”
“Don’t you think you’ve seen enough?”
“When one lives forever, one can never see enough”
“You do utter the most random crap.”
“Meh, I try”
“You do realize that they are awake right?”
“Who wouldn’t?”
A soft, blunt nudge to John’s head made him creak his eyes open slowly. Both a sense of joy and immense fear engulfed him. He was with his team. But the robed figures that stood before him were far from welcoming. The figures looked near enough exactly identical. The only, slight differences were the height of each.
The tallest one crouched low, his face but a few inches apart from John’s, and still his face was not in the least bit visible.
“And so we come full circle back to my original question.” The one still standing said.
“W-We have come to ask your assistance” John stuttered in fear, a lump had formed in his throat. At the sound of his voice, hope and joy rose in the chests of the rest of the team. They slowly opened their eyes, but weren’t too hasty in moving. The ones who breathed were dizzy and disoriented. But alive. The Vampires listened sharply, and took in the very few scents that clung to the air with their noses. Trying to identify the strangers.
“I know.” The crouched one said bluntly. John found it impossible to tear his gaze away from the cloaked face of the figure that was in before him.
“A clan of Vampires have raged war on--”
“The world, humans, Lycanthropes etcetera, etcetera are going extinct. The Dojek’s, a Vampiric race that has mated with some form of Demon, cannot appear to be killed by conventional methods. Big. Bat like, and ruthless… That pretty much cover what you are saying?” The others stared in awe. Not expecting him to know the subject at all.
All remained silent. A minute goes by. Still nothing. John sat puzzling, trying to figure out the figure that crouched perfectly still in front of him. Another minute.
“W-Why haven’t you helped us?” John asked.
“It’s not my business”
“But they’re taking over the world. And you are apart of the world.”
“But apparently, I am not part of your world am I?” The figure’s voice leaked with the venom of two hundred years worth of prejudice and hate.
“W-We realize our mistake. We need you”
“Isn’t it surprising that you need the thing you exiled? Isn’t it surprising that the moment the one thing you need is gone, you need it even more? Now, correct me if I’m wrong but humanities past is far from laudable is it? All the things that were sent to save you, you killed, didn’t except. Thought it impossible. Jesus Christ, if he existed. Gandi. Me. Morlock. It appears to me that humanity doesn’t want it’s saviours it’s protectors.” The figure known as Alex said.

Morlock was a Werewolf that was said to have had the ability to see into the future. But humanity and others deemed it unacceptable to have this blessing. Called it a perversion of time. So they hunted him down in the year 2130. Pulled apart his limbs, and put all his organs in jars and sent them away. There are a number of myths and legends that say, if you were to gather all these things in one place. Morlock would piece himself back together and live again. Or other legends state that replacing one of these organs with one of your own would give you the same ability of precognition. But nobody has tried. For fear that they too would be hunted.

“Y-You can’t just leave us to be killed. Billions of innocent people would die.” Kiera pleaded, gaining the strength to stand up. But instantly recoiled when the still standing figure twisted his head in her direction.
“Just like my family was slaughtered? And his?” Alex said, gesturing to his companion.
An awkward silence invaded the small area they were in. They knew what the past had done. They knew they were taking the blame for it. But Alex would not budge. Would not move from his spot.
“They’ll come after you eventually” Nathaniel said.
“The Dojek’s don’t believe in myths and legends. They do not believe in anything superior to themselves either. They do not bite if not being bitten.”
“Then we’ll tell them. Then you would have to fight them.”
“What makes you think you’re leaving this place?” Alex said.
A sudden shock of fear went through Alpha squadron. Sadness welled up inside them. They were never going to leave. The prodigal son was never going to save the world. The only hope they had was that he would not help destroy it either.
“So it was a mistake searching for you? Finding you?” John said. His words tasted like he had bit into a lemon. Sour.
“Yes. And we found you. Not the other way around. I must say I am disappointed in your progress. I thought you might be here sooner. All the light dispensing technology, the dark seeing Vampires, and the particle hearing Werewolves. You should have found me eons ago. And yet you didn’t.” His voice reeked of pride and self-righteousness.

Most of the team hung their heads slightly in shame, as silence took over once again.

Suddenly, the two robed figures heads snapped up. Nobody moved. Before any of them could even blink. The two vanished, the signature gust of wind that followed, provided the evidence to suggest that they were both Vampires.
“T-They’re fast…” Kayla said, slowly returning back to her original frame of mind.
“Where’d they go?” Marcus asked. He had half hoped to see Lorna with them. Alive and well. He was yet to know that she had been gutted. But he held no thought that she could be alive.
The only response he got was a shrieking roar, familiar to them all. Dojek’s.
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Ok the first REAL dialogue with the prodigal son and a companion. what did you think?
and would you PLEASE comment?