A song for a silent film.

The Boardwalk.


I stood at the metallic doors of the lift, after about 5 minutes of waiting I stepped into the burgundy elevator and pushed the button for the pent house, I’ll be honest it was great having such a rich best friend.

A smartly dressed woman sprinted awkwardly for the lift with a little boy in hand a, I quickly stuck my hand out so the doors backed up and the lady managed to reach the lift in time.
“Which floor?” I politely asked.
“17 please,” the woman said with a snarl to her voice, I never did get quite a good vibe from the residence of Boardwalk, and then again nether did Jamie.

Whilst climbing to the 17th floor I noticed her, I’m assuming, little boy. He looked about 3 or 4 and was beaming up at me, I smiled back and stuck my tongue out at the kid, he chuckled insanely until he got a sharp look from his Mother and instantly stopped. I also noticed what he was wearing a, a grey blazer jacket with matching trousers (which seemed incredibly smart for such a young child), a blue open polo neck shirt and the shiniest shoes I have ever seen.

The lift binged and the woman and her son stepped out of the lift swiftly. I looked at my feet and realised the woman had dropped one of her leather gloves, I grabbed it and jumped out of the lift.
“Excuse me! Excuse me miss!” I called along the hall.
“Yes what is it? What do you want?” replied the woman turning quickly and giving me a disgusted look.
“You dropped your glove,” I answered with a slightly confused expression on my face, why was she being so rude? She snatched the glove out of my hand and started to walk off.
“No need to thank me…” I said under my breath.
“Well, your kind doesn’t need thanking.” I heard her say. I decided not to react, I have to much on my plate to deal with a nasty, and in fact quite hideously looking woman, god forbid her son turns out like her, she was so far up her ass I’m surprised she could breath.

I spent another 4 or 5 minutes waiting for the lift to return to the 17th floor, as I stepped in I noticed my reflection. My hair wasn’t it usual styled self, it was messy and almost flat. My eyes looked tired and worn out, which to be honest I was, but they were still bright green, I’d never met anyone with the same colour eyes as me, they stood out so much. My bridge of my nose was aching, I’d had it pierced a few days ago and it caned like a bitch. I complain so much about my figure and features. I hated being over 6 ft tall and not many people dressed like me. I got abuse whenever I left the house because I ware drainpipes and skinny fit hoodies. I loved wearing my glow stick necklace though, My younger sister, Daisy, had made it for me a few years ago.

I watched the lights flicker from floor to floor and twiddled my tongue around my snakebites, I can’t wear rings in my lips anymore I was stuck with studs, my dad had tried to rip the rings our last time I wore rings.


I miss him so much. I remember the day he left. Daisy and were sitting on the couch on a Sunday morning watching the Disney channel, I was 10 and she was 7. Mum walked into the room, she had clearly been crying, and sat on the opposite sofa.
“Kids, I have to tell you something…” she said looking directly at the floor.
“Your dad… h-he’s going to be away for a bit, for a long time actually. He’s isn’t going to l-live with us anymore.”
“You mean he doesn’t love us anymore?” I said tears brimming my bottom eye lids.
“No! Of course not! Your father loves you so much and nothing with change that, ever!” She shrilled, “It’s something me and your father think is best for the family.”
“Best for the family? You have to be joking, why would we want our dad to leave?!” I shouted at her, all I could do was blame my mum, and I loved my mum so much. Tears spilled out of my eyes uncontrollable and I could here Daisy wailing at the top of her lungs, not really understand what was going on.
I knew my parents hadn’t been happy for a while now; I just was living in denial. I wasn’t a stupid 10 year old.

I ran out of the house and jumped onto my bike, I new exactly wear I was going I didn’t even need to think about it.

As I stood in this expensive looking lift, I felt the burning hatred I have felt ever since that morning towards my dad. It was all his fault things had ended up this way. I’m happy Daisy wasn’t around to see all this. My mother remarried a wealthy business man, Steve, and being only 14 she was able to get a good education at the boarding school in Cheltenham. I missed her so much, we were close and spoke basically ever week, but I worried so much about her I didn’t want her to become like me, I wanted her to do well in life, she was clever, stunning and I would always be here for her and she new that.

It took me 10 minutes to realise that I had reached my floor; I had been too washed up in my thoughts to take notice.

I walked quickly down to the end of the narrow corridor and tapped the door lightly. I was late and I didn’t know if Jamie’s parents were back from New York yet.

The door swung open and revealed a grinning 17 yr old holding a set of drum sticks.
“Heyyyyy man!” He jumped up and down and gave me a tight hug.
“Hey jamieeee,” I replied with a pathetic smile on my face. Jamie’s face instantly dropped.
“What’s up? Shit, please don’t tell me it was Steve again. I hate that little fucktard so much.”
“Yeah it was him… I’ll tell you about it later, can I crash here for a bit?”
“Definitely, I’m not letting you go back there. He fucking abuses you, he’s sick, please can we go to the police?” He pleaded.
“NO! I can’t do that to mum, I can’t she’s so happy. I don’t want to ruin things for her by telling her that Steve’s fucking raped me before.”

I closed my eyes as memories of that night flooded back to me, it was 5 months ago now, I was late home from a gig and new I would be punished. He’d done stuff to me before but never this.
“You’re a stupid lad aren’t you,” he breathed down my neck, “get on your knees you pathetic boy.” But I was frozen. “GET THE FUCK DOWN!” the cruel man pushed me down to my knees and positioned himself behind me. I ripped of my trousers and underwear and I began to sob. I’ve never felt pain like when I thrust into me, tears streamed down my face at the sheer agony, I screamed as he pulled out and entered me again… I was helpless, I was scared. When this torment had finished I ran so fast to Jamie’s, he’s been with me through everything and I owe him so much.

“I understand…” Jamie sighed.
“Let’s change the subject, please?”
“Yeah ok, uhh… my mum rang today, she told me her and Andy just bought a house in New York.”
“What?! Jamie please don’t move away, I couldn’t take that I have no idea what I’d do without you!” I shrieked.
“Woahhhh calm down boy! You didn’t let me finish, I’m staying here! They said they’d pay the rent for me but I have to start buying my food, clothes, etc if want the responsibility of living on my own. Thing is I don’t like the idea of living on my own, and I was thinking, if you wanted, you could stay with me? Because neither of us want you to go back to Steve’s house, and you basicly live here anyway!”
I thought about this for about 10 seconds until I leaped off the sofa and shouted, “Yeah yeah yeah!!! We’d have such a raaaaaaave! You’ve saved my life yet again! Are you sure?” I asked pulling away from the dancing hug we were in.
“Definitely!” Jamie breathed with that famous grain spread right across his tanned face.

We both started laughing, about anything and everything, we collapsed on the sofa clenching our stomachs from the pain of the hysterics.

So this was it, I was going to live with my best friend.

A fresh start.
A new life.
I couldn’t wait.

Comments please  I still don’t know weather to carry on further.

Connie Ghettotech Xxxxo.