The Perfect Smile

She's not my wife

Madeline let her heels click against the pavement as she walked off campus. Finally the big exam was over and she could start enjoying her winter break. Not to mention she was one more step closer to finally becoming an RN. She reached down in her purse and pulled out her cell phone and dialed Penny's number, waiting for her to pick up. The two of them had plans to meet at the GYM for a work out before Penny had to head into work.

After talking to Penny for a few minutes they hung up agreeing to meet at the GYM in an hour or so, which gave Maddy plenty of time to get home and change into something much more suitable for a work out. Right now she was in a button up blouse, a pair of dark wash jeans, and a pair of black high heels. Nothing about that outfit screamed work out material.

After arriving home she changed into some jogging pants and a tank top and then decided to go ahead and Jog to the GYM. Since it was only a few blocks from her house she figured it wouldn't hurt, plus it'd be a great cardio workout before she started with the machines. Once she reached the GYM, she pushed open the doors and walked inside spotting Penny immediately on the treadmill. She walked over and got on the machine beside her friend and the two girls started chatting.

Penny: So how has work been?
Maddy: Same ol, same ol. Although now I'm helping take care of one of Gotham's most dangerous criminals!
Penny: Really? Whom?
Maddy: The Joker!

Penny just looked at Maddy as she started to explain yesterday and how she had first come in contact with The Joker. She told her how he was brought in beaten to a bloody pulp and how she thought that the cops in the town was the reason for it.

Penny: So many cops are corrupt these days.
Maddy: I know! They're worse than the criminals... I mean, I can understand that the guy is a wanted criminal, but if they caught him; then they didn't need to beat him half to death. That only makes my work harder!

She said almost out of breathe from running on the treadmill and explaining her current situation to Penny, who was taking in every word. Penny couldn't believe that one of Gotham's most dangerous criminals was now locked away in Arkham.

Once the girls finished their workout they departed ways since Penny now needed to go off to work. Maddy would have the rest of her evening to herself. She had planned to take a nice long bubble bath and start reading a book she had picked up a few weeks ago. She was walking home when she noticed a ringing coming from inside her purse. She reached down and grabbed her black phone out and flipped it open speaking into it.

Matt: Mads, Hey.

It was her ex boyfriend Matt. This time they had been broken up for a little over three months. This was the first time he had tried to contact her in over a month though, and she wondered why he was suddenly calling her. She told him she was done playing his games, you can't have a relationship without trust and they lacked that.

Matt: Go out to dinner with me tonight.
Maddy: I'm sorry Matt, but I told you I'm not doing this anymore.
Matt: Please just meet up with me, Mads. We'll go out to dinner, then take a stroll in the park, it'll be like old times.
Maddy: For about two or three weeks and then you'll start disappearing at night, not answer my phone calls, and have no excuses as to where you are. I'm sorry Matt, but no. I'm done with that.

He tried to protest her answer however she was holding her ground this time and just simply told him No. She then told him she had errands to run and hung up on him. She was in no mood to spend the rest of her day off talking to him. She had made plans to enjoy her day and by hell she was going to enjoy it.

When she reached her house, she opened the door and walked upstairs. So peaceful and quiet, especially since her father was working. She walked into her bathroom and turned on the water in the tub and added some bubble bath. She walked into her room and grabbed the book from off the table and returned back into the bathroom and stripped down. She lowered in body in the tub and allowed the soothing water take over her tense muscles and wash away any stress that was on her shoulders. She picked up the book and began reading it. This is exactly what she needed to relax her body and mind.


Maddy adjusted her Arkham Asylum outfit as she stepped out of her car and headed towards the entrance of the building. She truly did hate the uniform, but it was all they would allow the CNA's to wear. While the Nurses got to wear colorful scrubs. Another downfall of being a CNA she assumed as she hummed walking through the front smiling over at Cindy the lady at the front entrance. She swiped her card and headed over towards Janette's office, who was her boss.

She walked in and greeted Janette with a smile as the woman just gave her a small smirk. Janette adjusted her black frame glasses and then looked up at Maddy again.

Janette: I need you to go down to The Joker's cell and try to convince him to clean himself again. He flipped out on poor Bertha yesterday.
Maddy: Flipped out?
Janette: He wouldn't allow the poor woman to touch him!

She said and Maddy only nodded. It was understanding though, any man in his right mind wouldn't want Bertha to touch them. She was an old over weight woman who reminded people of a man. She even had facial hair! She was hateful and she ordered patients around like they were dogs. No one was really fond of her.

Maddy walked down the hallway and took in a deep breathe when she reached his room. She nodded to a guard and he opened the door for her, and then closed it behind her. She walked in the room and saw that he was laying there asleep, and they had actually put him in a straight jacket. She walked a bit closer and noticed his eyes shook open almost automatically.

Maddy: Rise and Shine.

She said cheerful as she walked a bit closer and looked at him. He let a yawn escape his lips, and she studied over him again. He looked the same as the last time she saw him, only add the straight jacket.

Joker: Well well, dear. I must ask you, where was you yesterday?
Maddy: I do tend to get a day off.

She replied with a smile and looked at the gash on his head, and rolled her eyes. That should've been cleaned the first day he was here, it could easily be infected horrible by now.

Maddy: Are you going to let me clean your face or are you going to continue to look like a filthy dog?

He let out a laugh and snickered a bit. She was much different than the woman who came in demanding him to let her clean his face yesterday. He looked over at her and just smiled that wicked smile of his.

Joker: I'm not cleaning my face off.
Maddy: And why not!

She didn't understand his reason for not wanting to clean his face off. Why would any person want to keep war paint, blood, and dirt on their face?

Joker: I like my make up.

She looked at him and then noticed that even though blood and dirt covered most of his face, his make-up still did cover a good part of it. She sighed, not knowing what to do. She didn't want to force him into doing anything that he didn't want to, but she really did need to clean that gash.

Maddy: You have a cut that really needs to be cleaned.
Joker: Get me face paint then.
Maddy: And where do I get that?
Joker: A costume store, I'm not removing it until you do.
Maddy: You're impossible!

She said storming out of the room, however she was going to go and get him the make-up. If that was the only way he would allow her to do her job, then she would get him the damned paint. She just didn't understand it though. She knew she couldn't leave right now due to her being on the clock, so she figured any sort of face paint could do for now. She made her way down to the children's department and into the "play room". She walked over to the closet and pulled out a few half full containers of paint and placed them in her arms. She remembered from a picture she saw on the television he had black and white paint on his face but what other color. She pondered on that and then tried to remember the picture of him.. Finally, she remembered LIPS! Red Lips. She reached up and grabbed the red container and then started making her way back down to his room.

She handed one of the guards the paint to hold while she walked over and got some things to clean with. She then ask him to bring them into the room. The Joker looked up noticing that the door knob was once again turning and was actually surprised when he saw the young nurse walking in with her arms full of cleaning supplies. Did she not listen to him? He thought.

Joker: I said--
Maddy: You said unless you had make-up. I found you make-up.

She said as reached over to the guard who handed her three small containers. The Joker couldn't help but smirk at her. She did have a bit of a sassy side to her, he thought. The guard left the room once again leaving Maddy and the Joker alone.

Maddy: Now are you going to let me clean it?

He just looked at her and starred into her eyes trying to break her down, and then he let out a storm of laughter which only made her shutter. Which was exactly what he wanted. He wanted to strike fear deep down inside her bones. She walked towards him with the damp cloth and reached it up close to his face and he moved his head away.

Maddy: It's either let me do it, or they'll call in some one like Bertha.

He just looked at her and this time when she raised the cloth to his face he didn't move. He just stayed there without making any movements and allowed her to rub the cloth over his face cleaning off the dried blood and dirt that was blocking his skin from breathing. Once she was finished getting his face cleaned she looked up at the gash on his forehead and sighed. It wasn't as bad as she thought but it'd still need to be cleaned.

Maddy: This will sting a bit.

She said as she reached up and put the cotton that was soaked in a cold liquid to his forehead. She was right, it did sting a bit. But he didn't even consider that sort of feeling pain, he had suffered much worse that a small sting didn't even phase him. Once she was done cleaning his wounds she walked over and picked up the containers of makeup and handed them to him.

Joker: Mirror?

He ask in a mocking tone shaking his head back and forth. She wasn't allowed to give him a mirror though, it could be considered a "weapon" if broken.

Maddy: We aren't allowed to let patients have a mirror.
Joker: Then how do I see to put it on, hmm?

He ask. She only shrugged her shoulders and looked at him, while he reached a finger in the white paint and smudged it on his face. He was doing such a horrible job, he was missing places and it looked very uneven. Like something a two year old would do.

Maddy: Here, let me help.

She suggested and walked over sticking her own finger down in the container. She then touched up the skin that had no white paint on it and smudged it in so it all looked even. Then he handed her the black container, reaching down she put some black on her finger and told him to close his eyes and she whipped it across them.

She took a cloth and cleaned her fingers, getting ready to do the red on his lips and cheeks however he stopped her.

Joker: I'll do it.
Maddy: Are you sure?
Joker: I said, I'll do it.

He repeated in a hateful tone. Although she figured he just didn't want her touching the scars that was on his face. She had noticed them when she cleaned his face, however she didn't think they was that bad.. She actually thought they enhanced his looks in some sort of way.

He smudged the red paint across his lips and up his cheeks sloppy and then handed her the paint.

Maddy: Now you look very fresh. I'll pick you up some more facial paint when I leave this evening. I borrowed this from the Children's Unit.
Joker: Stealing from the kiddies, huh?
Maddy: Borrowing from the kiddies.

She said and flashed him a smile. The door knob started turning and in walked her father, or known as Dr. Hudson in the presence of a patient. She waved gently and smiled at him.

Joe: I see Madeline here got your gash all cleaned up.

The Joker only sit back on the bed and flashed the doctor a mischievous grin. He hated doctors, they were all the same. They just tried to get information out of him. Information of his past, present, why he done what he done. Anything they could gather from him.

Joe: I can take this from here Miss Hudson.

Maddy only nodded and picked her up things and walked out of the room. The Joker raised an eyebrow when he called her Mrs Hudson though. That was the doctors name, maybe their's a link between the two he thought?

The doctor pulled a chair into the room and took a seat, crossing his legs so he could place the clipboard on his knee he looked over at the Joker.

Joe: So tell me, what are you feeling today?
Joker: Are the two of you married, Doc?

He ask the doc, who was now only looked down at his paper. He looked back up and looked back over at the Joker. He was not about to talk about his personal life with a patient.

Joe: We're not here to discuss my personal life.
Joker: Woah woah woah, Doc. I don't mean to get hostile, I never knew your wifey was my nurse.
Joe: She's not my wife.

Joe spat out. The Joker looked up at him yet again, thinking that maybe they just shared each others last name, especially if she wasn't his life.

Joker: Sister?
Joe: Daughter, now let's move on.

The Joker made a "O" shaped face and kept mocking the word "Daughter, Woah" towards Joe. He was trying to break the doctor, although Joe was far too smart and educated for him. He knew his games and was aware of all his steps.

Joe: Let's just wrap it up then, since you clearly don't want to take things seriously.

Joe said picking up his clipboard and making a exit for the door. He sighed making way down to his office. He walked inside and tossed the file to the side. This case was going to be much more difficult than he would have thought, and now he was regretting putting Madeline on the case with him. He sunk down in his large black chair behind his desk and began reading over a file of another patient when the phone broke him out of his concentration.

"Hello" He spoke into the phone.

"Joey, it's Eddie."

Joe: Eddie, what are you doing?
Eddie: I actually have a question for you.
Joe: Mmm, what is it?
Eddie: Is the Joker a patient at Arkham?
Joe: Actually yes, he's a patient of mine at the moment why?

Eddie was Matt's father. He and Joe were very good friends, although sometimes Joe wishes he wasn't involved with Eddie. He was a mob member, and sometimes got Joe involved in some of his work, especially dealing with the Asylum. Joe has helped him get out many of his workers who one way or another ended up at Arkham.

Eddie: I was just wondering, I just wanna make sure he and every other big criminal are behind bars or behind those walls.
Joe: And why is that?
Eddie: They get in our way , Joe. Do me a favor, if he leaks out any information or breaks out you'll contact me right away.
Joe: Of course.

Soon the two ended the conversation. Joe was a bit confused by the entire conversation. He had mentioned a few other patients here at Gotham (Two Face & Pengiun), and how he also wanted to be notified if they broke out of the asylum. He just wondered why the mob wanted to know if any of Gotham's most dangerous criminals broke loose. How did this all tie in together?