The Perfect Smile

Your right hook sucks

He looked deep within her eyes trying to comprehend what she had just told him. She mentioned the one word that ripped him apart before. Pregnant. He couldn't help but to have flashbacks of Jeannie when she told him she was pregnant, and then how she had an abortion. Coming out of his daze he shook his head and looked down at Maddy. He didn't know what response she wanted from him since she had been crying, but he had to admit. This was the best news he had ever received in his life.

Joker: You're pregnant?
Maddy: I don't know for sure! I'm late, and I'm sick.. so..
Joker: So you're pregnant!

Maddy was confused his reaction. She thought that he would be angry by the news, or even worse mad at her. But he seemed to be actually taking it well. She could've swore that excitement was slipping off his tongue when he said pregnant the last time.

Maddy: I don't know, Jack.
Joker: Do you want to be?

She looked up at him and really was shocked by his question.

Maddy: I'm scared
Joker: Of what?
Maddy: If I'm pregnant Jack, what if they get me!
Joker: They aren't going to touch you, I told you! I was taking care of them. Now tell me do you want to be pregnant or not.
Maddy: I wouldn't mind having a child if it was under different circumstances.

He looked at her and couldn't believe the words that was coming out of her mouth. She was basically saying she didn't want the baby, his baby. He looked at her and he was disgusted. He got up quickly and pulled on his pants and a shirt and walked straight out of the bedroom. She let the tears come down her face, not knowing what she had said or done. He seemed so happy about it and then just boom. She recalled every sentence she had said and wondered what it could be. 'under different circumstances' was the only thing she could think of. She really hoped that he didn't take it the wrong way. Getting up she slipped on some shorts and walked downstairs.

He walked straight over to the refrigerator and grabbed out a bottle of liquor. Instead of pouring himself a shot, or even a glass he just placed the bottle to his mouth and gulped down the contents. She had just literally ripped his heart out and stepped on it.

Jared: Something on your mind, Boss?
Joker: I'm going out.

He said slamming the bottom down on the table and started walking towards the exit, only to feel a hand on his arm. He turned around with a growl and looked down at the petite blond who was causing his heart so much pain right now.

Maddy: Where are you going?
Joker: Go back up to the room, I'm leaving for awhile.
Maddy: You misunderstood me.
Joker: I understood you fine, why don't you go and get rid of it.

He made it so 'get rid of it' was very sarcastic. Maddy was now steamed. She reached up and allowed her fist to connect with his cheek and turned on her heels and walked away. She couldn't believe that he had just said that to her. She walked upstairs and back into their bedroom and locked the door, getting under the covers and letting the tears fall. She really did feel like she was living in the shadow of a girl who he was with so many years ago.

Jared watched as she punched him right in the jaw. He couldn't believe that she had clocked him like that and he just stood there and looked at her. He then made an exit for the door walking out into the cool night air. He seemed to be walking for awhile before he finally settled down on a crate by the docks. He looked out onto the water. Running his fingers through his hair he thought about her, and what she said about him misunderstanding her. He recalled their conversation 'what if they get me!' Was that the different circumstance that she was talking about?

Sighing loudly he got up from the crate and made his way back to the hide out. He decided he was going to hear her out. He knew that he wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep tonight if he didn't know what she was feeling or thinking about the entire situation. Walking up the steps he pushed open the door and looked at Jared sitting in the same position, only now with Jimmy.

Nodding his head slightly he made his way up the stairs. Walking past everyones door he finally made his way to theirs. He turned the knob and banged his head against the door realizing she had locked it. He knocked, once, twice.. and then he heard movement from the inside.

She opened the door and he looked at her and could tell she had been crying the entire time. Her eyes were now red and puffy and her cheeks still damp. He reached his hands up and removed the dampness from her cheeks as more tears still came down. Moving out of his way Maddy allowed him into the room. He locked it as she walked back over to the bed. He looked at her and then let his gaze travel down to her stomach and smiled thinking about her being pregnant.

Maddy: I didn't mean I don't want a kid, Jack.
Joker: I know, Mads.
Maddy: I just don't want to bring one into this world if I'm going to be targeted by the damn mob.
Joker: It's gonna be ok, alright?

He told her getting closer and sitting down beside her on the bed. She raised her hand up and touched the side of his face knowing that she had punched him in that exact spot earlier.

Joker: Your right hook sucks.

She giggled as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. He followed her by wrapping his arm around her and rubbing her back gently.

Joker: When can you find out?
Maddy: Penny's going to bring me a test tomorrow.
Joker: And if you are, you'll go see a doctor right?
Maddy: How will I see a doctor here?
Joker: We'll go outside Gotham and see one.

She nodded her head towards him, glad that he was now acting human again. He got up and pulled back the covers and motioned for her to join him. Smiling she went and got under the covers with him and snuggled up to his chest. She thought about it, and after thinking for a bit a smile came across her face. If she could pick one person to have a child with it would be Jack, not only did she love him, but he was her rescuer in so many ways. She thought about the child and how she would one day tell he or she the story of them. Tell it how they fell in love, and how he saved her life.

Joker: What are you smiling for?
Maddy: How do you know I'm smiling?
Joker: I feel your cheeks moving against my chest.
Maddy: Just thinking.
Joker: About?
Maddy: The baby.

He chuckled a bit and ran his finger through her hair. He was glad she was thinking about it and smiling, because he was also thinking about it and smiling. He couldn't help but feel like some how it was all suppose to happen. He had just told Maddy about the incident with Jeannie not to long ago, and now here she may be pregnant.

The Joker opened his eyes when he heard a soft knock on the door. Looking up at the clock he noticed it was just a bit after 9 in the morning. He stretched wondering who would be waking him up at a time like this. Tossing the covers off his legs he moved out of the bed and slipped his pants on. Looking down he saw her still sleeping peacefully, and hoped that the knock didn't wake her. He pulled the covers up over her and walked towards the door. He opened it and saw a toothy grin placed on Penny's face.

Penny: Is she up?
Joker: No.
Penny: She better?
Joker: I don't know, did you bring a uh..
Penny: I have it.

He allowed her into the room and she walked over and looked down at Maddy sleeping and couldn't help but smile at her best friend who began to stir. Opening her eyes Maddy looked up and saw Penny standing their in a pink summer dress with a smile on her face. She tossed a box onto the sheets. Maddy managed to let her hands reach over and pick it up seeing what the bold pink words said. Pregnancy Test. She tossed the covers off her legs and walked into the bathroom. Sitting down on the toilet she opened it and removed the stick from inside. She done her business on the stick and then placed it on the sink and walked out of the room.

Joker: Well?
Maddy: It takes time.
Joker: How long!

He ask with emotions of excitement flooding through him. Penny couldn't help but laugh. She wouldn't expect that he of all people would be this excited about a pregnancy, but it seemed as if he wanted the baby more than anything. He looked down at the stick wondering what sign would pop up.

Joker: So which sign is which?
Maddy: It's just going to say pregnant or not pregnant.. It doesn't have signs.
Joker: I thought it was a two or one pink lines.
Penny: Yeah, on the out dated ones.

Maddy laughed as he walked out of the bedroom and paced. She couldn't help but to think he was absolutely adorable. Getting up off the bed she walked back into the bathroom and looked down on the stick and saw the results. Walking out of the bedroom with a straight face she looked over at Jack. His grin dropped down into a frown at the sight of her. She was trying to hide her excitement to fool him for a second, but couldn't help but let a smile spread across her face.

Maddy: So... You want a boy or a girl?