Decaydance Records Ain't Ever Seen Us Before

My Ideas Don't Match Up

Ryan and I walked in to the accessory store so I could have some things to go with my new dress. He was being more laid back then I expected and actually a little shy and timid, not something that I've seen much. I guess the roles change when they're alone.

"Oh! That's cuuute!" I screamed, running over to a thick pink waist belt.

Ryan chuckled a little ways away. I grabbed it, instantly falling in love with it, and picked out a purse, some shoes and a new bracelet in less than 5 minutes. I walked to check up and laid the things on the counter.

"No." He said, as I pulled out money from my purse.

He quickly laid down two one hundreds. The cashier took it and handed him his change as I took the bag and looked at him, crossing my arms.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, searching in his eyes for an answer.


I gave him a questionable look.

"Because why?"

"I'm a gentleman." He answered, quickly, walking away.

"Eugh! You shouldn't have paid. I hate when others pay for my things." I told him, pulling out the money I owed him, and shoved it his way.

"I'm not taking your money!" He said, backing away.

"Ryan! Take it!" I faught, walking towards him.

This lasted for a few minutes until he was pressed against a wall, and I was pressed up against him a little bit, trying to stick the money in his pocket. He wasn't fighting too much. I suddenly stopped as he grabbed my arm, and I looked up at his relaxed eyes and an amused smirk.

"How about we make a deal?" He asked.

I pondered the thought before nodding my head in agreement. He broke in to a smile and pulled me closer, if that was actually possible. Our faces inches from touching. Our lips were inches from touching. His breath was hitting my warm skin, chilling me- or sending chills down my spine. I found myself not breathing and my heart was racing. I'm not sure if it was just racing or if it was because I forgot to breathe that it felt it had to accelerate. He smiled a knowing smile, and I exhaled, slowly. My breath quivering a little.

"If you be mine for the party, I'll let you pay me back my money."

I broke in to a smile and backed away.

"Not going to happen." I replied, walking away.

As I finished straightening my hair in my underwear (which my sister always votes against) I slid on some vibrant pink tights. Next, I put on my black mini dress that hugged me in just the right places with the chunky pink waist belt over it around the waist. (Only obviously) Before I put my shoes on, I finished doing my smokey eyes and teasing my hair once more before putting on some pink converse.

"Hey." Cacy said coming up to me. "Are you ready?"

I nodded and made some last minute adjustments before following her out.

"Aren't you dating Brendon now?" I asked her, holding back a smirk as she began to blush.

"No. We're-" She began but was cut off.

"You look beautiful!" Someone screamed, wrapping their arms around her.

I looked over seeing no other than Brendon with a huge grin on his face. I think that man can be kind of scary.

"What're you doing at our house?" I asked, standing by the car.

He gave me a dumb expression before slightly blushing.

"Oh. Well, I'm her date...I had to pick her up, ya know."

"That wasn't the question, really. I was referring to how you know where we live."

He looked even more emberassed if that was possible. His cheeks were beaming red, looking like he'd been running for 32 miles. I laughed and brushed his shoulder.

"She's all yours." I said, before taking the car keys from Cacy and getting in.

They stood there talking a little, both completely nervous and walked to his car, eventually. I followed to the private party fans were dying to get in to. I looked around noticing no sign of anyone being serious or 'business like'. Just friends with drinks and music. I smiled to myself and someone slipped up.

"Are you one of the sister girls everyones been going on about?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned to see Gabe Saporta.

"Yeah. I am."

He smiled, "Awesome! I'm Gabe! Let me introduce you to the paarrttyyy!" He screamed, grabbing my hand.

This was going to be a fun night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this sucked.
I've been in the hospital again because apparently I did get severely hurt when I got in that car crash and had to have surgery on my neck, etc. Sorry guys!
Sorry everyone.
I know this sucks but I do have ideas. Loads. I just couldn't type it up tonight. Sorry, <3333