Decaydance Records Ain't Ever Seen Us Before

The Party Pt.2

I hung out with Gabe for a while, being pulled around meeting people and having a drink or two. Many people was going up to Pete I saw, as he was having a good time- but you could see the pain in his eyes. Ever so often I would catch him look away and the flare of struggle would guilt his eyes until he looked back the people was talking to, take a sip of drink, and laugh. I tried to ignore the pleaing of his desperate eyes. And eventually, when I was being tackled by Gabe to the ground and held down so William could tickle me- note to self: Gabe and William are an evil team that you have to watch out for- Pete made an annoucement to the whole room, startling us.

"So, since at least one person from everysingle band in Decaydance has come up to me and asked for Dance Abraham to come with them on tour, I've come to a conclusion. We are ALL going go on tour... together. Does that happen to please everyone here?"

Everyone started cheering- shouts and whistles heard about the large party, making their satisfaction quite noticeable.

"Thank you, now get back to your business and do not bother me about business related affairs again tonight." Pete said before stepping off stage.

William laced his hand with mine. I caught butterflies starting to swarm my stomach as I looked down at our hands and up to his face where a smile was innocently and strangely not cockily smeared on his perfect face. His hair fell in to his eyes as he asked me to come with him outside.

"Well, I'll see you guys later!" Gabe screamed, hyperly, running off.

I giggled a little watching him disppear in to the crowd.

"Come with me." He whispered in my ear, now, and pulled back to look at me.

I bit the inside of my lip, something I always did when I was nervous or liked someone.

"Okay." I said, tightening my grip, and let him pull me outside.

Once we got there, I turned to him. "What are we doing?" I asked.

He smiled, sheepishly, and rocked on his heels. "Would you like to just walk and... ya"

I giggled and nodded my head. He broke in to a more confident smile, and we laced arms.

"So when did Dance Abraham start?" He asked.

"A while ago. Originally, my sister wasn't even the singer. That is, until she really got in to music."

He nodded. "And how long has it been the official DA?"

"DA?" I laughed, "For about- maybe four years now?"

"Have you liked it?"

"Yeah. It's been the most fun and successful thing out of my life. Music was the only thing I felt like I could always turn to. If I had a boyfriend like music, I'd be set for life."

He gave me a weird look. "What do you mean?"

"It's like my.. drum set. I always can turn to it to be there for me and to love me and listen to my problems. It's always there to go to when I'm mad, sad, nonchalant, whatever. It creates something beautiful and... Music... It's just-"

He smiled a knowing smile. "I get it."

I smiled. "Good."

"What is your... favorite color?"

"Pink and red.- And I love black."

"Favorite pattern?"

"Stripes- big grungy, stripes."

"Favorite band on Decaydance?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Either... Panic At The Disco, Cobra Starship, Or The Academy Is..." I said the last part quickly, looking away.

William chuckled to himself. "So, are you excited for the tour?" He asked.

"Of course! I am so fucking excited. We're finally getting a break, and with the bands that inspired us! But... I am so nervous, and I just don't feel good enough."

"You are definately good enough." William said, taking my face in his hands and making me look him straight in the eyes, his voice stern. "You're terrific."

"Please. I'm just a drummer anyways."

"You're the best drummer I've heard! Promise." He told me, trying to get me to look at him again.

"My sister... she sometimes acts like.. she's jealous or something, but truth be told, I've been kind of jealous that she is the singer- that she contributes so much to the band. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't be Dance Abraham, but I could easily leave and it would mean nothing. She doesn't know how great she is or anything. I wish I could show her." I said to him.

"She is great. Obviously. But even with the small key of you leaving, it wouldn't be Dance Abraham. You wouldn't be the same. The music would be different. You have to have both of you." William told me.

I nodded, noticing how far we were getting from the party. A burning sensation went through my eyes, an ache in my chest.

"Can you play any other instruments?"

"Piano." I answerd, slowly.

"Really? Can I hear you sometime? Are you any good? Who taught you?" He asked, rushed.

I thought back. The memories plagueing my mind. I tried to push the thoughts away.

"I think we should probably turn back." I said to William, avoiding his question, and the trees began to blow harshly.

He looked confused, and I begged for it to stop-- another act of my powers.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said, and we walked back to the party.

Once there, I seperated from him without a single word and tried finding my sister. After no such luck, I found my way to some drinks and drowned away the utter fillings the fueled up by a simple conversation. And I didn't stop until I had too much.

And having too much to drink at a party doesn't usually end very well. Especially when you're me or Cacy.
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I hope you liked the update!
All my creative juices are flowing. [:

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