Decaydance Records Ain't Ever Seen Us Before

All good things come in 3s (party x 3)

"Faster, Brendon, Faster!" I yelled.

"I'm trying!" He yelled back. "It's just... all the people!"

"Forget about them!" I said. Wait... this sounds... let me explain something...

I am hyper.

Brendon is half drunk...

And I've encouraged him to give me a piggyback ride through the party.

I finally had all the fun I could with the ride, so I told him to stop and I jumped off of him. Both of us laughing our asses off.

Brendon wrapped his arm around me. "So, how about singing a song or two with Panic at the Disco during the tour?"

My eyes widened and I instantly stopped. "Really? I don't know if I can do it."

He laughed. "Says the lead singer of a soon to be extremely famous band. Please, sing with us?" He stopped and looked down at me. Then he pouted, that thick bottom lip was sticking out and his large, brown eyes were like a puppy dog's. I melted. "Okay," I said to him.

A grin replaced the pout. "Yes!" He pumped his fist in the air in victory. I just rolled my eyes.

We started walking around randomly when I saw Ryan Ross. He was sitting at a table in a corner. An acoholic beverage in his hand and a dark look in his eye. I looked at Brendon and pointed Ryan out to him. "Is that normal?" I yelled to him.

Brendon looked at Ryan, and then adapted a worried expression and shook his head.

Me and Brendon both walked over to the table and sat down. "What's up, RyRo?" I asked him, hoping to cheer him up a little.

He glared at me. "None of your business."

"Dude, what's wrong?" Brendon asked.

"NOTHING!" Ryan said.

Brendon sighed. "This is going to take a while to get out of him."

Thinking that I better let Brendon do his best bud work alone, I said, "Hey, I'm going to go find Gemma. Is that all right?"

He seemed torn between his date and helping his friend. I touched Brendon's arm. "He looks like he really needs to talk to someone. I'll be back in about half an hour or so." Brendon nodded, then I got up and started walking around, looking for Gemma.

That's when I found her.

She was sitting at a table herself. Except instead of a demonic look on her face, there was a happy one... a bit too happy. Then I saw three or four beer bottles on her table, not to mention two or three shot glasses.

Not to mention those shotglasses were empty and upside down, and she seemed to be playing that find the hidden ball game... but the cups were moving of their own accord.

I ran up to her and sat by her. She looked at me and the cups stopped moving. "HELLO!" She said to me, then turned her attention back to the cups, and they started to move again.

"Gemma!" I exclaimed, picking up the cups.

"Hey! I was playing with those!" She said, but my extremely angry glare made her forget the entertaining cups.

A loud thunder clap was heard outside.

I sat down. "Why did you drink all this?"

She thought for a minute. "I talk to William, music, piano, 'who taught you?'"

Although it sounded like a bit of gibberish, the last two parts caught me and I instantly knew what was wrong.

Mom had taught us how to play piano. We were reading sheet music before we even picked up an actual book. Our mom was an extremely touchy subject around others sometimes, especially with memories like those.

I sighed. "Come on, Gemma, let's go home. I think we're both partied out. Let me go tell Brendon we're going home."

She nodded. "All right."

Once again, I sighed, then rush to Brendon. He was still with Ryan, and Ryan still seemed kinda mad.

"Brendon?" I said over the music. He turned to me. "Yeah?"

I frowned. "It's Gemma. She's really drunk and she doesn't hardly ever get like this. I just think it's best if I take her home."

He frowned and sighed. "I guess I better drive Ryan home, too. What a way for a date to end, huh?"

"I'm really sorry, Brendon..."

He put his hand over my mouth. "It's not your fault, Cacy. Take care of your sister."

I nodded sadly, then left to go help Gemma to the car and go home.
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ok! then! yeah... kind of a filler-ish sort of thing...

comment and tell me how much it sucked!

...actually... don't ruin my self esteem... just lie to me.