Decaydance Records Ain't Ever Seen Us Before

Wake Up And Smell The Roses

I woke up in the morning with the biggest headache ever. I groaned, wanting nothing more than to just go back to sleep. I shot up noticing I was home. Oh damn. What happened last night? I ran to the bathroom to clean up before going down to talk to my sister...if she is here. The first thing I noticed looking in the mirror was the stain of blood coming from my right nostril, meaning I had probably used my powers. My nose always bled when I used my powers more than usual.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and brushed through my hair before putting it up in a ponytail, my layers falling around my face. Rushing down the stairs, I ran in to my sister. She glared at me, but it slipped away, fast.

"What happened last night?"

She seemed scared to actually tell me, but I could still see the flare of disappointment, anger, and sadness in her eyes.

"Look, I made us some breakfast- actually made us breakfast, would you like to eat?"

I nodded, but she wasn't getting off that easy. We walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table where she had a whole feast set up pretty much. She cooked when she was upset, alot of the times. Now, I knew something serious was up.

"Okay. What happened last night?" I said, more stirn that I had before.

She sighed, looking down at her hands.

"Well, you went off with William and you said somthing about him asking you who taught you the paino." with that, I grimaced, and she paused but continued, "And apparently you came back and got piss drunk." Oh that's not good. "And you were using your powers openly."

"Oh god! Nothing happened did it?!" I screamed, now scared for our own sake.

"No, thankfully. At least I hope not." She whispered the last part under her breath. "So I took you home and put you to bed. However, you made me sing that stupid song of Barney over and over and over again!"

We both started laughing, lightening the mood.

"I'm sorry about ruining your date with Brendon." I told her, sincerely, touching her hand from across the table.

She looked down at our hands and then back up at my face. "It's what sisters do in times of need."

Yeah... maybe... but I was going to make sure to get her another date with Brendon.

"So, what about going on tour? I remember Pete saying something about us all going?" I asked, trying to distract my mind from that plagueing thought-- my mother, that special piano.

"Well," Cacy said, taking a bite of her food, "He said that since everyone was bugging him so majorly that we were all going on tour. Which means I guess all of Decaydance."

I groaned. "Everyone? I'd rather have it just like... Panic! and maybe one or two others, not everyone." I stressed.

She giggled at my reaction this morning to the news. I guess maybe I had a bit of social anxiety with some things or maybe I just needed space. Or perhaps I was scared that they might take the attention off of us. I don't know, but I wasn't too happy.

"Did you think about it? I mean... yeah, we'll have panic at the disco, Cobra starship, The Academy Is... All those cool bands, but we'll also have Hey Monday. "I began, lowering my voice in to a more digusted one. Cacy knew my hatred for the band. "And like Tyga and stuff." I told her.

She nodded, shrugging. "Well, we have to talk it all over with Pete anyways. He gave us a call this morning to come have coffee with him and discuss it all. We'll figure everything out then."


"Tomorrow." Cacy said, walking away to put her dishes in the sink.

"Well, okay." I said, following behind her to do the same thing.

"Oh and he has something to talk about, about.... Fueled By Ramen and Calendstine industries."

I nodded. "Okay, yeah." I said, my mind going back to my mother.

I could see in Cacy's eyes that she was thinking about our mother, too, but I continued to try to ignore the thoughts. I looked at the messy table, not wanting to clean it, and simply closed my eyes and snapped. With that, the house was clean, and I walked up to my room, grabbing a guitar and notebook and sat down on my bed. As my fingers pressed on to chords, words began to seep on the pages of my notebook until a song had been created. I didn't even notice the tears that were flowing down my cheeks, until I saw a few smudges on the page. I wiped my tears away and sat down the guitar I had been playing and tried to find Pete's number. Finally, I did, and I quickly dialed it.

One ring. Two rings.

"Hello?" His voice came on the phone, and my heart quivered a little, feeling a bit intimidated.

"H-hey, Pete."

"Hey." He said, a tad confused.

"This is Gemma." I told him.

"Oh! Gemma! Gosh. I didn't realize it was you, really. I didn't get to see the caller I.D. and well, you know. Well, hey what's up!" He said, cheerfully.

I couldn't help but giggle. "Hey Pete. Not a lot is up. Actually, I was calling to ask you about a number."

"Mkay. Who's number?" He asked, and I could hear him whisper shit as he slammed on the brakes, apparently in a car.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah just had coffee in my hands and this dumb fuck decides to slam on his brakes infront of me! I wish people knew where they were going!" He vented, obviously angry.

I giggled at him. "Okay, well, I am getting my sister another date with Brendon- what's his number?"

He gave it to me, and I instantly dialed his number. It took him four rings to pick up, and just when I was about to hang up, he answered.

"Hello?!" He asked, rushed.

"Hey, Brendon. This is Gemma. I'm really sorry for getting so drunk and having to have Cacy be responsible." I told him, sincereity seeping from my voice.

"Hey it's okay. I understand. Ryan was upset anyways." He told me.

"Well, I was wondering.... I haven't mentioned this to Cacy, but would you like to have another date with her?"

"Of course I would, but Gemma, how do you have a date with someone when they don't know?"

"Well... It's just going to be a surpise."

"What are we going to do?"

"Isn't there the fair across town?"

"Yeah, I think its starting today." He said, still confused.

"Well, that's perfect! We won't get to go to any fairs if we go on tour, and Cacy and I both looooove the fair! See, I can drag her along, and she can still be acting bummed because she didn't get her goodbye kiss." I giggled, "And then you guys be there, and I give her, her suprise- you!"

He chuckled. "Sounds perfect. How about 6?"

"Yep. 6 it is. Bye."

"Bye." He said.

Just as I sat down my phone, Cacy burst through the door. Well, not burst- but she did come in.

"Who were you on the phone with?" She asked, looking down at some mail.

"I called Pete to ask about coffee and.... So, there's the fair across town."


"We're going!"

She smiled, big, and nodded. "What time?"

"Six!" I exclaimed.

"Okay.. Six it is. Here's your mail." She said, throwing me two unopened envelopes.

I wonder what Ryan was upset about.
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Thanks for reading.
I hope you liked this filler. [: haha.
You know what would be so fucking awesome?

If people commented!