Decaydance Records Ain't Ever Seen Us Before

Panic At Starbucks... Literally.

Paul still seemed skeptical over the past day or two before finally giving up on any good explaination- at least one that made a lot of sense. But even if Cacy and I were to tell him the truth, it wouldn't be believable. I mean, people with powers?! Come on, you only read about that stuff in books, not real life. Well, except for the people on T.V. and that hold those hotlines. Yeah, they're pretty fake...or maybe they're real...which makes it fake. And magicians. Oh! Like Criss Angel. Damn that man is sexy. I started smiling to myself as I thought of his street talent and pretty smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Cacy asked a little rough, but I guess it's just the signing that has us all worked up.

"Thinking of Criss Angel and what I'd like to do to him." I replied, smiling even bigger as she rolled her eyes and pretended to shutter.

"Do you want to get some Starbucks with me?" She asked, a little annoyed at my laughter that erupted only moment after her cringeing.

I guess when you're hyped on up energy drinks and sour patch kids, anything can be funny.

"Sure." I said and lazily got up from my spot on the couch and followed her out the door. "Oh! I know what would be fun." I said to Cacy as we stepped towards the car.

"What?" She asked, not expecting my answer.

"You know how last week I figured out that I could teleport?"

"Oh no. No no no!" She screamed, shaking her head. "We'll get caught or we might end up in a desert across the world somewheres!"

I huffed. "Fine."

We got in the car likes 'normies'. (Which we knew we weren't.) I think that having powers and starting a band has drawn my sister and I closer which is a good thing. But for the past couple days or so it seems like we're really uptight with each other. Maybe that is just a sister thing. I remember when we were little, though, we were close- and we always did everything together; holding hands crossing the parking lot, playing in the backyard with our friends, going swimming at Katys parties during the summer. And that thought brought me back to our mom. Our mom passed away when we were young. I think during the period it took us to move on, we grew apart. That is, until our powers came and we started our band. Somewheres between that time.

Cacy looked at me, maybe feeling the way I was feeling.

"Take deep breaths. We're in public. We surely don't need anything weird happening." She told me with a less stirn voice and more with an understanding one.

I nodded and took a few breaths before we got out of the car, seeing the big Starbucks in front of us. I squealed and ran to the doors- quite like any 9 year old kid to Hannah Montana. Cacy rolled her eyes at me and followed behind. I rushed to the counter.

"VANILLA BEAN FRAPPUCCINO!" I screamed at the man working behind the counter.

Cacy came up behind me, "Make that two."

"GRANDE SIZE THAT, SUCKA!" I screamed once again, the sugar high rushing back.

Cacy rolled her eyes, as the guy made them and handed them to us.

"Mmm." I said, as I took a sip, delighted by its yummy taste.

"Hey! Someone took my seat! Not cool!" I screamed to Cacy, pouting.

"It's okay. We can just sit somewheres else." She said, trying to drag me another way.

"Nooo! I love that seat, though! It's my faavoorrriittee!" I whined, pulling my arm from her and walking over there with confidence.

As I neared closer, I saw that it was two guys drinking the same as me- a vanilla bean frappy.
However, as I stepped closer, I didn't see the Caution sign telling me the floor was wet, and slipped right in front of their table, my Vanilla Bean Frappuccino only spilling on my face a little as I tried to keep it upright. The two guys looked at me and began chuckling before asking if I was okay.

"I'm fine!" I said, cheerfully, "But I do have a problem."

"And what would that be?" They asked, as I finally got up.

I looked at them, it being no other than Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross. My mouth kind of fell. Cacy suddenly appeared beside me and her mouth dropped in to an 'O'.

"Uhh.... I love that spot. The chair..I mean..the seat..uhh.." I stuttered, now, embarrassed out of my mind.

They began to chuckle.

"Okay. Well, we're leaving anyways." Ryan said, sweetly.

"No, we were talking-"

"Shh." Ryan said, shushing Brendons antics.

"But I'm not even-"

Ryan once again shushed Brendon.

"Sorry girls. Here's your table." He said, pulling Brendon away.

That's what that is called! A table!

We slowly sat down at the table, Cacy giving me a 'Now, are you happy?' face.

"You know they're going to tell Pete and all of Decaydance, right?" Cacy said, shaking her head as I wiped my face off.

"Oh, well. I mean-- it's not that it?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I thought it showed a little of Gemma's hyper, crazy, side.
And! A nice dose of Starbucks and Panic! At The Disco.
How wonderful is that? XD