Decaydance Records Ain't Ever Seen Us Before

Why Do All The Bad Things Happen To Me?

My heart raced as I looked at the crowd of people. I was never any good with large groups of unfamiliar people. Drumming is an expression to me, and to express myself to hundreds of strangers was sometimes just too difficult. My hands began to shake as those old familiar butterflies swimmed in my stomach, but I loved it. It was the nicest feeling I've ever felt.

We made it. We finally made it.

After all those years of playing via garage and people telling us we didn't have what it takes, we can finally laugh in their faces. We are now on the same record label as some of the bands that inspired us. Even if I made a total fool out of myself at Starbucks and one day soon it will get around and straight back to Pete. I hope my stupidity won't ruin things in the end.

"Gemma!" My sister yelled at me, holding the mic from her, annoyed.

I nodded and gulped, took in a big gulp of air, and got behind my drum set. The song started with my drumming, me getting more and more nervous. I took in a shaky breath, every drink in the room quivering, loudly and fiercly. I looked up at my sister, fast, but she didn't look at me. However, I knew she was freaking out inside. I closed my eyes, took in a few breaths, and began to band on the drums rhythmically. Soon, I was getting too lost in the music to focus on anything else except for the pulsing crowd- jumping, screaming, completely rocking out,- and the vibes and energy hitting off me to the rest of the members and in to the crowd, bouncing back and forth.

Our session was over with 6 songs, and I was sweaty and tired. Pete threw me a water as the club cleared out. I took a huge gulp before pouring some of it over my head. He chuckled a little at my reaction. I gave him a cheesy grin.

"That was close." Cacy said whispering in my ear as she passed me.

I looked at her and she shot me a dirty glare. She was mad at me for an accident?! I scoffed, glaring right back at her which just caused her to give a meaner look.

"What is going on?" Paul asked, looking between us.

"Nothing." We both said, fast, ignoring the situation.

I turned to Pete.

"So! How are you and Ashlee doing?" I asked, with a smile planted on my face.

"Well, actually...." He trailed off before taking a breath, "We're not together anymore."

I gasped. "But what about the baby?"

He shrugged. "Since then we started fighting. She wanted to keep me on lock down. I don't know. It isn't working out. The baby would go through more hell with us together. I mean, I'll make sure that he'll have a great life but..."

I put a comforting hand on him. "I'm so so sorry." I said, sincerely, and I really did mean it.

It sucks when that kind of thing happens. That is why I hate getting in relationships. I hate when they end. It's too much to deal with at times. I don't have time for the drama relationships bring which is why I don't have a boyfriend.

"Was it worth getting in?"

"What?" He asked, taken a back from my question.

"Was the relationship worth the break up?"

"Yeah... We had a great relationship. There is a part of me that wishes we were still together and like that... but I mean things happen for a reason." He told me. "And love is always worth the pain."

It's like he read my mind. Maybe I needed to hear that- or be shown that. I always see it but then when you have to take care of someone with a broken heart, it makes you realize how horrible love is at the same time and how... humans can be.

"Have I mentioned how pretty you are?"

I looked to him, my cheeks turning red. I smiled.

"No. I don't think you have."

He put a hand on my cheek, "Well you're very pretty."

I blushed even deeper and tried to distract my eyes. Pete Wentz just hit on me- or complimented me which ever one you would call that.

"Umm.." I began, not knowing what to say, and stuttering over my words.

"You don't have to say anything." He told me and began to lean down.

"What's going on here?" Cacy piped up.

I knew she did it to be annoying, but I couldn't be more thankful. This was wrong. This man had a kid and wasn't divorced yet. I mean, they were seperated but.... it felt so wrong. And relationships just aren't my thing. Love isn't real, and I have to keep reminding myself that. Nomatter how dazzling his smile is or how soft his hair might look- or kissable those lips of his were. The faucet turned on and the sink began to overflow with water- how I'm overflowing with emotion. I guess that happens when you start crushing. or for me. Pete quickly jumped over the counter and turned it off.

"Man, weird things seem to be happening a lot lately." He whispered under his breath.

Cacy and I exchanged glances.

"Well, I think it's best if we get out of here. The other guys already left, Gemma, and its getting pretty late. We need to get something to eat as well." She said to Pete and I, breaking up whatever was going to happen. "And we'll talk about all of this over dinner." She whispered in my ear before walking away.

Pete rocked on his heels, hands in his pockets, nervously, his eyes shifted downward.

"Well, there is a decaydance party for you guys in a few days.. saturday. So..uhh..I'll see you then." He said, looking up at me.

I gave him a quick hug and walked out to the car, dreading the conversation my sister was bound to bring up.
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I can't really get those creative juices flowing.
So I'm leaving it up to the main dearest writer. lol. =P