Decaydance Records Ain't Ever Seen Us Before

Don't Forget To Breathe

I couldn't believe that Cacy didn't notice the way Brendon was so awkward. It surely wasn't just a normal awkwardness. He was crushing! That's how you act when you like someone and you're shy. It was so cute to see them together. However, the way William and Ryan were flirting, although flattering, kind of annoyed me. I guess I liked the shy guy every now and then. I mean, confidence is key but... I trailed in to thought.

"Hey. Are you doing anything today?" Cacy asked, walking in as I lifted my head from my bed.

"No." I replied, yawning and stretching out on my big bed.

"Well, how about we go shopping or something?" She asked, a hint of nervousness inching in the back of her throat.

I giggled. "You like Brendon, don't you?!" I screamed, jumping up.

She blushed and looked down. "No. I don't know him, but he's cute...and I mean if he does like me, I want to look good. Actually, I just want to look good."

I laughed and nodded. "Agreed. How about we go shopping in a couple hours?" I asked.

She gave me a look of 'what the hell?'.

"What?" I asked, not understanding her look of 'You're an idiot.'

"It's already 12:30!"

I popped out of bed.

"Are you serious?!" I screamed, rushing to the bathroom. "I'll be ready in 30!" I screamed through the maple door.

I did my morning routine: Took a shower, washed my face, brushed my teeth, ran a straightener through my already naturally straight hair, fixed my hair- usually teasing it, and putting on some eye make up- most the time smokey eyes. I loved dramatic eye make up.

In record time, I was ready. I wailed down the stairs, sliding on a shoe, and grabbed on to Cacys hand.

"We don't have much time to waste! The party is tomorrow night!" I screamed to her, revving up the car and speeding out of the driveway.

With my speeding, it took only about 5 minutes to get to the mall. I dragged Cacy in. We rushed in.

"Hold up! I wanted you to hurry so we could find the perfect things but gawd slow down. I'm hungry. Lets get something to drink so it can hold us over and then we'll start shopping." Cacy said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"No. We might get bloated. Come on, we can wait..can't we?" I said, putting on a pout.

She sighed and nodded, giving in. We rushed in to different stores, trying on about 100 things before finally deciding. It took about 5 hours which for Cacy and I on a big event, was actually record time once again. Wow. Today was just filled with records! She practically dragged me by my hair to the food center to get something to eat. I got some fries and a sprite, and she got some dish from a chinese restraunt. We sat down at the table.

"So. How do you think it's going to be- ya know..seeing Brendon? What should I do?" Cacy asked, squirming in her seat.

"Show some interest but not too much, like be fliraticious and be all 'Hi Brendon' wink and smile, then simply walk away or something. Make more of an attempt to touch him, but don't be all over him or too skanky about it. Make it light and sweet like a brush of his hair or a touch on the arm."

She nodded, drinking on her soda, as I shoved a fry in my mouth and right about that time was no other than Ryan and Brendon walking in to the good court. What is with seeing these boys lately?
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This is a HUUUGE filler, and I am terribly sorry.
I do have some good ideas stirring up that I am dying to get out, but it can't happen until the party. =P
So, I'm sorry about that but everyone has to add in a prep. XD