Save Me In The Rain

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

“Why are you doing this?” I asked after a long period of silence.
“Well I think everyone deserves to have the opportunity to accomplish any of their dreams and when I saw you shaking on that curb I thought this was the perfect moment to put to use that belief.” He replied giving me a small hopeful smile.
“Thanks,” I muttered weakly before letting my heavy lids fall.
“She looks so peaceful,” my wife stated as I carried Smile up to the guest bedroom. Lifting her unconscious body didn’t take much effort she weighed practically nothing, probably because she couldn’t get a meal every day.
I don’t know what made me want to help her but I’m glad for whatever reason it was.
“Come on sweetheart.” Called Adie. Taking one last look at the sleeping girl I followed her into our bedroom.
Opening my eyes to slits I was nearly blinded. Wait, where was I? I sat up and looked around. I was in a nicely furnished room lying in a huge bed. I was only wearing my ratty t-shirt and hole-filled, grubby, jeans. My shoes, socks, hoodie, and backpack were all on an armchair in the far corner and looked…washed. How did I get here? For the life of me I couldn’t remember. Maybe I had hit my head on something and had some sort of memory lapse. Maybe I live here with my family; no that’s not possible my parents are dirt poor. Am I dead? If I am dead, is this Heaven? I looked around for any signs of golden gates and clouds but all I noticed was that there was a picture of that band, Green Day, performing somewhere.
Green Day! That guy, Billie Joe, he brought me here! I remembered last night how he had picked me up off the streets during the storm. I must’ve passed out in his car. Well it was definitely a nice thing to know, for the most part, where I was.