This is the Best Day Ever.


It is said that the experience of life in its true brilliance is an ephemeral occurrence, and that no other day will compare. Some find this day when they meet the love of their life, others, when they accomplish the feats woven in their dreams. The truth behind my musing, however, is that I have not yet experienced my day – I have only been granted glances, glimmers of hope that one day I might be set the chance to have that one, special day in my life.

But until that day, I am just plain me. You know, the girl that is pretty hard to notice, pretty hard to remember. She’s not really interesting, nor is she extraordinarily pretty. But every girl has her gifts, and I will one day spread my wings to their fullest glory;so brilliant that even a male peacock will envy me severely.

However, as I said, I am me for now, and so I will remain…
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I'd really appreciate some feedback, I know it's all short, but let me know what you think.