This is All That Happens You Fool

Simply Wasting Your Time.

What I’m about to write to is probably a piece of shit. It’s late at night and I’m so tired and drugged with a head ache. Too much red wine and laughing shall do that to you. I don’t know why I’m even here wasting my time rambling on and on to you about absolutely nothing when I could be sleeping, but for some reason… I felt it needed to be done.

I now sit here wondering what I’m supposed to be writing… and now I have my idea. It’s all thanks to the lyrics of a song that is running through my speakers.

Here is goes.

Does the word death ever bother you? Does it ever make you think? Well it shouldn’t… being dead is one hell of a bore. I know, I’ve been dead for over fourteen years now and I’ve been absolutely lag the entire time. No I’m not some vampire from those bull-shit movies that have taken over the world nor am I a zombie from a goddamn cartoon. I’m simply a dead person who is able to write. Why should you care? I have no idea… but so many have come to me for this tale I shall now tell: the tale of how I came to where I am now. Really, it’s boring.

It was exactly six minutes after my head hit cobblestone and the exploded blood and brains like a balloon. I was lying sprawled across the London streets dead and stiffening by the second. I felt no pain or worry for I was dead, that was all I knew. There was no rising from my body as a silver light or looking down upon myself from the heavens, just awareness that my body had now died.

I tried to sit up and surprisingly it worked out just fine! Headless I went right up to my feet. Everyone around me noticed not what I did and fused and bused around where my dead body once laid. They all lived in the misconception that I was still laying where I had fallen as dead as dead could get. I stared at them momentarily before loosing interest in their mundane lives, I seemed powerful.

As I simply walked away from the now empty crime scene, I passed all the places I had been moments before I died. It was defiantly nothing special if you ask me. Shabby little shops framed around a rolling stone road. Cars and people bustled about, most heading in the direction of the crime scene. I didn’t find the interest in it, even if there had been a body there. People were so stupid.

They ran around me as if they saw me but showed no reaction to my presence. Disgusted, I continued on the familiar street and through the sea of mindless baboons. People I knew, people I didn’t, and people I hated all passed me by as I walked and each one disgusted me just as much as the last. The human race needed to be taken out once and for all.

Finally I got to the end of the street where no shops polluted the space and no more fools could be seen. I stood there for a moment, hardly noticing the glaring bright sunshine until it began to swallow me. I uninterestedly watched my hands and arms disappear to the light until I was no more, a part of the sunshine. Evidently, this was no sunshine! This was death. Then that was it… I swear to you that that was all.

Now I leave you, back to not caring a single thing. You see? When you die, this all that happens… stop feeding you’re interested with foolish human stories. It’s a waste of your very small mind capacity, you know, being human and all.
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I have no idea where this came from. It's a one-shot and I'll never look at it again. I haven't even read it myself to be honnest. Now, I'm off to go to sleep. Read it and tell me how my absent writing is at one in the morning! Or you could simply raise an eye brow to the page and click away slowly like a sane person should.
Good night my dears.