Status: Back up.

Thank God It's Not Monday!


When we arrived at the airport - just me and Khadijah, or Brailey, as she's better known- due to our three other bandmates catching rides with their parents, I sighed and stared ahead at the vastness of the grey building.

"This is really happening!" Brailey squeaked as we both got out of my mom's car.

"Yes, it really is!" I chirped. We got the luggage out of the boot and closed it again.

"Bye, kids!" Mom yelled out of her window. She wasn't one for all the public displays of affection, hugs and all that, so I guess that's where I inherited it.

"Mom, we're sixteen!" I reminded her, raising an eyebrow.

"I know, but it seems like only yesterday you five were playing with dolls." I rolled my eyes and Brailey chortled. "Anyway, have you got everything?"

We both nodded as Amber, Sian and Mari came over with their luggage and joined us.

"Well, here's a hundred pounds each," she said, "but to be spent on only things you need. Clothes, that sort of thing," she smiled, handing each of us a wad of notes.

"Thanks," Mari piped up. "It's appreciated." She -Mari- grinned; my mom was like a second mom to each of my four bandmates.

"Okay, well you girls have a great trip, phone me when you can, and I'll see you whenever you come home," she said. With that, the goodbyes were spoken, and she drove off.

+ +

By now, we were on the correct plane, sitting mostly together; other than Mari and Sian sitting at the two-seater across from me, Amber and Brailey. I stared out the window, watching the building get smaller as the aircraft got higher in the sky until, more or less, level with the fluffy clouds. The sky was a bright blue, a slight hint of sun shining through a large cloud, but calm. I was pretty certain it wouldn't rain, but it didn't matter to me.

Just as long as I was with my trusted drummer, Brailey, and two guitarists, Mari and Sian, then my best friend and confidante, and lead guitarist/back-up vocalist, Amber.

+ +

"We're here," I felt a nudge that sharply pulled me away from my sensual dream about...museums. I looked up and saw Amber staring down at me disbelievingly. "Trust you."

"Pft," I replied. I sat up more until I was ready to move, and even then the girls were hauling me out, my feet pretty much dragging along the floor.

"Luggage," Brailey informed me, lobbing mine at me.

"Hey, there's breakable stuff in there!" I protested. She shook her head and rolled her eyes dramatically.

"No there's not, I watched you pack, remember?"

"Yeah, well, there could've been," I muttered darkly.

"Shut up Alice," I felt a sharp snap in the back of my head; Sian had smacked me.

"What the hell was that for?!" I rubbed my head.

"To wake you up," Sian responded with a cocky grin.

"No shit, Sherlock? I thought you had some brains in there."

We walked out of the airport and Mari called a taxi service with the payphone. We stood there, just enjoying the weather -and each other's company- until the taxi finally slowed to a halt in front of us.

We slid in, one by one, with just enough room for leg space, Sian told the driver the address of our accommodation and he set off.

Whilst driving, he told us the names of the nicest sites in the city, where you could go and what to do, that sort of thing.

"Sounds nice...woah!" I whispered in awe at the building in front of the cab. It was like a mansion, no, it was a mansion all gothic and mysterious. I definitely could not wait to see the inside.

"This is your stop, ladies," the man told us. He smiled, before we got out and received our cases, then walked into the house nervously.
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Please comment! I'll give you love<3!
And yes, I used the names of my friends. But only 'cause I love them so much :]