Status: Back up.

Thank God It's Not Monday!


"Hurry your asses up!" I yelled to my brother and my bandmates. We were trying to get to the airport and they seemed to be lagging in the speed department.

"We're coming!" Mikey yelled back. I saw him running to the car, pulling his luggage and holding onto his bass. "Pop the trunk man!"

"All of our bags can't fit back here." Ray, who was pulling his luggage, said to me. He just about tossed his guitar into the back seat. I was sitting in the drivers seat and my top was ready to blow. We couldn't miss the plane.

"Well put them on top of the car or something!" Frank had already thrown his bags in the trunk and hopped and in the front seat. "SHOTGUN! Whoop!" He was holding his guitar in his lap, giving it a triumphant look.

"Put them on the floor and get in the car!" I yelled. After everything was loaded in, we began to drive off.

When we were about halfway down the block we heard distant yells. Mikey looked out the window. "Dude, we left Bob!" I stopped the car and turned around to see Bob, our drummer, running after the car. Good thing that luggage had wheels. He piled his luggage in the backseat and plopped in.

"You guys suck!" He said, looking about in disbelief. "I can't believe you almost left me!"

"Whatever, man." I said. We drove to the airport in silence. The atmosphere in the car was tense. We had entered a contest and were going to compete in some kind of battle of the band thing.

"You know this is illegal, right?" Frank suddenly said. "We're too young to all be riding together. Gotta have somebody who's 23."

Bob popped him in the head. "Shut up, man!" With that we all drove to the airport in silence.

After successfully getting all of our stuff loaded in the baggage area, (they let those of us with instruments carry them) we all boarded the plane. Frank and I sat together, Bob and Ray sat together, and Mikey sat by his lonesome and went to sleep.

"This is crazy!" Frank said looking out the window. "I can't believe we're actually doing this."

"Me, either." I mumbled. Ever since we had formed our band in the 8th grade, we had dreamed of doing something like this that might make us get big. We were going to go against other bands from other places. It was mindblowing. Being only 17, this was the chance of a lifetime.

A few hours later...

We were being rushed off the plane. Not by the flight attendant, but by Mikey.

"I had to sleep that whole flight and sit by myself so we're getting off this plane as soon as possible!" We found our bags in the airport and ran out. When we reached the streets, we looked about the city. It was wondrous. The buildings were so tall.

"Taxi!" Ray was attempting to flag down a taxi. He was pretty noticeable. He had a big curly fro and the cab driver was bound to see it. When he finally flagged one down, we put our luggage in the trunk and we all piled in.

"This is pretty tight."
"Get your elbow out of my face!"
"Yo, that's my stomach!"
"You guys should let me lay across your laps; I'm the shortest."

The turmoil in the backseat was not what I was going through; I was sitting in the front. I gave the taxi guy the address and he got us there in less than 20 minutes. When we got there, I paid the cab driver and everyone in the backseat tumbled out. We were in front of this big mansion. It had a gothic style and kind of a creepy feel to it.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Bob said. He hopped a bit. "Let's go in!"

And in we went.
♠ ♠ ♠
So guys, I'm BRAILS and I'm the co-author of this story!
I'm really excited and all but Mibba is taking over my life. Sad, I know.
I'm doing geometry and doing this chapter and now I'm writing another chapter of something else and *supposedly* alternating to do geometry. But whatever.
Love you all!

Please comment!!