Status: Back up.

Thank God It's Not Monday!


As soon as I left the guys' suite, in the hallway, Brailey walked straight into me by mistake, and hence, the collision; a loud thud and complete heap of our body parts tangled together on the carpeted floor.

"Brailey!" I shrieked a bit too loudly. "Watch where you're going!" I glowered at her.

Again, a lot of doors opened and people just stood there and watched, not helping, then the boys we'd met earlier came out and helped us to our feet. Amber, Sian and Mari came out at the same time as The Whore who'd slapped me before stood over me -she was taller due to her heels.

"Gosh, you're a slut and a fucktard," she smirked, truly believing she was better than me. Fucking elitist.

"Fuck off, would you?" Brailey said, more rhetorically than not. She stepped over to Brailey in her very high heels and skimpy thigh-length dress.

"I'm leader of the Sexpots," she told Brailey. Amber snorted, earning a glare. "Get it through your weeny mind."

"So what does that make you? A harlot in a brothel?" Amber inquired, pretending to be curious. Sian and Mari contained their hysterics as best they could at the current situation.

"I didn't ask you, bitch," The Whore turned on Amber, who - to The Whore's surprise - stood her ground.

"No, but I asked you, ass-fuck," Amber replied smiling.

The girl took it upon herself to slap Amber this time, but Frank - the short boy with black hair - stepped in front of her and took the hit himself.

"Look, freak, you don't pick on my friends, no matter what they have or haven't done that somehow affects you, got it?" he said sternly.

"They're not your friends; they're idiots, dirt, scum," she said.

"Excuse me?" Gerard's pale face was now an angry red, looking like he would burst at any second. "Yes they are our friends, they are not idiots; you are, and again, they are not scum." She backed off, seemingly slightly afraid of Gerard and walked into her own room again.

I smiled at Gerard and he eased up a lot.

"Now she's left the hallway, two of you pick heads," I said to my bandmates. Mari and Amber's hands shot up.

I tossed the coin, catching it, then turning it over in my palm to see it was on tails.

"Sian?" I asked her.

"Heads," she smiled. I repeated the action, and it landed on heads this time, so it looked like Sian and I would be sharing the bed.

"Thanks," I said to Frank, handing him the coin back.

"No problem, any time for my favourite neighbours," he grinned assuringly. I nodded.

"Okay...let's go, girls," I waved over my shoulder, a quick, majestic movement, as we walked back into our own suite, hearing a laugh as I closed the door.

We all sat back down in the lounge when I heard a knock at the door. What the hell? "I'll get it," I sighed. I pulled myself up again and strode over to the door. When I pulled it ajar, Ebony was there.

"Hey Alice, girls," she smiled as I let her in. They all smiled and said hello to her as we joined them in the lounge. Brailey put the disc for Corpse Bride - directed by the incredible Tim Burton - into the DVD player. "Now, I'm going to take all the singers for each band into the audition room tomorrow to see where you're all at," she said, "so my colleague can take the guitarists and drummers. I'll call on you," Ebony looked at me, "at ten in the morning, okay?" I nodded at her.

"Good, you girls should go and eat something now; there's a pretty good selection of stuff in the kitchen."

+ +

"Actually, I feel very refreshed; no nausea anymore," I concluded as we sat at a four-seater table -Mari and I were sharing a chair between us.

I ate away at my salad, Amber drinking her strawberry milkshake - talk about slaves to your passions - and Mari occasionally stole bits of lettuce or cucumber off my plate, while Brailey had her kiwi and Sian had a yoghurt.

Afterward, we went back to the suite and I just went to bed, feeling exhausted. I was one of those people who, when feeling even the slightest hint of fatigue, could faint anywhere at anytime.

The Next Day

"Alice! Wake up!" four, no five, voices surrounded me and I opened my eyes timidly. My bandmates were all there, plus one other person, at the end of the bed. Someone sprayed me with a watering container of some sort, and I jumped out of the bed.

"Arghahuh!" I moaned, rubbing my eyes.

"Well, it's nine-thirty!" Mari said, yanking me to the wardrobe.

"Shit, I've been asleep since four yesterday?" The fifth - who I realised was Mikey - nodded. "Wait- what's he doing here?" I asked, looking at him.

"We thought you were dead or worse, and Mikey wanted to hang out here for a while, so we asked him to check up on you..."

"And you couldn't check up on me yourselves because...?" I asked sceptically. They all looked down.

"Okay, I'm going to change in time for Ebony," I informed them all, grabbing up some clothes and heading into the bathroom.
♠ ♠ ♠

So, this is the last chapter you'll get until next week, when Brailey comes back :]

If you comment, she'll give an extra-good one when she gets back.

EDIT: COMMENT! Please! Then the next one will be dedicated to whosoever comments.