Status: Back up.

Thank God It's Not Monday!


As I came around the corner, I was tackled. The next thing I knew, I was making out with Alice. Now in actuality, it was the most awkward thing ever but I was in no hurry to stop it. I saw the slutty chick from Sexpots walk away with a look of disgust but then I heard footsteps around the corner. Alice hurriedly pulled away and ran off.

It was Ebony who was coming around the corner. "Have you seen Alice?"

I pointed the way that she went. "Thank you. And you get back to rehearsals! We've only 30 minutes left and I'm not stopping for anyone."

With that, I raced back to the rehearsal room, where Ray, Amber, and a red-faced Alice were waiting. A few seconds after I entered the room, Ebony entered.

"My, my, Alice. That was a long snack break. Break it down about 5 minutes next time, kay?"

"Yah, okay."

"Alright now! Lets do our vocal exercises!"

As we were doing these, we could hear a flurry of sounds from the next room over, where Mikey, Frank, Sian, Mari, and Brailey were with Tony. It sounded psychotic; drums were going non-stop, the bass and guitars weren't stopping either and the tunes were crazy.

"Tony is killing them!" I yelled, disrupting Ebony. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"It's only thirty more minutes, Mr. Way." She used our last names when annoyed. "They can manage it. Don't ever disrupt my class again, kapeesh?"

"Eh, kapeesh." Intimidating woman.

And so the thirty minutes went by. When Ebony released us, I basically ran out, only to see Brailey, Sian, Mari, and the rest of my band sitting on the floor.

"I can't feel my arms!" Brailey moaned as she tried to shake them out.

"My fingers are gonna fall off!" Mari exclaimed.

"That was a nice practice people!" Tony said. "I can't wait for tomorrow!" He and Ebony walked away.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUUCKK!!!" Frank and Bob yelled in unison. Bob almost broke his drumsticks while slamming them down. Frank just slammed his hands down, cause the thought of slamming his guitar didn't even cross his mind.

"What is that guys problem?" Mikey asked. None of us had the answer, of course, and so we just shook our heads. As our tortured bandmates started to compare injuries, Alice began to slip away. I naturally went after her, wanting to know why she kissed me.

"Alice! Wait up!"

"Sassy made me do it!" she yelled. I looked at her with a confused look. "Sassy is the slut from Sexpots." That was an interesting name if I ever heard one.

"How'd she make you do it?"

"She said I had to suck face with whoever came around the corner next from your band, since we were buddies. It was you."

"I get it now. Entirely." I began to walk away but I turned back around. "You're a great kisser, by the way." I was flirting. I didn't want to but I couldn't help it.

"You're not bad yourself." she said. "I didn't want to let go myself but, ya know, Ebony came." She was flirting back!

She started to walk back to the group as I followed.

"Guys!" she said. "We oughta have a spa party. Tonight. To nurse our aching band members." She smiled a mischevious smile.

"Spa parties are for girls!" Bob yelled, apparently not ready to put aside his masculine ways in exchange for some relaxation.

"That sounds awesome!" Frank said. "Any of you have black nail polish?"

Bob was about to retort but Brailey put her hand over his mouth.

"It's settled then! We'll see whose room it'll be in but it's gonna be fun!" Alice clapped her hands and glanced at me. This girl was enticing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe, I think you can see whats budding here.

- Deej

and I changed my username from brailey to Mikey Way...
cause i'm cool like that.