Status: Back up.

Thank God It's Not Monday!


I ran through the suite, making sure everything was tidy for the guys coming over. There was not a single thing out of place, the disco light was up and on, the lights in every other room off, music playing. So what was missing?

"There's something missing!" I shouted, freaking out.

"Chill, dude!" Mari laughed. She handed me a bowl of crisps and a dip, "Sian is getting the drinks," she added with a smile.

"Okay, great," I said, feeling a bit calmer, whilst setting the crisps and dip on the first make-shift table in our lounge. "Everyone ready?" I asked them.

"Absolutely hostess," Sian grinned, setting drink cups on the second make-shift table, and placed three bottles -pepsi, fanta and lemonade- on it in a triangle.

She straightened out her dark blue party dress and clicked her heels together. Mari was wearing a grey vest with denim calf-length shorts and sandals - I wore the same, but a white vest with print on it reading, 'The Snipster is safe.' Brailey had a loose, fleecy red tee-shirt and jeans, and Amber wore a black dress with shiny black pumps. I added the final touch to the room by handing each friend two party poppers, which we pulled after three.

"Now it looks good!" I giggled. I sat down on the sofa, and laid my head back against the cushion. Next thing I was aware of, was that Mari was sitting on my legs, pinning me to the chair. "Mari..." I moaned. She just sat though, didn't move.

There was a knock on the door and we all averted our gazes to it as five boys filed in, first Gerard, then Bob, Ray, Mikey, and Frank, who bounced over to us, and sat on my waist.

"Oh, getting squashed midgets!"

"Hey! I'm not that short!" Mari protested.

I giggled. "No, but he is!" I pointed at Frank. He pouted and crossed his hands over his chest. I shoved them both off of me, then got up. "Well, this is our suite!" I told the guys. "Em, that's about all you need to know."

The music was turned up louder, and two hours passed, just consisting of dancing. I made my way through all five of them, occasionally seeing Gerard tense when I danced closely with another of his band. It made me giggle, feeling on top of whatever relationship we currently had; God knows I don't think either of us knew. I crossed over to Bob when a new dance began, observing Gerard dancing with Sian, just watching me stiffly, some form of jealousy in his eyes. Bob pulled me tight to him, and when the song came to a close, he lowered me back slowly then pulled me up again.

I strolled over to Mikey, avoiding Gerard as he came to talk to me, who was standing by the stack of our favorite dvds.

"Friends?" Mikey asked with a laugh, "Senior Skip Day?!"

I shrugged. "Yeah... I like Friends... And Snippy is love."

"Enough said," he answered honestly.


"Hell yes!" Brailey agreed with him, nodding her head frantically.

They all looked to me, all nine pairs of eyes. I opened my lips to speak, but nothing came to my vocal chords, and I instead shut it again. I merely shrugged and nodded my head.

"I'll get an empty bottle..." I murmured, before leaving the lounge and taking out a water container from the small cabinet beside the bed I shared with Sian. I rejoined the circle in the living room and took a seat next to Gerard. He stared at me with a confused look, and I just smiled, keeping up whatever game I was playing.

Amber spun the bottle first and waited, until it halted, facing Bob.

"Truth or dare?" she questioned him.

"... Truth."

"Would you kiss Brailey?" Mikey snorted and the corners of my lips tugged up into a grin. Brailey and Bob both gaped at Amber.

"Well, no..." he answered.

"Oh, gee, well thanks."

"...well, you know... I don't exactly date my friends."

I giggled. Brailey tilted her head in thought, and agreement.

I took a turn spinning the bottle round, and it stopped, pointing at Mikey this time.

"Truth or dare?" I asked evilly.

"Dare," he responded. Ooh, I wonder what I can thrust upon him... I thought.

"I dare" I added in pauses for suspense.

"Come on!" Frank whined,

"Okay, okay. I dare you to drink water from the toilet." Gerard's jaw fell open, and I smirked at his brother when he looked at me in horror.

"What the hell? No! No way!"

"Oh go on. Chicken."

"Not in a million light-years."

"Starwars freak."

"Well would you if you had to?!" Ray stood up for Mikey.

"Yes!" the rest of us replied in unison.

"Fine, I'll do it!"

I smiled and jumped up, clapping my hands together. I sprinted through the suite to the bathroom, knelt down by the toilet, lifted up the seat, followed by the rest of the small group.

Mikey shuffled to the toilet, knelt down in front of it, fear and disbelief marked over his expression like a watercolor painting, clear as anything.

He leaned over the bowl, his hair tucked behind his ears, and dipped his face in toward the water. This was killing me, watching him actually do this.

He was about to take a mouthful of the liquid, but I blurted out, "STOP!"

He looked up and the others mimicked his actions, and I walked away from them, going back to the lounge.

"I don't really want to play truth or dare anymore," I muttered.

"C'mon, one more?" Frank begged. I gave in and let him go ahead.

He let the bottle spin round multiple times, and it stopped on Ray.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare." What the hell? I pondered in my head. I thought he was a bit of a scaredy-cat.

"I dare you to make out with...Mari!" Ray's face was a picture.


"You can't back out of a dare," I said.

"Why? It's not like you've been forced to kiss one of your best friends," he spat. I had to smile and chuckled.

"Yes I have."

"Prove it."

I crawled across the circle, to where Gerard was sitting beside Mikey, and he was surprised when I leaned in, and pressed my lips to his. I heard a few gasps but paid no attention. We fell backwards, so I was lying on him, simply making out, and after a period of five minutes of us kissing parted with him and moved back across the circle to my place.
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hope this one's okay for you guys. i like it anyway :cute:
again, comments + criticism is most helpful so we can improve/develop on certain things