Status: Back up.

Thank God It's Not Monday!


Frank's P.O.V.

"Hey guys?" Bob said. He was attempting to juggle his drumsticks, which wasn't going well. "I want to go out."

I looked about our room. Sometimes the thrill of being here kind of wore off. It might have been because we had been confined to this mansion for almost 2 weeks.

"It's the weekend. We oughta be able to go out." I said. Gerard was gazing out of the window.
"Man, what the fuck are you looking at!" Bob threw a drumstick at Gerard's head, the drumstick hitting him dead on. Gerard turned around, his face red, his eyes full of rage.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Gerard yelled.

"I did it so you would listen to me!" Bob yelled back. "You haven't been listening to me ever since our little party with the girls!"

"And you've been absent minded." Ray said as he walked in. He was eating ice cream straight from the carton.

"Whatever!" Gerard said, his eyebrows scrunched. He threw the drumstick back at Bob, who caught it.

"Gerard." Bob said, standing up. "If you wanna fight, we can. I'm sick of you."

"Okay then." Gerard said. He got in Bob's face. "Let's go!"

I had been watching from afar, observing, but I knew that it was time to interfere. I knew that Ray wouldn't, because it was one of his dreams to see Gerard and Bob go at it. Mikey wouldn't because...well, he couldn't because he was hanging out at the girl's place.

I jumped between them, pushing them apart. "Guys, stop all this. It's not worth it."

"Damn right it is!" Bob said. "I knew it would be hell if I ever had to live with you!"

"At least I'm not a bitch in the morning!" Gerard snapped.

"At least I don't spoil the fun when we want to stay up late!" Bob spat back.

Ray was sitting on the couch, giggling, and eating his ice cream.

"GUYS!" I yelled. I don't think they even noticed me. Damn my shortness.

"WHAT!?" They yelled as they looked down.

"We need to get out." I said calmly. "We're in Los Angeles, the great LA! And all we've been doing is practicing and staying in this mansion. This is, to say the least, horribly ridiculous. It's enough to make anyone go crazy!"

"Damn you, short boy." said Ray. He put the top on his ice cream. "But lets go out, guys."

"Alright. We'll grab Mikey on our way out."

As we were walking out, Bob made a suggestion.

"Hey, Brailey and the girls, they're from London."

"Yeah, and?" Gerard said.

"We could take them with us!" Bob exclaimed. "We could like give them a tour! They've never been to the US before."

"Amazing idea!" I said. As we approached their door, Sian answered.

"Hey girls! Mikey! The guys are here." She yelled back. Mikey ran to the door. "Hey guys, what's up?"

I cleared my throat and put on a British accent that didn't quite work. "We could like to cordially invite you all to tour the great Los Angeles with us."

"Oh my gosh!" They all squealed. I spied Gerard and Alice eyeing each other and my insides turned a bit. I couldn't pinpoint the feeling.

"We'd love to!" Brailey yelled. The girls grabbed their purses and bags, because girls need those types of things wherever they go. As we went out the door, Mari pat me on the back. "Lovely idea."

When we got outside, we hailed a taxi. I was put in charge of choosing places to go, as I was a worldly one. I had been to New York, I was from New Jersey, and I'd been to LA a few times over the years. It really was an amazing place but not at all how tour people put it.

"Tell me, will we see lots and lots of celebrities?" Alice asked.

"Oh hell no." I said. "I have friends who live here who have never seen one in their lives. It's not like they run the street in a certain area or anything."

"Um, did anyone call a cab?" Gerard asked. When everyone shook their head no, he went back in the lobby to get a number.

While we waited, I made a list of places that we wanted to go.

Amber wanted to go the beach.
Alice wanted to see Melrose Ave.
Sian wanted to see Downtown LA's fashion district.
Brailey was desperate to see the Getty.
Mari wanted to ride on the underground train.
Mikey wanted to see if the Barnes and Noble here was the same as in New Jersey.
Bob wanted to go to the Cheesecake Factory.
Ray wanted to visit the Venice boardwalk.
Gerard wanted to go to the Santa Monica pier.
I wanted to go...anywhere. I just wanted to get out of that damn mansion.

Gerard came back out. "Taking a cab around LA is going to be very expensive. We'll need to take the train or the bus or just walk."

"Did they give you a map?" I asked. Gerard nodded. "Okay guys, lets walk to the nearest rail. We'll go to Melrose first." Alice giggled.

And so we basically ran to the station. We each bought a day pass for the train, which was really efficient. We got off the rail in Hollywood. We then walked around and finally got to Melrose...or somewhere like it.

"There are so many expensive shops here." Sian said. "Let's go in!" The girls all squealed. We guys all looked less than thrilled. We followed them in, though.

We had been through so many shops, many an annoyed shop owners, before we came to a lingerie shop. We promptly refused to go in.

"Please?" Brailey tugged at Bob's hand.

"Need I say this again?" He snatched his hand away, rather aggressively. "Hell no."

"Oww..." Brailey shook her hand out.

"You hurt her!" Alice said, her eyes wide.

"No I didn't!" Bob said, motioning his hands. Mikey, Gee, Ray, and I just watched.

"To compensate for it, you must come into the shop with us." Mari said. "All of you."

Bob, as well as the rest of us, gave in. We knew that they wouldn't stop until we went in with them.

"This is what we get." Gerard whispered to us. We nodded in defeat.

"This shit is expensive." Brailey said, rather loudly. The lady at the counter coughed a disapproving cough.

"Well, well." Alice rubbed her hands together in a mischievous manner. "Who wants to get in touch with their feminine side today?"

"I do!" I said, a bit too enthusiastic. "Wait, what did I agree to?"

"Good luck, man." Bob patted me on the back. Mikey, Gerard, and Ray were suppressing laughs.

"What is going on?" I demanded to know.

"Tsk, tsk." Amber said. "You shouldn't say yes to things you don't fully agree to, my boy. Get into the dressing room."

I understood what was happening. All I could do was mutter "shit" under my breath. The girls picked up some lingerie and headed after him into the dressing room. I caught a glance of Bob's sympathetic smile and a glance of Ray's teasing smile. How I hated them.

In the dressing room, the girls forced me to undress. I complied, of course, not wanting to make a scene. I knew we'd get thrown out for this one. The lingerie that they had chosen was red and black. It was lacy and had nipple holes. I said every swear word that I knew and directed it at them. It didn't bother them, though. They just giggled, suppressing their want to laugh big, obnoxious laughs. After they finished dressing me, they took many a picture, for which I was very uncooperative. Sian pulled a red bow from somewhere in her purse and clipped it in my hair.

Then they pushed me out for my fellow bandmates to see.

They might as well have died of laughing. Gerard, Bob, and Mikey were all entirely red from laughing. Ray, in a league of his own, was on the floor. The clerk immediately put us out, pushing me back in the dressing room and demanding that I remove the lingerie. As we left the store, I refused to speak to any of them. I just told them that we were going to the beach next.

We took the rail, walked, took the bus some more, and then walked some more. When we finally got to the beach, which was Venice Beach, everyone was ecstatic. Amber and Ray were both getting their suggested places. The shops that were at Venice were definitely more my type than those on Melrose. It was a breath of fresh air. After our shopping, we got ice cream and walked along the shore. That was definitely one of the highlights of our trip. It was just the 10 of us, eating ice cream, walking along the shore, fully clothed; we hadn't prepared to swim. It was all peaceful until I decided to get back at Ray. As the tide was coming in, I pushed Ray into the water. I didn't expect him to pull me in, though. As he was pulling me in, I latched on to Gerard, who grabbed Alice. It was all downhill from there. The remaining people who hadn't been pulled threw themselves in the water. We played for a while and got out. The wind caught us by surprise. It was freaking freezing.

"I forgot how cold it got when you do stupid shit like this." Brailey said through her chattering teeth.

"I'm hungry." said Ray.

"You're always hungry." Bob and I said in unison.

"Whatever." He shook out his afro, which got us even wetter. "I'm sure everyone else is hungry. Mari? Are you hungry?"

"Hell yeah!" she said. "Food, food, food!" She chanted and everyone else chanted with her.

"What should we eat?" I asked. "And it's getting dark."

"You're right..." Gerard remarked. "I want tacos!"

"Where's a good taco place around here?" Brailey asked. "There's like a million restaurants here and all around the beach."

"We'll just have to chose one then, won't we?" Bob then chose one for us. We all ate there and it was good.

"We won't be able to do a lot of stuff other people wanted to do today." Alice sighed. "I had fun."

We were all sitting on the beach. It was nighttime and we still weren't 100% dry, which was quite alright.

"This was really fun." Bob said.

"Kudos to that." said Gerard.

"I love you, man." Bob said to Gerard.

"I know." said Gerard. "Sorry about today. Frank sure was right." They gave each other air-fives over the mass of bodies.

"Eh, sorry to ruin a moment, but do we have a curfew?" Brailey asked. It all seemed to fall into place then. It was probably 8:30 at the time. They didn't even know how long it would take to get back.

"Shit!" I said, jumping up. "Guys, we gotta get back!"

And we did get back. Over a series of trains, buses, and some walking, we got back. But not without consequence, as 8 o' clock was the curfew. A strict one enforced by Ebony and Tony, who made it their business to be waiting for us at the front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
So guys. Hey! Khadijah here.

Sorry chapter 9 took so long. I had school and now I'm out. I made it up to you guys by typing an extra-super-deliciously-long chapter. 1,913 words on almost 4 pages. That's love. It's also the first chapter out of many that will be in someone elses point of view. It gets boring writing in Gerard's point of view sometimes, ya know?

Until next time,
Deej (Brailey) (Mikey Way...)