When She Cries


"Good-bye Mr. Roberts!" She called, walking out the door.

"Yeah, well. Be back tomorrow! And on time!" he instructed. Mary-Beth sighed, but smiled politely back at him as she drove off in the car that her father let her drive.

Everyday she helped her principle with yard work and other things around his house. He paid her for it of course.

Looking at her watch, she realize it was already almost 6pm.

"Crap." she muttered. She was going the speed limit on her way home and she opened the door as quietly as she could when she walked in.

Not seeing anyone,she breathed a sigh of relief, but soon held it in again when her father came into the light from the living room.

She heard him chuckle dryly. "You're home late."She nodded meekly. He slowly walked towards her and she felt a harsh slap across her face. I didn't look her in the eyes. She only stared at the floor and waited. He kicked his foot across the back of her knees, knocking her down.

Mary sat on her knees in the floor as he kicked her in the stomach several times. She laid on the floor in pain yet again. No tears present. She refused to let him have the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

Eventually he left her there and went out the door. She heard the motor of his car start and fade. Knowing he had gone for the weekend to somewhere with girls and cassino.

She picked herself up off the floor and trudged into the bathroom. Seeing her reflection, she cringed. Blood and bruises everywhere.

She pealed away my clothes before stepping into the shower. Letting the warm water fall over her, She saw the water turning red and after a few moments of cleaning herself it ran clear again.

This happen too often. Mary-Beth's own father would find some reason to beat her. She touched her fingers to her eyes and felt the wetness of tears, not water. She let them fall, feeling the pain engulf her. She slid to the shower floor and searched for her razor, her friend. Finding it, She brushed her index finger over the past scars that she had created and then ran the razor slowly over her arm and sighed. All the pain seeming to wash down the drain with the blood and water. It felt so good to her,for she was numb to the pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a start.
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-Taylor xo