Oh, But You're An Explosion

Dressed in Five Seconds.

I walked into work and spotted Erin sitting behind the counter, punching away at a calculator. I just sipped from my Starbucks and adjusted my sunglasses on my nose.

To put it lightly: I felt like shit.

"Morning." Erin muttered from her spot as I walked passed her and disappeared into the back room to put up my stuff. "How was your night?" she asked from the doorway, startling me.

I sighed and pulled my sunglasses up, sitting them on my head. "Alright, I guess. I can't really remember much. I do, though, know that I was very, very intoxicated. See?" I nearly yelled, pointing to my eyes.

They were bloodshot and gross. I looked like I had died and come back.

"Holy shit, Anna! Did you get hit by a bus?" she yelled, running over to me and inspecting my body.

I shoved her off of me. "Seriously? Erin, come on! You left me with Oli yesterday! What the fuck do you think happened to me? And I didn't get hit by a bus." I sais sternly. I wasn't about to act like I needed her to say sorry; I wanted her to punch me in the face for doing what I did last night.

I thought her lungs were going to pop out of her skin with the deep breath that she took. "Did you have sex with Oli?"

I laughed. "No. I'm not that dumb." I thought for a second, then sighed. "But we almost did, actually. I'm pretty sure I passed out, though... and Christian was there. We almost had a-"

"You almost had a three-some?!" Erin shrieked, grabbing my shoulders.

"God, Erin, don't tell everybody." Oli's voice rang from the doorway.

I turned to see him holding his head in his hands, cringing, wearing sunglasses and carrying Starbucks. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony; I had done exactly that only minutes ago. He probably looked a lot better than me, though. I had gotten dressed in five seconds this morning.

I left work early that day.


"Where have you been?" my sister asked as I walked up the stairs to my room.

I groaned. "You don't even want to know."

"Why not?" she laughed from the top of the stairs, eyeing my sunglasses. "And why are you wearing sunglasses inside? We're inside." She continued to laugh until we got inside my bedroom and I took off my sunglasses. She took in a large breath. "Holy shit! What happened to you?"

I groaned. "Shut up."

"Did you get hit by a bus?" Taylor laughed, flopping onto my bed.

I gave her a look. "Have you been talking to Erin?"

She laughed. "No, why?"

"She said the same thing." I mutterd, looking in my mirror.

I looked like a zombie.


Did yah catch that?

I said zombie.

"You seriously look like shit." Taylor commented.

I scoffed. "Thanks Captain Obvious."

She laughed. "Where were you last night and why didn't you come home?"

I could hear the worry in her voice. It made me hurt a little, knowing that I had worried her that much; I actually felt bad for not coming home. But that was only because Taylor. Dianne was probably just happy she didn't have to look at me.

"I was with Oli, sweetie." I sighed, defeated.


"Oh. Did you two go on a date?" she asked, suddenly excited.

I laughed. "Yeah. We did."

"And...?" she hinted, now completely engrossed in our conversation.

I felt like I had a spotlight on me. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid that everyone would somehow find out. I didn't want them to know anything about anything when it came to what I liked and didn't like simply because I was afraid that Oli would do something about it, then hurt me in the end. I so wasn't ready for that and I knew that's what was going to happen.

But somehow it managed to escape my lips anyways.

"It went nice, actually. I think I'm starting to fall for him." I said happily, smiling.

Then I thought about it.

♠ ♠ ♠
I owe you one more for tonight, kids.

I'm such a bad, bad person.


I need to take a shower...

I do not entertain in any way that smoking pot is a good thing. Though I do on occasion I am not telling you to do it. What I do and write about is my business and if you have a problem with that, get over it. I don't want you to think that I am a drug-addict or am trying to say that drugs are not bad. I have no problems with your opinions and if you don't like them, that's nice.
Never start if you want to stop.