Bring Me Love

Tropical Paradise

"Don't cry, dad! You're going to make us crash," I said as my dad started to tear up. You could see how close we were. "It's only 2 weeks. I think you'll live." He laughed.

"Who's going to annoy be about 'let's go to a Jonas Brothers concert' while you're gone? Who's going to keep Holly company when I'm at work? Who's going to... to... t-t-to..." he started stuttering like he was going to cry.

You see, my dad and I have never really been apart for more than three days. We were really close ever since my mother died when I was ten. And I'm 17 now.

"Aw dad, don't cry! You're being a baby. If it helps, I'll text and/or call you everyday. By the way, Holly doesn't need company. She sleeps all the time now." We both laughed.

"Okay, but if you just skip one day of not calling me, I might call the police and send them up there right away and tell them you were mauled by a snow monster." I laughed at my dad's serious humor.

"Mhm, okay, dad. Wait! Stop! We're here!" He stepped on the brake pedal really fast and we both jerked forward in our seats.

"Sorry, Lace, I forgot I was supposed to drop you by... this bus stop. I thought we were going to the grocery store for a second." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you, dad. See ya in two weeks!" and with that, I took my luggage and my dad pulled me back.

"Honey... you're sure you wanna go there? I'm gonna miss you a whole bunch." I shook him off.

"Okay, dad. Now you're being overprotective! I've got my phone and unlimited texting. I will text and call you everyday." We hugged one last time that day.

"Be safe, Lacey. Stay away from boys!" I laughed and ran up to the chaperone in front of the bus.

"Lacey Wood," I replied blankly to the tall, pale woman. She checked off my name on the roster and I ran up the steps into the bus. I saw my best friend Lauren sitting down looking outside the window at a pile of dirty snow. I snuck up and sat beside her.

"HEY LAUREN!!!!!!!" I whispered loudly as I punched her arm playfully. She screamed and laughed.

"LACEY, don't do that! You scared me."

"Oh yeah, because you were too busy staring at snow." She shrugged.

"I've been bored for three hours. My mom dropped me here early because she wanted to visit Jerry." I raised my eyebrow.

"Jerry? Again? Are they getting serious?" Lauren shook her head and looked down to the ground.

"I hope not. He's such a jerk. But, my mom doesn't know that." I thought for a second.

"Maybe you should tell your mom what he did." Lauren looked at me, startled.

"Oh, no, I could never do that! My mom's so happy. I can't ruin that..." Sure you can, Lauren, I thought to myself.

The bus started after it had filled up with eager people who couldn't wait to get to the high tops of snow. I, for one, was very sleepy. I spent all night watching the Jonas Brothers YouTube videos, because I knew I wouldn't have internet connection once I got to the Summit. I looked

next to me... Lauren had already dozed off into dream land. And that set me off to sleep.

"Would you like a pina colada, Miss Wood?" the server asked me with a wide smile on his face. I smiled back with just as much cheerfulness.

"Yes, please. Virgin, please. I don't drink alcohol."

"Sure thing, Miss Wood," and my cheery server set off. Someone sat down on the tanning chair next to me.

"Excuse me, may I sun bathe with you here? I promise I won't be a burden," the voice of the person whispered into my ear.

"Go ahead."


As I layed back with my sunglasses and hat on, I noticed there was a white shirt on the floor. I guessed it was the stranger's. I couldn't help it, I looked to my left - where surely, the stranger was lying down chest facing the sun.
Man, he had a great body. Tan and everything.
He must've noticed I was snooping because he smirked and turned towards me. Whoa, his face was gorgeous, too. Even with the sunglasses on.

"Do you like what you see?" My jaw dropped and I couldn't find the words to answer. Finally, I muttered a 'yes'.

"I knew it," he said, smiling wide open with his bright, white teeth sparkling in the sun. This guy was perfect. Why do I feel like I've seen him before?
His arms were crossed across his perfect chest and I couldn't help but stare. Then, something out of the unexpected happened.

"You're not so bad youself," the flirty, perfect guy complimented me.

"Um, thanks." He laughed and started to stand up.

"I'm surprised you haven't recognized me yet," he said quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Well..." said the stranger, and he pointed to the magazine I was holding. The cover had a huge picture of the Jonas Brothers.
The mystery guy took off his sunglasses and looked at me. I gasped.

It was Joe Jonas.

"Haha, I can tell you know who I am now by your face. You're not going to attack me, right?" I just sat there.

"Um, no. But..."



"Hey, why don't we go catch some lunch together?" he offered, showing his pearly whites.

"Okay, sure," I smiled like an idiot. I was starstruck.

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the deck of the ship.

"Hello?! Lacey! Wake up! We're here," I heard Lauren's voice say. I woke up groggily. That was one dream I didn't want to get out of. "What happened to you?" Lauren asked me with a smile on her face. "Your mouth was open this whole time."

"Huh? Oh. No. I mean, um, nothing." I stumbled over my words. I was still speechless. And it was just a dream.

"Okay, if you say so. Come on, let's get inside the cabins! I wanna know if we're assigned cabins with each other!" She grabbed my hand and we treaded across the snow to the main cabin.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha, wouldn't you like to have a dream like that?
i sure would x]
boring chapter but i'm just starting things off ;)