Bring Me Love


"One bed?" I whispered, a lump forming in my throat. Joe didn't say a word, so I stood up. "Ummm... I could run over to the main cabin right now and ask them for another mattress or something." Joe nodded, but he was still staring at the bed. He looked hypnotized.

I grabbed my coat and slipped on my warm, furry boots. As soon as I opened the door, a gush of freezing wind stung my face. "WHOA!" Joe yelled and reached out to grab my falling body. I was shivering and didn't realize there was snow all over my face.

"Th-th-that... was... c-cold..." I stuttered as I tried to overcome my violent shaking. Joe was wiping the melting snow from my face and he started to hug me. "What are you doing?" I asked, feeling very red.

"Just making sure you're warm," Joe whispered into my ear. I shivered at the feel of his hot breath. He was right; I was becoming really warm all of a sudden. After a few moments, I felt completely normal again. Joe's body was still wrapped around mine.

"Joe?" I said, "Joe? You can stop now. I'm warm." I swear I saw him blush.

"Right." I laughed and bent over to kiss his cheek. That was when I knew I could see red heating up his cheeks.

"Thank you." He was frozen. Uh oh, was a little, thank-you kiss too much? Great, I made a wrong move already.

"What was that for?" Joe asked me. I bit my lip.

"A thank you?" I replied, quietly. Joe smiled.

"Okay." After a few moments of awkward silence, we heard a voice coming from the corner of the cabin.

"ZZZTT... Hello? ... PPZTTZZ... Is this thing on? ... Joseph? Lacey? Are you guys there?" Joe and I looked at each other, confused. Then I saw the little radio receiver sitting down on the carpet across from me. I picked up the little receiver, pressed the TALK button, and spoke into it.

"Hello? This is Lacey Wood."

"LACEY!" the voice screamed back, and I jumped a little.

"Um, yes. This is Lacey! Who is this?"

The voice chuckled and said, "This is Mrs. Kell! I was so scared. I thought you and Joe had died." I raised my eyebrows.


"Well, you see, we've been communicating all the cabins to tell them that was a snowstorm, and no one is allowed outside. That's how bad it is. But your receiver wasn't working for some reason. So I just hoped you guys were safe."

"Oh," I said, "well, yes, we're fine. Thank you for checking."

"You're welcome, dearie," Mrs. Kell said joyously, "well, I must go now! I will communicate with you via radio when we are allowed back outdoors."

"Okay," I responded. When I heard the ending click of the conversation, I immediately thought of something. "WAIT! Mrs. Kell! I forgot to ask you something!" No response. I kept talking into the radio, but no response. I looked at the little screen and read what the tiny digital letters said.


I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and it, too, had no signal. How was I supposed to talk to my dad? I looked at Joe and this whole time he had been staring at me. "Well, we're stuck here," I stated. He nodded, pulled out his iPhone, and threw it on the bed.

"No use for that thing." I sat down in the armchair next to him and just waited for something to happen. Finally, Joe asked, "So what do you wanna do?" I WANNA KISS YOU, my inner voice yelled out.

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" Joe thought for a second.

Joe's POV

I wanna hug you again, my thoughts screamed. "No idea," I said, "there isn't much to do in a wooden cabin." She giggled.

"No kidding." My mind instantly lit up.

"Why don't we play a game?" I suggested. "You know, just to pass the time."

"Sure. What kind of game?"

"Would you rather?" I smiled. She laughed.

"Okay, that sounds perfect. You start." We lay down on the warm carpet beneath us and started to play.

We started off with simple, dumb questions like 'would you rather squirt a lemon in your eye or walk across a bed of nails?'. Then, I decided to break the fun and make it even more fun.

"Would you rather kiss me on the lips or run outside into that snowstorm again?" I asked, curiously. She smirked.

"Oh, I would most definitely go freeze again." I frowned.

"Are you serious?" She laughed.

"No, silly. I'd rather kiss you." My smile came back.

"Really? So you'd kiss me right now if I let you?" I thought I saw her gulp. Was she... nervous? I decided to tease her by scooting closer.

"No, I probably wouldn't. Because..." I scooted my body right next to her.

"Because what?" She looked at me, which brought realization to my head. Our faces were dangerously close.

"Just because." She sat up and tapped her fingers on the floor. I chuckled.

"Lamest excuse ever. You wanna kiss me and you know it." She hit my arm playfully.

"I don't!" I smiled and sat up. I leaned closer to her face, so that our noses were touching each other.

"Of course you don't." Then, I press my lips against hers and she gave up. It was a short kiss, simple and sweet... but I loved it. I'm pretty sure she did too, by the red in her cheeks and the cutest smile on her face.

"Ew," she said, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her sweater. Wait, what?


"You heard me. I said EW," she smiled. I was confused.

"Why ew?" I asked, slightly turning red. She laughed.

"Because that was GROSS. I just kissed my roommate!" she pretending to scrape all the 'cooties' off her tongue. I decided to play along.

"Well, for your information. I thought that was pretty gross too." She rolled her eyes.

"Mhm, sure, Joe. Which is exactly why YOU started the kiss." I smiled and pushed her.

"I just wanted to see if it had an effect on you. I was wondering if you'd faint or something, like any normal Jonas fan would do." She looked down at her knees.

"Joe, that was probably the WORST thing for you to do right now."

"What?" She played with her fingers.

"Well... we're kind of stuck together in the middle of a snowy nowhere, and getting together wouldn't exactly be a good thing right now. Do you know what I mean? It could be..." she smiled, "... dangerous." I smirked.

"Oh, so you can't handle ALONE time with the BESTEST kisser in the world?"

"Bestest isn't a word, smart one. And you are NOT the best kisser in the world. I've known better," she fought back. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? What's his name?" I could see a blush creeping all the way up to her cheeks, making her look like a little kid.

"Well, actually... I've never even kissed a boy before." To admit, I was kind of shocked. How old was she?

"Aren't you... like... my age?" I asked.

"Well, close. But age is just a number..." she looked down and frowned a bit. I smiled.

"Aw, don't worry about it. I'm sure a lot of girls around your age haven't kissed a boy yet. But, hey! You can prove that wrong now." She smiled as I gave her a reassuring look.

"Yeah, how many girls can say the first boy they kissed was Joe Jonas? And that he was TOTALLY hitting on her."

"Hitting on you?" She winked at me.

"Yes, you were hitting on me. I might not have a lot of knowledge on boys, but that was DEFINITELY a flirty move, Mr. Jonas." I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"I was only PLAY hitting on you. I mean, just to make a loser like yourself feel like they have a chance with a boy." Suddenly, the mood inside the cabin turned dreary.

"Oh." Lacey stood up and got one of her bags. She walked into the bathroom and I heard the lock click. It was quiet for a moment, and all I could hear were the ruffling sounds of the shower curtains trying to be pulled back. Then I heard a loud THUD.

I heard Lacey scream. My eyes got wide and I started panicking. "LACEY?! Are you okay??" No reply.

I heard a gasp. "J-j-joe... my... leg.... hurts..." I felt like crying. How was I supposed to help her when she had locked herself in the bathroom?

"Lacey, you'll be okay... okay? Just... s-stay calm and please just open the door. Can you do that?" I stumbled over my words as I heard her start to cry.

"But my leg hurts a lot! I can't get up!!" she started to scream as she cried more. I felt a tear slide down my face as I struggled for a way to save her from all the pain. I looked around. Nothing to tear down the door with.

"Lacey, if you can just lean up and unlock the door, I can help you and it won't hurt anymore!" I said softly, trying to calm her down.

"I'll try." I heard her groaning with pain for a few moments, then I heard the familiar click of the door. I turned the knob as fast as I could and swung the door open.

My stomach clenched as I saw Lacey crying and screaming on the floor.
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eeek, huh. poor lacey :(
thank you so much for the comments :)
they mean a lot to me! <3 :D