Draco Malfoy's Famous Last Words

Catching Up to the Hunch


The week at my mum's went by all too quickly. We had girl talk and caught up on things in our lives. I told her about Azkaban, and she told me about random happenings in her life. When it was all said and done, it was a nice visit. Well, mostly nice, until I had to leave with Lupin for Hogwarts.

"Good luck, Sweetheart," she wished as I left.

Delilah moves to hug me goodbye. Her body goes rigid the second her arms close around me. Her pupils grow huge, and she stands still for a few moments. Then, as if nothing had happened, she pulls away from me and smiles sweetly.

"Uh? Mum? What was that?" I ask nervously.

"Oh nothing dear, I just had a premonition," she answers serenely.

Her tone of voice reminds me greatly of Luna Lovegood's. It's a bit unsettling.

"What about?" I question her cautiously.

"You will find out soon enough. Just keep an eye out for the Daily Prophet, it will tell you."

"You're being so difficult," I groan, "Why won't you just tell me?"

She kisses me on the forehead and sighs.

"If you must know something, I'll leave you with this: All hope is not yet lost for your son," she states.

Before I can even begin to comprehend her statement, Lupin quickly disapparts me from my mum. Needless to say, I left with more questions than answers.


"Remus?" I ask, when we have arrived at King's Cross Station, "What was that about?"

"Who knows, with her?" he sighs, "Your mother has been through so many ordeals, half the time I don't believe she is entirely sane. Just keep an eye on the Daily Prophet like she said."

I nod obediently and say goodbye to him. As I go to board the train, I meet up with Ginny. She and Molly had brought along all my things for me, as promised. Ginny and I board the train together, and I glance around anxiously for my Slytherin friends. I know logically not to look for Draco, as he is a convicted murderer after all. However, I long to see Blaise, Monty, Sophie, Marissa, or maybe even Crabbe or Goyle.

Fortunately, I amlucky. Very lucky. As we reach the last compartment, I hear Sophie's voice animatedly babbling on about her summer. I turn around to inform Ginny that I am leaving her, but she is already gone. I spy the end of her red ponytail drift into a compartment with Neville and Luna.

Peaking inside the compartment I heard Sophie in, I also see Marissa and Monty. They wer the only ones present, just those three had returned to Hogwarts. I knock on the door, knowing exactly how they will answer.

"Go away, you filthy mudbloods! This one's full!" Monty's voice spits at me. Obviously he has felt the need to take over the title of Slytherin Prince in Draco's absence.

"Monty! How dare you call me a mudblood! I'm telling Draco!" I whine at him, allowing a playful smile to grace my lips.

The compartment door flies open, and Monty nearly knocks me over. He hugs me and spins me around in circles before I even have a chance to say hello.

"Evelyn!" he yells, setting me down and ushering me into the compartment.

I take a seat next to Marissa, who hugs me tightly. Sophie quickly yanks me away from her and gives me a bone crunching hug as well.

"Where have you been, Princess?" Monty asks, once Sophie has returned to her place at his side.

I tell them everything, holding nothing back: how Harry got me out of Azkaban, Fleur and Bill's wedding, staying at my mum's, and arriving at King's Cross. They all look shocked when I mention Delilah.

"So the rumors are true, then?" Marissa asks. I shoot her a puzzled look.

"Every one said you went to see your mum," Sophie explains, "You know that's not allowed right? She was exiled. The Dark Lord is furious."

"You're in some deep shit, Princess," Monty adds, making sure to keep his voice low.

"I didn't think anyone would find out," I whisper, still in shock, "How did they hear that I was going to my mum's?"

"Apparently, Nott and Monty's dad over heard you talking to Potter, Weasley, and Granger about it in some muggle pub," Marissa answers.

My mouth forms a perfect "Oh." This isn't good. Voldemort will surely be livid. I try to push all of the torturous punishments he will surely reap upon me out of my mind.

"Do you think Snape will send me to the Manor?" I ask, hopefully.

"Oh no doubt," Monty says. When he catches the joy in my voice, he adds, "Don't even think it, Evie. You won't see Draco if you go to the Manor. You'll get a meeting with the Dark Lord, then you'll be out of there, if he spares you. Besides, Draco and Blaise both haven't been at the Manor hardly at all."

"Where have they been?"

"Well, Draco went into hiding in Japan for a while. Then he came back and went on a few missions. Now, I think he's off in Egypt or something, researching old magic for the Dark Lord."

"And Blaise," Marissa adds solemnly, "Hasn't been seen in nearly a month. He went out to the mountains in Siberia with your, well his, dad. They went out there to establish an alliance with the giants. They haven't been heard from since they left."

It takes every ounce of Pureblood in my body to keep my from crying. Breaking down now won't help a thing, and with the tortures I'm sure to face in the coming days, weakness would be an idiotic waste of time.

"What about Crabbe and Goyle?"

"Training in Africa with Rodolphus Lestrange," Sophie answers quickly.

"So why exactly is Draco researching old magic in Egypt?" I ask, still confused about most of this.

"The Dark Lord wanted to find out how Hector Higgins got rid of your son," Monty replies.

"Anybody know where I could find this, Hector guy?" I drawl, inwardly grinning.

Now that I have a name, I can get some revenge.

"You're too late, Draco killed him already," Marissa pipes up immediately, "It was his first mission. The Dark Lord was very unhappy about his son being killed."

I'll admit to being sorely disappointed, and I'm sure it showed on my fallen face. Yet, the fact that Draco has already taken care of Hector is a great comfort. In some sick and twisted Death Eater way, him murdering Hector for me, makes me love him even more.

"Well, any leads on how Higgins got rid of my son?"

"Actually," Sophie begins, taking out a fresh copy of the Daily Prophet. My mother's words flash through my mind like lightning, illuminated a world of hope within my chest.

She tosses the paper to me and adds, "The Dark Lord has a pretty good hunch."
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Comments are appreciated!
XoXo Kate