‹ Prequel: It's Not Over
Sequel: Here Comes Goodbye

My Immortal

Chapter 021

“Aunty ROXY!!” James yelled in the reception area when he saw Roxy talking to Matt.

“Jimmy Jam,” Roxy yelled back running and picking him up. She had not seen him in a while and he seemed to be getting bigger. “You scared us, baby.”

“I know, Sorry, have you met my daddy?” James said looking back at Zacky who had a puzzled look on his face.

“I have baby, someone else is here, go look for her,” Roxy said putting James down and letting him run around looking for Steph.

“Zacky,” Roxy brought him out of his trance.

“He’s mine,” Zacky said it wasn’t a question just a statement. “She’s not dead.”

The second comment was a whisper. “Zacky, you need to understand,” Roxy started to say but Matt came up to them.

“Can I steal Roxy away?” Matt said.

“Sure,” Zacky went in search of his son.

“What are you doing?” Roxy asked.

“What do you mean?” Matt said innocent like, but he still had anger in his eyes.

“I was going to explain,” Roxy said looking after Zacky who went up to Steph, she was holding James in her arms.

“It’s not your story to explain,” Matt said matter of fact.

“But I have to, he can’t hate her,” Roxy said tears threatening to spill.

“That’s bull shit and you know it,” Matt said his voice rising a little above a whisper, it made Roxy shiver.

“You don’t know, you don’t know anything,” Roxy said shaking her head trying to shake the memory from her mind, but she couldn’t.

The phone rang and Roxy went to pick it up, she was in Waterloo at Univerisity. She knew the ring tone and she wondered who could it be. “Hello?” she said into the phone.

“Pizza Pizza calling about an order placed earlier this year,” Jo’s voice made her jump.

“Oh my god, you’re awake,” Roxy said gripping the phone tighter.

“Hey babes,” Jo’s voice brought back so much comfort.

“What’s wrong?” the tone of the voice gave her away.

“ I can’t do it, I can’t stay here,” Jo said, her voice on the brink of hysteria.

“What do you mean?” Roxy asked sitting down on her dorm bed.

“I’m pregnant, I can’t make him stay with me, I can’t trap him. He doesn’t love me, he can’t love me, I’m horrible. I cheated on Alex, then I got into a car crash. He’s happy he has someone he loves I can’t do that to him,” Jo was talking a mile a minute.

“Slow down, Matt will understand.” Roxy said.

“It’s not Matt,” Jo said.

“You didn’t,” Roxy said in disbelief.

“I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself, I need to do something, I need to leave,” Jo said.

Roxy stared at the wall for a bit before she spoke again. “I’m listening,” she said.

“Why don’t you explain it to me?” Matt said gathering her in his arms. She let herself cry into his chest, not caring if she got his shirt wet. “Come on let’s get you a cup of coffee,” he said and led her to the dinning room.

Jo walked into the reception area and her heart broke. There stood Zacky holding James, she had imagined that moment night after night, ever since he was placed in her arms. Sam saw her and made sure no one else noticed and nodded for her to back out of view.

She whispered something to Brian and he nodded, then she made her way to where Jo was. “I’m sorry about the punch,” Sam said as soon as they were face to face.

“I probably deserve more then that,” Jo said, remembering the punch and pain filled the side of her face. She had been running on adrenaline so the pain wasn’t there before.

“Probably,” Sam said under her breath.

“Look, I did what I thought was best,” Jo said.

“I know,” Sam looked down at the floor.


“After seeing James, I know why you did it, here I thought you ran away from us to hurt us, but you hurt yourself more.” Sam said realizing that she had her best friend back.

“I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t ruin everyone’s lives again,” Jo said almost in a trance.

“I’ve missed you,” Sam said. Their eyes met and they came into a hug. Jo rested her chin on Sam’s head. It felt like she was a little girl, like they were in highschool and they would be walking to the river crying about stupid shit, important shit. Everything.

“If I could press rewind,” Jo said, looking over to where Zacky and James were deep in conversation.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been getting threats and well being told to get inspiration.
So here's an update.
Now people can stop sending me messages about updating on both msn and yahoo.
Dedicated to Roxy