
Bad Day

I watched my hand as it quickly tapped on my table. It’s 1:00 o’clock and I’m bored to death. Classes are so long here, wait no blocks are so long here. Why do they call these hour and a half long death sentences blocks? It makes me think of cells when I hear that word. Dark lonely, foreboding, cells. Cells without even the cobwebs to remind me that I’m not the only. I hear my breath quicken and start to tap faster.
Suddenly, there was a crash form across the room which freed me from my nightmarish daze.
I took a deep, steadying breath before twisting my torso around in my chair toward the spot where the noise came from. When I saw what had happened I felt a large smile spread across my face.
Looking over I saw my best friend Kevin. Kev was currently sprawled on the floor with a barely recognizable clay pot, one that the teacher had used to hold dipping water for the paint brushes. It’s was broken into several pieces and there was a purple puddle surrounding the shards. I looked back at Kevin as he stood up, his black curly hair was dripping purple water down his face.
I pressed my fist against my mouth to smother a giggle and nod thankfully at him, because Kevin is not a clumsy person. He must have look over at me and done the first thing he could to distract me. Kevin has been my friend since second grade when I fell off the monkey bars, it had rained a lot that morning and all the teachers told us to stay off of the bars because they were slippery. The thing was, my uncle had just taught me a new technique and I wanted to show all my friends. So I was half way though and cocky so I decided to jump the next bar, as luck would have it I slipped and fell into the largest puddle in the entire playground. Everyone was laughing at me as I stood up and tried to rub the mud of my butt, but I only succeeded in spreading it around. I was so humiliated that I ran into a tube slide and began to cry my eyes out. Then Kevin came over and offered me his hoodie. Kevin was tall for his age and liked big hoodies so it was big enough to cover the worst of the stains. We’ve been together ever since, and he’s always been very protective of me, even more so lately.
I shook my head and came back into the present. I could see Kevin’s lips twitching as he mumbled and stuttered his apologies to the teacher, trying to hold back a grin. Then as he turned around he managed to aim his dark blue eyes at me long enough to give me a sideways wink
I smiled again and tried to focus on my work. Ugh, we were doing self portraits again and this was a bad day. Any day where I have to look at myself of and extended period of time is a bad day.
Its not that I’m a hag or anything, sometimes I even like my face. I brushed back my long curly dark brown hair to get a better look at myself. I have round almond shaped light brown eyes, a decent nose, and red lips that are a bit to large and usually chapped. The rest is also pretty average about 5’5”, a little cubby, and badly coordinated.
I kept looking in the mirror. Ugh I could just see myself breaking out. I turned the mirror away in disgust and packed up all my things even though there was twenty minutes left of art. I looked at Mrs. Long until she met my gaze. I then, without breaking eye contact, lifted my back pack onto the table and rested my head on it. Mrs. Long understood, she was one of those teachers who knew art couldn’t happen if your truly into it. She considered me her best artist, so she just nodded with a what can you do expression on her face and returned to what she was doing. I just relaxed there for a moment before contemplating going to sleep then realizing that I already had.