Beautiful, Dirty, Rich



The Jonas family has just moved to the infamous Upper East Side. The two middle sons, Joseph and Nicholas, will be attending Constance Academy, a school where drinking wine at lunch is just another Wednesday.

Blair Waldorf is the Upper East Side's 'Queen Bee'. Being friends with her gives you the ultamite VIP pass to Fashion Week and the perfect revenge plot for your ex.

Chuck Bass is the Upper East Side's failure. The drinking, the drugs, the sex; he does it all. Being friends with him would give you a VIP pass to prison, if they had any.

Blair and Chuck; a match made from heaven.

That is, until Blair met Joe Jonas.

It started out as a game. Boy meets girl. Girl uses boy to make other boy jealous.

Simple, right?

Until Blair realizes that her games aren't so innocent anymore. Until she realizes she's digging herself into a hole with no way out.

Until she not only has to worry about her life, but the life of her unborn child.

Yup. Things just got a little more complicated.
  1. Prologue
    Standing underneath a tree in the middle of Central Park during a storm in the middle of the night was not the smartest this Blair Waldorf had done
  2. Let the Games Begin
    Blair stared at Joe. Even she had to admit, he was pretty attractive. She watched as he adjusted the bag on his shoulder. The sleeves to his shirt were rolled up to the elbows, so the veins in his muscular, tanned arm showed.
  3. Introductions
    “Don’t call me baby,” she gave him a satisfied smirk before sliding in next to Serena, slamming the door shut, leaving the boy on the steps, hot, bothered, and [i]very[/i] intrigued.
  4. Facebook and Kisses
  5. Drugs and Unfinished Questions