Puppy Love

Dog Park

Desiree’s POV

“Des? Coach says we’re going to cancel practice because someone rented our studio for some fundraising thing.” said my friend through speaker. I had just finished packing up my dance shoes and my tutu into my duffle bag.

“Are you serious Shelly?” I groaned. “Ok then, thanks for the notice” I said and hung up. I threw my duffle bag into the closet and ran down the stairs.

“Mom! There’s no practice today, I’m going out” I yelled grabbing my wallet from the counter and made my way to the door. My little brother, Jacob was leaning on the door with his full soccer uniform on. I made a face and pushed him out of my way.

“What are you doing in your uniform twerp? You’re supposed to walk Layla” I said.

“I have a soccer game today so that means you have to go walk her” Jacob said.

“What?! Ok fine, I’m just going to take her to Pink berry--” I said but I got cut off.

“You’re suppose to take Layla to the dog park stupid… it’s Wednesday and bring the little dog biscuits for her, she likes them and make sure she plays with this dog, it’s like her best friend and--” Jacob blabbered on.

“Yeah, yeah I know, ok, bye now before I kick you to your soccer field” I said. I glanced back at Layla lying on the couch. “Here Layla, come here girl” I cued. Layla ran to me and I took her leash and her bag of biscuits and headed my way toward the dog park.

Nick’s POV

“Come here Elvis!” I said as my big golden retriever pounced on me. “I’ve missed you boy, how about I walk you to the park and have some fun there?” I asked rubbing the back of his ears. Elvis barked and I grabbed his leash.

“Mom! I’ll be walking Elvis” I yelled over the counter.

“Ok be back by lunch” my mom said and we jogged our way to the park. As we headed toward the intersection, Elvis tugged my leash and headed to the opposite direction to where we were going to.

“Elvis, the park is this way where are you going?” I asked in confusion. As Elvis’s pace grew faster I saw the sign ahead of us.

Trenton Dog Park

“I didn’t know there was a dog park” I said and walked toward the park with Elvis tugging the leash hard. The park was full of dogs. Dogs of all shapes and size. Elvis barked a few times and I let his leash off and watched him run toward some dogs. I slowly walked behind him observing the park.

After awhile, Elvis came back to me and we played fetch. Then a golden retriever ran up to Elvis and licked him. I smiled.

"Is that a friend, buddy?" I asked.

Elvis barked and began chasing the dog. I sat under a nearby tree and slowly fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw Elvis on the other side of the field with the other dog and a girl.

Oh boy. I thought and ran toward Elvis. "Elvis! Come here boy" I shouted.

Desiree’s POV

When I let Layla off the leash, I let her play for a half an hour with other dogs while I read the new Seventeen magazine. When it was time I whistled 3 times. “Here Layla girl come here” I cued. Layla perked up and ran toward me holding a biscuit. Behind her was another adorable golden retriever. “Here you go girl” I said giving the biscuit to my hyper active dog. The dog next to her was whimpering and staring at my bag full of biscuits.

“Here boy” I said giving the dog a biscuit. Layla nudged the dog and they barked happily.

“Is this your little friend Layla?” I asked.

“Elvis! Why are you eating someone else’s food. That’s not polite” a boy said walking toward us.

“It’s no problem” I said eyeing the boy who was in a coat and wearing sunglasses. “You have a cute dog” I complimented.

“Thanks, you do too” he said. I smiled and petted Layla’s sleek coat. Then my phone rang with a text message.

From: Mom
To: Dezzy

I might not make it home, can you make lunch? I still have to run a lot of errands later. bye, don’t worry I have Jacob with me. Just make enough lunch for you and layla.

Love you, mom


I rolled my eyes, my mom is into texting now and its kind of creepy. I looked at the dog named Elvis and the boy and smiled. “Sorry but we have to leave, I guess we’ll see you again.” I said. I tugged on Layla’s leash. “come on girl, it’s time for lunch. Bye boys” I said.

“Bye” said the boy and tugged on his dog’s leash. But the dog wouldn’t budge. “We’ll come back tomorrow Elvis ok?” with those words, they left.

I bent down to tie my shoe laces and I saw Layla staring at where the boy and the dog left. “Layla, I see you have a crush don’t you girl?” I said rubbing her head. Layla barked and we headed home. Truth is I don’t really know how Layla felt about that dog. I think she’s in love.
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It's another new story! Also... another joint story with Simple_Reason. We had a joke about this and now it's a story. We hope you enjoy this story.

Please comment and subscirbe and share!

- Rina