Puppy Love

Making a Sacrafice

I shut the door and walked down to the basement and let the puppies out of the bag.
“Good morning you cutie pies!” I said making a face at them. I stood there thinking for a moment. “What am I suppose to do again?” I thought. Suddenly I smelled a stench coming from the pups. I looked down and stared at the forming puddle on my favorite chic faux leopard rug.
“Oh no you didn’t” I screamed and kicked the puppy out of the way.
“Baby are you ok?!” I shrieked grabbing towels to clean up the mess.
As I was cleaning the mess the pups huddled to the corner and sniffed around my newly remodeled basement. What do I do now? I thought. I haven’t thought this far yet. This reminds me of the 101 Dalmatians I thought. I turned on the TV and the pups sat down obediently in front of the screen just like the 101 Dalmatians. I let out a huge laugh and walked back up to my kitchen.
“That’ll keep them busy for now” I mumbled and made myself a sandwich.
When we got to Destiny’s house, we quickly got out of the car and rushed to her door.
“Wait” Desiree called from behind me.
“What” Joe said impatiently.
“We shouldn’t all go get her at the same time.” She said looking at me.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“ Nick, you should go talk to her and Joe and I will go find out where the puppies are.” She replied.
“Ok then.” I said and I headed toward Destiny’s door. I turned my head back to watch Desiree and Joe sneak to her backyard.
I gulped and pressed the door bell. There was loud shuffling noise and Destiny opened the door with a sandwich in her hand. She had an annoyed face on and when she looked at me, her face brightened.
“NICKY!” she screamed and threw herself on me. I took a step back to prevent me from falling.
“Hi.” I said patting her awkwardly.
“What are you doing here?” she said twirling her hair and leaning on the door sill.
I took a peek in to listen for any weird noises or any puppy whining noises. “Um, nothing, just stopping by to ask if you’ve seen any puppies lost.” I said peering into the house a little more.
Her hands touched my chest and looked me in the eye and gave the most fakest gasp I’ve ever heard. “Oh my, you lost your puppies? I am so sorry. I’ll help you find the puppies if you want to. We’ll make an awesome team.” She said giving me a flirty wink.
“Ha” I said and I heard some awkward dog wailing noises. “What is that?” I asked.
Destiny turned around and smiled back at me. “Oh it’s just the TV, I was watching the 101 Dalmations.” She said smiling sheepishly. “Want to join me?” she asked.
“I thought you hated dogs.” I said looking at her weirdly.
She let out a shriek of laughter and giggled at me. “That is the silliest thing I’ve ever heard you say! I absolutely adore puppies!” she said smiling.
“May I come in?” I asked.
“Of course!” she said dragging me in. She pushed me into the couch and smiled and scooted toward me.
“Have you missed me?” she said leaning her head on my shoulder. I quickly shrugged her off and sat straight.
“I’ve been doing well” I replied and gave a weak smile.
“Are you with that slut bag?” she said scrunching up her face.
“Um, no.” I said looking at her.
“Oh! I see” she said giggling and looking me in the eyes. “I think…” she said trailing off “That we should get back together.”
“I don’t.” I mumbled.
“What?!” she said loudly looking at me. “WE were perfect! Couldn’t you see?! Nestiny, the most popular couple out in the celebrity world.” She said.
My pocket vibrated and I took my cell phone out. “Excuse me” I said and I walked to the bathroom and read the text.

From Joe
To Nick:
Dude, the puppies r in da basement. We cant get in so make lyk a distrashun n me n des will go in the front 2 da basement. K? we’ll come in like in 3 min. latrs bye
I sighed and I went over to Destiny. “Hey,” I gulped. “Do you want to go get some icecream or something?” I asked.
“Oh!” she shrieked. “That’d be great! But I can’t I have some stuff to do.” She said. “Next time?”
“Uh,” I said panicking when I saw Des and Joe in the front porch window. “Do you need some help?” I asked quickly.
“Not really” she said looking around the kitchen for something.
“What are you looking for?” I asked. Joe and Des slowly opened the front door and peeked in.
“Oh, I don’t know I think it was a letter I was suppose to mail…” she said trailing off. Joe and Des looked at me panicking and they were slowly walking across the living room.
“I think it’s in the living room.” She said turning around.
“Destiny!” I yelled and I kissed her. I saw Desiree’s jaw drop and Joe nudged her to quickly go.
My eyes were saying “Sorry” and I hoped she could read it.
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hi guys
sorry i havent updated in forever. I've been super busy and I'm sorry if i lost my writing skills. The past months i have been writing essays so sorry if like some formats are changed xp. anyways comment and subscribe (:

-rina (: