Puppy Love

Missng Dogs

I was woken up by my cell phone vibrating in my hand, I rolled over on my side and checked the caller I.D. ‘Shelby'. I groan and reluctantly answered my phone.

“Hello?” I asked groggily, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

“Hey Dezzy, coach has the flu so practice is cancelled again.” Shelby said.
I groaned. “I should have seen this, ok well thanks for the news, I’m gonna try and sleep again.” I said as I checked the clock- 11:45 a.m.

Shelby and I said good bye, and I rolled back over on my stomach hoping to catch a few more Z’s. After 15 minutes of no success I got woken up yet again by Jacob, he said something about he had another game.

After he left my room I got up and got dressed in to one of my favorite outifts. A simple, yet cute outfit from Aeropastale. I walked downstairs and got a blueberry muffin. I walked into the living room and saw Layla laying on the couch, she saw me and quickly got off. She ran upstairs somewhere and returned with a leash, I should’ve known.

“Do you wanna go see your boyfriend Layla?” I asked making a kissy face.
In reply Layla barked, her tail moving 50 miles a second.

“You don’t hide it do you Layla?” I mumbled, clipping the leash to her dog collar.

Layla pulled me out of the house and halfway to the dog park. Once we reached the dog park I guess she smelt his sent because she took off running towards the tree I was sitting at yesterday. Sure enough at the tree were Layla’s friend, and his owner.

“Hey.” I said to the boy as I unclipped Layla, letting her and her friend, Elvis, run around and play.

“Long time no see.” The boy said sitting down at the base of the tree, I soon joined him.
The boy and I talked for a while; I found out that his name was Nick.

“You’ve been to Europe?” I exclaimed, Nick just nodded smiling. “Lucky.”

“Well I didn’t really get to site see; we had to move from city to city.” He said looking up at the tree, then at me. His smile was so addicting, every time he smiled I smiled. Even though he covered his eyes, and his hair I still thought he was extremely cute.

“Hey can I ask you a question?” I asked, Nick nodded. “Why do you cover your eyes, clothes, and hair up?”

Nick turned pale, then grabbed his pocket. He pulled out his phone, that’s when I could hear it vibrate.

“Hello?-OK, I’ll be home soon. I just need to get Elvis then I’ll be on my way home.-Love you to, bye.”

“It was nice talking to you, but my girlish-friend is at my house, so I got to go.” Nick said as he looked around for the pair of golden’s. “Hey, where are our dogs?” He asked still searching the area.

I looked around to. “I don’t know, but let’s go find them.” I said taking off towards the closet exit.

“Where would they be?” Nick asked as we ran down the street.

I thought about this. “Maybe they went to my house, I live right down the block”. I said as my pace got faster.

“Ok well check there then my house, I live two block from here.” Nick stated following me around a corner which would reveal my house. I ran into the backyard calling Layla’s name, she wasn’t there. “Your house.” I said as I began to run again.

Nick ran in front of me as I followed him to his house, he didn’t live that far from me. We jumped his fence not bothering to wait for the gate to open, Nick helped me as I jumped. He never let go of my hand as I jumped down, I felt something spark on my hand, but I shrugged it off to paint chipping onto my hand.

We ran towards the backyard, I skidded to a stop as I saw Elvis latch onto my dogs back.
“Layla!” I yelled running up to her, trying to push the male dog off of her. “Get your dog off of
Layla!” I commanded, Nick walked over and grabbed Elvis and held him by his collar.

After we got our dogs back on their leashes Nick was the first to speak. “Looks like we got here at the right time, huh? Plus no wonder their such good friends.” Nick said chuckling a little.

I didn’t find these very funny. “Well I think it’s time for Layla and I to go home, where she can’t get doggie rapped.” I said walking towards the entrance.

<<<4 Days Later>>>

I was currently at the Vet, ever since that day at the park Layla has been sick, and out of energy. I looked up as the vet came in.

“Well we know what is wrong with Layla.” The doctor said looking over his results.

“And?” My mother said taking her check book out.

“Young Layla is pregnant.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter written by: Simple_Reason.
Comments, Yes?



{p.s.}This story really was a joke, weird way to meet Nick Jonas.