Puppy Love

Expect the Unexpecd

“No, no, no doctor you must be wrong. Our Layla hasn’t been in any physical connection with any male dogs.” My mom said.

I sat there thinking. Guy dogs, guy dogs, it’s not like a guy dog would jump over our fence and have fun with Layla. Guy dogs, friends… friends. “ELVIS!” I shouted with a pissed off tone.

“Elvis?” asked my mom laughing. “Are you ok? Elvis was a singer from my time.”

I shook my head. “You don’t understand, I know who the “dad” is here” I said. “Mom, I’m going to take her for a quick walk for fresh air.” I said.

My mom nodded, “ ok, be back by dinner though. Don’t get her tired ok?”

I nodded and stormed my way to Nick’s house.

Nick’s House

“Mom, I’m taking Elvis for a walk” I said as I clipped the leash to Elvis’s collar. I opened the door to find Desiree and Layla standing there. Desiree didn’t look too happy because she had this pissed face.

“Hello, In- Law” she said smirking an evil grin at me.

I was confused. “Um, what? In- Law? Are you talking to me?” I asked.

“No... of course you! My dog lost her virginity to your mutt” she yelled at me.

“Uhh” I said blankly.

“My Layla is pregnant with you dog’s puppies” she said.

I looked at Elvis in disbelief “Elvis! Are you the daddy?” I asked. Elvis barked two times and went to Layla and licked her a few times.

“Oh, I’m sorry” I grinned. “I guess that would be cute, puppies”

“You MISTER are going to have to pay for the puppies’ bills” she said harshly poking me on the chest.

“Why me?” I asked.

“Your dog raped my dog! ARGH” she was fuming mad.

“I’m sorry they didn’t invent doggy condemns” I muttered.

“What? You think this is funny? My dog is hauling your dog’s babies” she said.

“Fine” I grumbled. We let our dogs together while we further discussed the whole plan.

“So what are we going to do with the babies?” I asked looking at her.

“I don’t know! Keep them?!” she asked biting her lip.

“Well we can’t keep all of the babies!” I yelled. “We have to sell some of them”

“Well they are not just your babies! They are mine too!” she yelled back.

“What in the world is going on?” my mom asked coming out of the door to the lawn where we were standing. “I heard babies and pregnant and rape… Nicholas what did you do to this young girl?” she demanded.

“Mom,” I fumbled blushing slightly “Let me explain, it was an accident and I accidently-”


Desiree’s face was speechless as she stared at me then at my mom.

“Jonas?” she squeaked. My face went pale. Uh oh she found out that I’m a Jonas.

“Honey, I’m sorry what my son has done to you. We’ll pay for all the medical bills we promise. I never knew my son would do such things. Let me fully introduce myself. I’m Denise Jonas” my mom said extending her hand.

Desiree blushed real hard and shook my mom’s hands. “ Um Mrs. Jonas, uh Denise, I’m Desiree and you have it all wrong… I wasn’t um raped by your son our like any physical thingy… you see its my dog and your son’s do who did it like umm a week ago? And my dog is pregnant with his dog’s puppies. And I’m just mad because this isn’t supposed to be happening and I can’t pay for all the bills.” She said biting her lips.

Denise blushed too and patted Nick on the back. “I knew that, ha, ha. Elvis, how could you? Desiree? We’ll be sure to pay for your bills. And we’re sorry” she said.

Desiree nodded. “It’s ok, I have to get going and I’m sorry” she said.

My mom nodded and headed back home.

“You’re Nick Jonas! Why didn’t you tell me?!” she demanded when my mom left.

“Because, if I told you, you might go around telling other people” I said in a calm tone.

“OH so you don’t trust me huh?” she asked. Right then my girlfriend came by.

“Nicky! Love I miss you!” said Destiny. She covered me in kisses while Desiree stood there looking at me in disbelief. “Who is this girl?” asked Destiny in a whiny tone.

“No one babe, its just the owner of Elvis’s wife” I said chuckling.

Destiny looked at Elvis and shook a finger at him “Why do you go for such an ugly looking dog? You should go for a prettier golden retriever!” she said.

Desiree’s jaw dropped “Look at yourself honey, I don’t see a difference, and you’re a bitch yourself”

“Nicky! She called me a bitch!” Destiny said wrapping her arms around me and pouting..

“Destiny go inside for now, please? I’ll be there in a minute” I said. she nodded and gave an evil smile to Desiree.

“I’m sorry, she can be kind of snotty and stuff” I said shuffling my shoes on the grass.

“Yeah” Desiree scoffed and started to walk away “I didn’t know that you go for that kind of species of girls. Things never surprise me.” she said walking away.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I seriously don’t know why I was the boyfriend of an obnoxious girlfriend. I sighed a second time and headed to my house.
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Lalalala yay another chapter, now its simple_reason's turn hehehehe

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