Puppy Love

The Trouble With Girlfriends

*Nick's Pos*

After Des and Lola left I sighed and walked back inside to my 'girlfriend'. Des was right, i have no idea why I'm dating Destiny. Sure Destiny is beautiful, but she was a snob, and I'm sure a slut at times too.

I walked into the living room to see Destiny, or as Joe likes to call her ' Miley Junior', M.J. for short. Sprawled out on the floor. I rolled my eyes seeing that she was wearing a skirt, so I knew she was doing this to try and get some action from my brothers or I.

"Destiny will you please sit up, and close your legs. You look like a Freakin slut.'

Destiny scoffed and jumped on the couch, and threw a pillow over her face. I could tell she was pretending to cry. I honestly didn't care that she was crying but she would've told my mother what I did if I didn't find a way to make it up to her.

'I'm sorry about calling you a freakin slut, I didn't mean it. What can I do to make it up to you?" I asked as I knelt down beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Destiny stopped pretending to cry, and moved the pillow of of her face. I could see her perfect teeth, and beautiful eyes looking pleased at me.

"Shopping?" She said cheerly.

I sighed knowing that I didn't have another option. "OK."

Destiny clapped and giggled as we got up, and laced our fingers together as she pulled me to the door.

"Oh wait" M.J. started, she was standing out side of my car now. "I don't have any money. Nicky?" She had her hands tied together swaying back and forth slightly. Her eyes batting, and her smile has sweet as ever.

I rubbed the back of my neck with my left hand and stared at the ground. I really didn't want to spend my money on her, so I made up a lie.

"I-I don't have any." I lied, thank goodness I can act. Oh wait, I'm dealing with the devil's spawn, she can see right through me!

Destiny folded her arms to her chest, a mad expression was glaring at me. "Nick Jonas you are a freakin rock star, you can afford to spend 500 dollars on me today."

I gapped at her. "5-5-500 dollars, today?" I picked my jaw that had dropped on the floor, never ever would I spend that much money in this girl.

"Yes 500, you called me a 'freakin slut'. Plus you had that real slut over at your house, so I assume you are cheating on me. Good thing I'm such a good girlfriend and didn't break up with you, so that's why your spending 500 dollars on me." Destiny said her head cocked to one side, a look of pure bitchiness all over her face.

"You a good girlfriend, ha ha don't make me laugh. You are the worst girlfriend I have ever had, you should be happy I didn't break up with you!" I said pointing at her.

I looked at Destiny and saw real tears running down her face, guilt ran though my veins. I walked over to her and engulfed her in a hug, letting her cry onto my shoulder. "Destiny I am so sorry, I didn't mean that. Really I didn't, I've had worse girlfriends then you. I'm just stressed out from all of the things that have been happening lately, I really didn't mean any of that."

"I'm sorry that you feel that way, I know I'm a good girlfriend. I just don't know why you treat me so badly, I haven't used you, but I feel like you are using me." Destiny sobbed.

I bit my tongue, so many things she just said were so wrong. But instead I was being the mature gentleman and let her have her way. "Lets go to the mall now."

Destiny smiled up at me, her smile made me smile, gosh I'm in a love hate relationship with this girl. I can't stand the way she acts towards my brothers and my friends, and the way she gets everything she wants from me. I've seen her with anther boy, but I didn't say anything. But on the other hand I love her. The way she cares for me, the way she laughs makes me laugh. And don't get me started on her smile and eyes. I want to breakup with her, but I don't.

<<<Fast Forward>>>

Destiny and I were in my room just hanging out. Well I was trying to watch a movie while Miley junior was trying to seduce me, and I have to say it was pretty hilarious. Wall E had just rolled over his little bug friend when I heard a knock down stairs. Since Destiny and I were the only one home I went to go open the door.

"Hello?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Hey Jonas, is it OK if Layla plays with Elvis. She wont stop barking and nudging me, so I figured this is where she wants to be."

I looked at Layla and her tail was moving. "Sure." I said chuckling a little.

I walked over towards the backyard and let Elvis in, he and Layla dogie kissed and laid down in the kitchen together.

"Ahem?" I heard Destiny's voice hum from the stair case. "Oh look watch the street corner dragged in, a slut and her mutt."

I looked at Desiree to see how she would react. "Street corner, thats a good one. But whats even funner is how your skirt is caught up under your granny panties."

Destiny turned her head and looked towards her bottom. She snapped her body around and I saw her Barbie underwear. Her skirt was up over the elastic part of her underwear exposing her 5 year old obsession.

I busted out laughing, my sides starting to hurt.

"Nick make her leave!" Destiny whined, her hand digging to pull her skirt down again.

"I don't have to leave!" Desiree said back to M.J.. Dess's face turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

"NICKY!!" Destiny yelled.

I had enough of her for one day, so I did what I've been wanting to do all day. "Destiny, I think it's time for you to leave. Goodbye baby."

Destiny pouted and walked out of the door, slamming it behind her.

"Wow, I guess all Destiny's are all bitches." Desiree said, causing me to think about my other ex 'Destiny Hope Cyrus'. I busted out laughing again, giving Des a high five.

She doesn't know how true she is.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was by:: Simple_Reason
*applause applause*

So I actually liked writing this chapter, I enjoyed it a lot. Leave us a comment telling us if you liked it as well, or if you have any suggestion about this story. It would mean a lot to both of us!!

Thanks for reading,