Puppy Love

I Guess You Call It Hanging Out


“Layla girl where are you?” I cued as I went to the kitchen. I heard a little dog bark and I looked under the table and Elvis and Layla were cuddled next to each other. “Hey girl you ready to go home?” I asked patting my thighs.

“You barely came, let them hang for a bit.” said Nick coming in. He reached into the fridge and reached for a Diet coke and flashed me a smile. “You want a diet coke or something else?” he asked.

“Diet coke is fine.” I said stuffing my hands into my pockets. He threw me the can and he walked out to the living room. I followed him and sat down as he turned on the music system.

I opened my diet coke and stared at him and smiled. “So how long have you lived here?” I asked.

“A few years,” he leaned closer to me. “How about you?”

“I lived here my whole life,” I said sipping my diet coke. He raised his eyebrow. “I’ve never seen you before though, and I don’t think I would ever miss you in this town.” He said grinning.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. “Well, I don’t think that I would miss your huge fro from across three blocks from here.” I snapped back.

“Hey! I got my hair cut so it’s not a huge fro anymore.” He said smoothing out his hair.

“Nick, get me my powerade please?” said a voice.

I turned around just in time to see THE Joe Jonas flip his hair and swing his jacket to his back while walking through the front door. My jaw dropped as he took of his sunglasses and just at the same time Nick looked at me and at Joe and frowned. Before he could say anything I jumped up and ran to Joe.

“Oh My God, you are Joe Jonas!” I screeched right into his face. I tackled him in a hug and squeezed him. “I’m such a big fan of yours and you looks so cute like that earlier! You should be a model!” I said.

Joe looked down at me and mouthed to Nick. “Who is she?” he mouthed. I grinned and let him go as Nick came by my side.

“This is our um, in-law, Desiree. Elvis’s girlfriend’s owner.” Said Nick.

Joe nodded and smiled. “Nice to meet you I guess you already know who I am.” Joe shuffled his shoes and looked at Nick and said, “Well, Um I have to go do stuff in my room that I usually do that you don’t know…”

I looked at Nick and grinned. “I’m sorry but I get star struck easily.”

“Well how about me?” I heard him mumble as he made his way to the couch where Elvis and Layla had just trotted in.

“What?” I asked to make sure I heard what I heard.

“Oh nothing.” He said putting on a fake smile.

“Oh, ok.” I said as I put my hand down to pet Elvis on the head. “You’re a cutie aren’t you?” I cued.

Nick smiled and brushed my shoulder with his hand which sent shivers down my back. “What was that for?” I asked.

“You had dog fur all over your shoulders.” He said showing the fur on his hand. I blushed and patted my other shoulder. “Um, Thanks I guess.”

Elvis came in with his leash and circled us while we discussed about our Opinions of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.

“Paris Hilton controls herself more than Britney.” I said even though it’s not really true. But the truth is that I love debating.

“You wish, like going out to parties.” He said rolling his eyes and waving his arms up in the sky.

“Ha, why are we even talking about this?” I asked laughing.

“You started it.” He insisted.

“No I didn’t!” I said and giggled and a spontaneous little snort came out. I quickly covered my mouth and started choking on my laughter as Nick tried to pry my hands open from my mouth.

“What’s wrong? I think that snort sounded cute if that’s what’s bothering you.” He said grinning.

I let go of my hand and blushed really hard and just at the same time Layla barked really loud which made me look behind Nick’s shoulder. Just then Elvis tugged on the leash and Nick fell on me and I fell on the couch. I looked up at him blankly and started breathing fast and I felt my heart bursting from my skin as I noticed that I was only an inch away from his face.

“You have beautiful eyes.” Nick murmured.

Nick also had a blank face and within a minute he snapped back and tried to get up but he found our legs tied together.

“Ok, so our legs are tied and-” he looked around the living room. “And our dogs disappeared again.”

I slightly pushed him off of me but we ended up falling onto the floor. “Great, I hope your dog wasn’t planning this so they can have some more fun.” I muttered,

“I think Elvis had enough fun. Maybe they set this up.” He said trying to sit up and untying the leash.

I thought and I glared at him. “Or maybe you set this up!” I said.


I smiled at her and then shook my head violently “No, this is totally not my idea. I have a girlfriend and I wouldn’t do this.” I said very carefully. I didn’t want to make her think that I really liked Desi—I mean Destiny. Oh, boy I got them confused already. I shook my head a final time and tried to untie the leash.

Desiree peered at the consecutive knots that Elvis had made. “Wow, where did you send your dog to? Tie- A- Knot camp?” she laughed.

I chuckled and replied. “You wish, I have no idea how he did this.”

“Let me help,” Desiree chimed and I felt her warm soft hands over mine and quickly and swiftly untied the knots. I looked at her in astonishment and she rolled her eyes.

“Either I am good at untying knots or you were trying to lag time.” She said grinning. She got up and stretched her legs and went out the backyard.

I got up to follow her and I heard her yell. “NICHOLAS YOUR DOG IS RAPING MY DOG AGAIN!”

I jumped and ran to her side to see what was really going on. Instead I saw Elvis and Layla cuddling together in a deep sleep. I looked at Desiree who was covering her mouth in a laughter of giggles and turned around.

“Just Kidding Jonas.” She said grinning.

I tickled her and smiled back, “ I knew it wasn’t true.”

She got away from me and clipped her leash to Layla’s collar.

“I have to go back for dinner, I’ll see you soon.” She said smiling.

Me and Elvis followed them to the door and said goodbye. As they left I looked down at Elvis.

“They are amazing girls aren’t they boy?” I asked. Elvis barked in response and wagged his tail. I smiled and headed back to the living room to watch the final half of the baseball game I missed to spend time with Desiree.
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Next chapter =D please comment and subscribe ... LOVE YOU!

Chapter by: Justadork

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